Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Wednesday Flash/Breaking News Exclusive: Sports Anchor/Reporter Kylen Mills OUT at KRON; Update: Mills Says It Was Her Choice To Leave KRON; Offered Renewal But Declined

MY KRON SPY sends me a shocker, sort of...

After only a few years at the studios, sports anchor/reporter, Kylen Mills is OUT.

KRON did not renew her contract and an internal e-mail was sent out late Tuesday night.

A few KRONvicts referred to Ms. Mills as a station "mean girl." I beg to differ but that's just me.

From all accounts, she was regarded as an emerging star with a national pedigree. KRON obviously begged to differ.

Mills will resurface somewhere soon, maybe even nationally.

Stay tuned.


Mills, through a source, says it was her choice to leave KRON.

UPDATE 2 3: 34 PM PT: Ms. Mills's agent said to me that Mills left on her own accord and that she turned down an offer from KRON. I reached out to KRON for a comment and await their response, if they're inclined.

415 Media stands by story.


  1. Really going to miss her. Oh wait, never heard of her.

    1. Thats pretty much how I feel about Pat Thurston, Nikki Medoro, et al

    2. Exactly. Her agent is full of shit. She wasn't renewed plain and simple. It wasn't her choice. She has a husband who works in SF so she has to stay. She just thought she was worth more money and the reality is she isn't. Brutal way to learn.

  2. Once he learns how to correctly pronounce known athletes' names, maybe KRON can hire Jesse Gary, KTVU's sports anchor extraordinaire.

  3. I thought Kylen did a good job. Her husband is Charlie Walter, the KPIX sports anchor

    1. @9:06- Wait, is Charlie Walter her husband or is it the other female reporter from KRON? I get her and Kylen Mills confused.

    2. Kate Rooney is married to someone else.

    3. @1:12- Oh ok, thanks for the heads up!

  4. How can you know she wasn't a "mean girl" when you never worked with her?

    1. I work with her. Definitely a Mean Girl. Toxic in fact.

    2. 10:35 AM Haven't you heard? Rich has Spies. Lots of them.
      I get the impression most Bay Area Media Spies seek HIM out, vs the other way around. They figure Rich's blog is one way they can communicate with the public uninhibited, unfettered. Unafraid.

    3. She is definitely a mean girl

    4. I work with her and she’s always smiling when I see her. Lot of angry people on this blog

    5. Sorry, I think you're confused. That’s not a smile, it’s a resting b$#ch face.

    6. @7:26 @12:36- Looks like you both have differing views on Kylen Mills. She may be one of those people where it depends on who you ask how they feel about her, if it's not a universal feeling one way or another way about her from people who worked with her.

      Based on what I hear from her when she comes on 95.7, she comes off kind of bitchy, even when she's not talking shit about her husband Charlie Walter and just talking sports. I've noticed 95.7 hasn't had her on that much recently. It was kind of bad radio, especially since Charlie Walter is on 95.7 at least once a week. Who wants to hear a host get chewed out by his wife every week.

      But yes, I think I agree with 7:26 about how she may be at the workplace.

  5. Gary Radnich was the best, long time ago.

  6. Can they dump Darya? That would be nice.

    1. KRON's morning team would be perfect w/o her.

  7. KRON sucks. She was a rising star

    1. She should do well. She has the right gender and complexion for sports reporting.

  8. Instead of Kylen Mills KRON should have fired their sports anchor Jason Dumas AKA Jason Dumbass. During each of his sports reports Dumas invariably mispronounces an athletes last name, gives the score backwards Giants 1 Atlanta 5 & has this annoying habit of constantly rubbing his hands while on air. Since arriving at KRON 4 in Sept 2018 one would hope after 4 years Dumas AKA Dumbass would finally show substantial improvement in his sports presentation but it is just as bad as ever! What an Abomination!
    Rich: You absolutely have the Best Media Blog in the Entire West Coast!

    1. Jason sounds like the type to give a score saying UCLA was involved in a defensive struggle vs. Sacramento score SacState 7, UCLA 56.

  9. She did not leave on her own. Her contract wasn't renewed because she was not well liked at KRON. Maybe hubby has a job for her a PIX? Watch your back Vern!

    1. Jesus can you imagine how hateful and entitled she'd be working with her husband? I can't imagine PIX would sign up for that.

