Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Warriors' Victory Parade TV Coverage Was Predictably Gruesome; KTVU's Loud Roberta Gonzales Doesn't Disappoint; KRON's Dumas Takes Multiple Selfies; And ABC7 "Builds a Better Bay Area" on Market Street; Full Rundown

PARADES ARE FUN. From a pure civic standpoint, theyre like ice cream and cake with a bunch of whip cream. From a TV News angle, they're further enhanced by blimp-chopper shots and human masses filling the streets and confetti falling down, say on Market Street.

All you need is a bucnh of fat white guys wearing Draymond Green and Steph Curry Warriors jerseys. Cut to Downtown SF on Monday with blue skies and hotter-than-hell conditions and giddy TV reporters pretending to "cover" a sports-news event.

Welcome to the Warriors' victory parade, live and in color.

Predictably, it was as gruesome a TV event as ever. This is nothing new. When you have an alleged KRON sports anchor, Jason Dumas, taking massive selfies with the players virtually all morning, you know you're in for trouble. This isn't "60 Minutes", I get it but does it have to be a sporting mosh pit? I didn't expect to see gooey and doofus-looking Roberta Gonzales on KTVU dissecting Steve Kerr's political future and Roberta didn't disappoint. Of course she didn't.

Desperate KTVU had Roberta at the parade for their coverage because as we all know, this is prime-cut Roberta. She's been the biggest Warriors fan there is, for what, the past few weeks, so get to Robby and forget she fucked up naming Montgomery Street as "Monterrey" street multiple times. Perhaps Countess Gonzales was too busy minding the streetside tequilla villes.

I tried to watch as much of the proceedings as possible but as soon I surfed normally reliable, Cheryl Hurd, of NBC Bay Area basically screaming her bejesus lungs out at Mr. Curry, I gave up. I'm not long for this kind of shit, it goes at the heart of our democracy. There's too much happy guys and girls chucking loads full of Hennessey on live TV, with reporters glee. Combined with Draymond's multiple F (fuck) bombs (which wasn't that bad) you have an out-of-control event. It wouldn't be that gross if there were a smidgen of rhyme and reason but that was gone jessie at the first scene of the crime.

For the record, NBC Sports Bay Area and their parade of misfits (including Laura Britt as leader of the pack) had the best and most comprehensive coverage if you can call a whole bunch of people trying to project news at a mass-humanity-shitfaced spectacle. At least NBC Sports Bay Area doesn't pretend to be anything other than it is; a client (cable) of the Warriors who provide its cable telecasts and be forefront in its post-victory euphoria.

The other fawning outlets and assorted cheerleaders posing as correspondents is another story. Or in this case, no real story at all, just a wide shot (and requisite blimp/chopper shots) overhead and all the screaming and yelling in between. The players were shitfaced and drunk, at least they had an excuse, but the alleged media mass that maybe could have peeked a bit for a story (corral the coach, Kerr, and ask a few pertinent social questions, say?) was never in the game plan. I know that I'm asking for a lot but shit, what's a media blogger to do?)

We're supposed to laugh off the banality of KGO (ABC7) coverage referring to all this as a "building a better Bay Area" component. That's right, some doofus schmuck on 6th and Market thought he was some Charkes Kuralt wannabe and spouted the Disney bullshit at Warriors-parade central. I don't remember the guy's name which is just as well. He's probably destined for El Paso any day now.

At least he got the name of Montgomery Street right.

Back to the desk.


  1. Bittersweet event seen from the East Bay, home of the rapidly vanishing Oakland A's.

  2. We shouldn't call them owners, they don't own us - Foul mouthed pseudo intellect Dray Dray

  3. Didn't watch it and cannot imagine why anyone would want to go. But, not an NBA fan.

    1. That's OK, Unknown/7:02--
      I don't watch Fox News...and cannot imagine would want to watch.

  4. Was there a parade yesterday? For what?

  5. Yeah, nothing more annoying than seeing a bunch of white guys living their happy lives in a free country. Let's make sure that doesn't happen at the next parade.

  6. Roberta Gonzales is filling the Jan Wahl niche, showing up at BA events. I once saw Wahl with an improbably large hat at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, although she was part of the program, I believe.

    1. Big Jan was taste testing her way through the booths, telling them she'd give them five hats if they gave her free food.

    2. That's hilarious, 10:10!

  7. So nice of Draymond Green to position himself as a good role model for children. Then again, children, especially those in certain areas, hear his words quite frequently. Great for him to reinforce this disrespectful behavior.

    1. At the soccer field this weekend, suburban youths dropped the same bombs. So apparently those "children" hear it frequently in their "certain area" as well.

  8. Is Roberta storing nuts in her cheeks?

  9. Holy Mother of God Larry Beil wearing essentially a Warriors hockey shirt and just overdoing g everything. The worst Was Luz Peña dancing, running around and screaming every word with that horrible shrill voice and accent.

    Did I see Libby Schaff riding the first bus? Why?

    1. So sad to see media being homers and making themselves the news. Would you have seen Van Amburg wear Warriors blue and act like a raving moron? NO. The media is supposed to be impartial, neutral. So much for objectivity.

    2. Local media is now strictly pay for play. They even farm out local spot news to stringers...since it's too expensive to field your own camera crews.

    3. Oakland lost the Raiders, Warriors, and possibly the A's on Libby's watch. Surprised she shows her face in public.

    4. It was funny hearing the hosts on KNBR (Murph, Mac, Copeland, Lund, Papa?) mocking Libby when she drove by.

      "There goes with her full on politician smile" had me rolling. They're all so fake. I'm surprised Nancy wasn't on a float as well.

