Wednesday, August 17, 2022

KCBS (Audacy) Cuts Jobs: Kevin Radich and Rebecca Corral OUT at 740 AM

OUT: Sports anchor (PM) Kevin Radich and midday news anchor, Rebecca Corral.

Audacy has been slashing positions all over its stations across the US; SF got its shares today (Wednesday).

I'm told more layoffs are coming.


  1. Boom! Outta here... No one will miss Kevin. Who listens to KCBS for sports anyway? Time to retire Rat!

    1. You find it funny when someone loses their job. Please seek professional help.

    2. Your comment conflicts with your political statements on here Ron Jeremy.

    3. No, I find it funny that people like you with sophmoric handles defend someone who has zero passion for sports and has been mailing it in for over 2 years. Just because he and his wife thought they were "safe" because of seniority learned a hard lesson... business is business. Do better weakling!

    4. KCBS AM 740 the 24 hour news and information station in San Francisco California.

  2. It makes sense to hub it out of Los Angeles because of the "unique" labor issues at KCBS. Just like every other station in the BA, KCBS is staffed with a bunch of fragile flowers that impede the on-air product. That won't happen in L.A. Plus the available, willing and more professional pool of tech and on-air is much larger. Keep a sales weasel and 3 reporters in the BA...and run the rest out of KNX. KNX already runs all the KCBS reports anyway 1000 time a day.

    1. EatNews…you have no clue as to what you’re talking about. Why would KCBS have services provided by KNX when you point out KNX gets a lot of its material from KCBS? And what is KCBS’ “unique labor situation”?

    2. @9:45 Hubbing KCBS at KNX would save money...but you already knew that. KNX is also NOT a Montessori preschool like KCBS is.
      But you knew that why ask?

    3. It’s KCBS that runs KNX stories. KNX’s ND is former KGO Assistant ND Julie Chin. She’s a total pro.

  3. Now Rebecca Corral has all the time in the world to take care of her parents without distractions, however I'm sure she'd rather stay with KCBS and get paid for taking time off.

    1. No they can stop saying in for RC that was said for months.

  4. Way to treat a Bay Area Radio Hall of Famer . . . Didn't know The Rat is married to Kim Wonderley.

    1. You must not have heard all those mattress ads where she explains how she and Kevin can each program half the bed to suit their own firmness preferences. Which doesn't mean they're married, of course, maybe they're just sharing a mattress.

    2. 5:52 AM You're right, I didn't hear the ads because I don't listen to KCBS.

  5. The radio in my car could break and I wouldn't know it for months. My entertainment system in my home has a radio (supposedly), but I'm not even sure I know how to turn it on, or if there's an antenna plugged into the back.

  6. Kevin's a nice guy but he'd been mailing it in since COVID began. If anything he should feel fortunate he was able to work from home having to do little to no work with the silly sports segments that don't even qualify as "updates" but that part wasn't his fault. Like they say, he rode the gravy train as long as he could. Happy Trails Rat

  7. As one gets older, one notices that older folks get shuffled aside for younger - less expensive - employees. This is the way it has been for time immemorial. As people get into their mid 40’s they start to ask themselves “do I really want to do this “stuff” the rest of my life?” Sometimes you get shackled by the “golden handcuffs” (pension requirements), sometimes you are done in by gray hair. Getting laid off is no fun, but sooner or later the axe of management falls on everyone. Moral of the story: do what you love to do and try to be your own Boss. (When that Boss gets weird, you’re in trouble). NEXT

  8. I guess this means more Eric Thomas and Alisa Clancy. They should push more Keith Menconi.

  9. Maybe if Radich had as much passion for actual sports as he has for bashing Trump he could get a job at KNBR.

    1. Rat used to work at KNBR. In fact he's been at KNBR, KCBS, and KGO.

    2. He bashed Trump? On the personality-starved KCBS?Suddenly, I’m his biggest fan.

  10. Any cuts coming to "The Game"?. I did notice that Audacy's "all sports" stations in Las Vegas & Milwaukee cut their on-air staff and went to "CBS Sports Radio" programming. I could see that happening here.

    1. Rumor is the ax will fall soon on "The Game". Guru, Ratto, Damon Bruce, Mark Willard and the gang will all be out of jobs soon. Good riddance!

    2. That would be a major improvement although the schtick of Dan Patrick and Rich Eisen may not be everybody Cup of tea their shows are much better in content than the hosts of 95.7 especially the ones who scream.

  11. Sorry to see Rebecca getting cut.

  12. Satellite radio. That is all.

    1. No...streaming and podcasting from your phone...

  13. Is his head that large - or is it a bad photo? Looks more like Beavis or Butthead.

  14. I was laid off when I turned 50, after 25 years in SF. It doesn’t feel good, but fortunately there was no social media to allow people who never cracked a mic to laugh about it and mock me.
    The Rat deserved better than that. But getting fired, fired me up, and the next 20 or so years turned out great for me!
    I wish the same for Kevin Radich.

  15. Was there any mention on air that both are gone?

    1. No...just :60 seconds of dead usual.

  16. Marky Banez called the Rat. He said quote "That's the Sporting Life."

  17. Wow! Now that is a receding hairline... "I’m not kidding, that guy’s forehead is as big as Sputnik! Aye, he’ll be crying himself to sleep tonight on his huge pillow."

  18. Anyone who is nearing retirement age and still works at KCBS will be next to go. No one should work in broadcasting anyway after the age of about 67-70 unless they have a great gig and have a high profile position that pays well. Too much stress,,weird hours and now, clueless baffons who run news rooms and programming. Anyone who was cut recently, including ‘ The Rat,’ doesn’t know how lucky they are to escape that funeral of a station..

  19. Kevin was also part of the morning team doing sports for KFOG, 104.5 when it was the best rock station around.

  20. Having once worked for this company when it was Entercom it is horrible that when management screws up it is talent and the little people who are ousted rather than the people who caused the problem in the first place.