    2. I’m pretty sure managers don’t renew contracts based on employee popularity, or some others at the station would have been dumped a long time ago. Kylen had talent going for her at least

    3. @7:28- She doesn't respect him. Whenever 95.7 has her on when her husband Charlie Walter is hosting a show, during the interview she always talks shit about him and basically mentions whenever he messes up or makes boneheaded mistakes, like losing his wallet or accidentally leaving his car keys somewhere. She embarrasses him on air and makes Charlie Walter seem like an idiot. Kind of hard to respect women who do that to their men, even if the guy may be a bonehead at times. Don't put that business out there on the street like that.

      It's almost like, why did she marry him then if he was such an idiot/bonehead?

    4. @Otis. What 1950s tv show did you just walk out of. This is what makes it hard to respect women? Fuck you. Statements like THAT make it hard for women. Fuck you. It’s banter in an industry they both work in. Also fuck you. Enjoy your jergens tonight

    5. @8:05- Is this Kylen or Charlie Walter? LOL.... First off, I didn't say all women, I just said women like her. If it was the other way around, I would still feel the same way. No one should be verbally humiliated on air.... Plus, I was adding to the sentiment of how Kylen appears to be a mean girl.

      Not sure how that touched a nerve and how what I said sounds like something from the 1950's, but ok whatever. Sorry I offended you... So you're for women verbally humiliating their men on air? Ok, got it.

      As far as that being banter, not sure you heard how bad Kylen humiliated Charlie on air. It was more than just what I mentioned earlier. Were they joking a little bit and maybe Kylen laid some things on a little thick? Sure yeah maybe, but she went in on Charlie and made him seem like a total bonehead. It just wasn't necessary.

      I won't stoop to your level and yell obscenities back to you but have a nice night.

  10. Kylen has recently joined the Locked On Warrior's podcast available on Youtube

    1. So what does she know about the Dubs & NBA basketball? I bet she brings a lot to that podcast. "Steph shoots long range 3's really well." "The Warriors play much better defense when Draymond is on the court."

  11. You gotta flip it up, smack it, and rub it down.

  12. Huge smooch sound.

    Rich's nose is so far up her ass I can't tell where Kylen ends and Rich begins.

  13. Did Kpix 5 remove the sports at 6pm since the anchor change?

    1. It’s there at 7pm but what did you think of Ryan Yamamoto yesterday? He is a bad anchor and he does have some sports experience, probably think he did worse

  14. So is CNBC Kate Rooney taking KM spot?

  15. I love how she's wearing (fake) leather pants on her Twitter pic.

    She's really qualified for the gig.

  16. @9:01: FACTS! I saw Jesse Gary one night and he was the absolute worst.

    1. I echo that sentiment. It’s hard to listen to a sports report from a guy who you know damn well has absolutely zero knowledge of/interest in sports.

  17. Notice how the agent says she turned down an offer, and not what it was. Prob a drop in salary with an addendum, “Mean girl, don’t let that door hit yo ass on the way out. Love, KRON.”

    1. She’s literally on a national broadcast for a soccer game this week. And she played in college. But yeah, you know what you’re talking about

    2. @ 8:07 PM thanks for the update Kylen and Charlie

    3. Salty…. LMAO. I’d probably be mean to you too. You seem like you somewhat suck as a human.

  18. Maybe Kylen is heading over to KTVU. Just a thought and can replace Jessie Gary as sports reporter...

    1. A friend who now works for ktvu told me that the assistant ND sent around an email to field reporters recently asking for volunteers to do Friday and Saturday night sports.
      Remember the ktvu mantra under their current regime is that any warm body can do any job. Which explains why the likes of Jessie Gary, Christin Kafton and Jana Katsuyma have all anchored sports since Ibanez was shown the door.

    2. I want to see Julie Haener anchor the sports desk after a Fresno State Bulldogs football game. Julie! Julie! = ) Lol

  19. Sort of picturing KRON’s “negotiations” with Kylen, in her fake leather pants, going down like that scene in Elf at the board room table.

    Kylen: “Call me mean girl one more time!”

    KRON: “Ohhh, she’s an ANGRY mean girl!”

  20. Kylen has new videos up on YouTube. She is looking for a job. Good scooping Richie

    1. Anyone lookin for a better job in the industry puts their work online. I don’t know if you know this or not, but no sportscasters end goal is to work in KRONs sports department. People want regional or national networks.

    2. Richie keep us posted