    5. @11:38- Not going to lie, it was awkward having Libby Schaff there. I know the Warriors still honor Oakland, and apparently London Breed, Libby Schaff, and the mayor of San Jose were all at the parade, so maybe they wanted to have the mayors of the 3 major cities in the Bay Area (SF, Oakland, and San Jose) at the parade, but with the problems Oakland is having barely keeping the A's and with the Raiders leaving on Schaff's watch and the Warriors left even though the Warriors announced they were going to move to SF, it was just weird to see Libby Schaff at this parade.

      Libby Schaff being at this Warriors parade was almost as awkward as when Gavin Newsom used to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at Giants games when he was the mayor of SF and he would get booed.... I could've sworn I thought I heard some boos when I watch some of the stream of the parade when Libby Schaff passed by. I wouldn't be surprised if she may have been booed from some East Bay fans at the parade.

      But yes, Libby Schaff probably should've sat this one out, but I get why she was there.

  10. Draymond Green: Perfect Roll Model for Young Kids.

  11. Was that Tammy Faye Baker? Oh wait that was Roberta Gonzo. There has to be a 1/2 inch of makeup in her face.

  12. And I watched Vern Glenn on yesterday afternoon news. Either Vern was hammered or needed a nap. Mr. Involvement was slurring his words.

  13. You mean miserable, lonely rich didn’t like something in the Bay Area? Shocked

  14. Gonzales and Dumas aren’t journalists.

  15. Add to this KCBS having a bus load of people there for the parade including Eric Thomas trying to make this remote work. They didn’t have any live coverage of the playoffs but did this for a parade. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. 🤦‍♂️

  16. Jason Dumas is one real dumb ass. What an embarrassment

    1. Hence the fool should be known as Jason DUMBass.

    2. That's what I was implying. Lol

  17. There was a blimp?

    I saw some helicopters but I must have missed the blimp.

  18. Who was that guy working along with Larry Beil on ABC7s coverage on the parade? And Kumusi looked so out of place like you can see her a few times asking herself “why the heck im here” moment on stage with these 2 dudes doing the coverage...

  19. Between an annoying lisp, taking selfies with players and running and jumping toward the camera, Dumas is an embarrassment.

  20. I thought KPIX had solid coverage. A few times there were moments where reporter Justin Andrews inside the parade route made me laugh with he being himself...

  21. I thought KPIX had solid coverage. A few times there were moments where reporter Justin Andrews inside the parade route made me laugh with he being himself...

  22. There is no such thing as local sports journalism. Everybody jumps on and becomes fans. I don't know who was more excited, the so called media assigned to cover the event or the fans. The guy from KRON was the worst...expected. Having them all wear Warriors colors and gushing all the time just makes them look foolish. TV personalities are all jokers and they all have huge egos. (although they won't admit it).

    Draymond Green is a great player but he is garbage everywhere else. Just terrible. I feel the same way when I hear parents using foul language in public with their kids present. Call me a prude, I don't care. Some role model.

  23. I used to be the biggest Warriors fan there is, going back to the 70s, but now, not so much because of the over-the-top hysteria by fans and players alike. Remember why we all hated the Lakers? That's now the Warriors.

    1. Yeah. Dollars to doughnuts none of the bandwagon jumpers have heard the name Manute Bol.

    2. I wish Steph Curry played in the 1980s -- that was a time when the star players respected other people. He would've fit in well with Isiah Thomas, Larry Bird, Doctor J, Magic, MJ, Chuck Barkley, etc. The fools who play now are a bunch of clowns. But at least now, Steph can stand above the current class of fools. If Draymond "Gutter Mouth" Green played for the Lakers in the 1980s, the vets like Magic, Kareem and James Worthy would've told him to keep his mouth shut. Same for the Jordan Rules era. Just play, baby. Appreciate the plaudits and the bank and shut the hell up.

    3. If Draymond played in the 80s/90s, someone like Charles Oakley would have taken him out.

    4. I am with you. I used to be a huge Warriors fan. The move to SF only sealed the deal....and I live in SF. I felt the team just turned its back on Oakland, a place that had so much pride in the Warriors. Yes, I know, before Oakland the Warriors played in SF. I am not a fan of Daymond's attitude. While Steph is the greatest shooter ever and one heck of a good guy, I don't like all the shimmys, kisses and points, and whatever gestures after nearly every shot. I wasn't a fan of bringing in Kevin Durant, the team just has a different feel than from the working class days of the 70's and 80's.

    5. @6:06- The Warriors are a Bay Area team, even when they were in Oakland. They don't belong to just one city, they belong to the whole Bay Area. Look at the parade the other day. Yes, it was in SF, but the whole Bay Area came together in that parade, just like at the Warriors parades in Oakland...

      The Warriors still honor Oakland and let it be known how much Oakland is a part of their history even though they are back in SF. To me, they kind of honor Oakland a little too much for my taste, but I don't feel they turned their backs on Oakland. The Warriors would not have been able to build a Chase Center type arena in Oakland if they would've stayed in Oakland. Look at how hard of a time the A's are having with Howard Terminal. The Warriors probably would've moved to SF anyway.... Yeah, Oracle was fine, but the Warriors needed to upgrade. Look at how awesome Chase Center is!

    6. @6:06- The rest of your post, c'mon man.... Yeah, Draymond can rub some people the wrong way, but the guy gives the Warriors that edge that they need. He's the heart and soul of this team.

      Regarding Steph, he does all that stuff for fun and he has fun with the fans, even on the road. I'll take the celebrations Steph does over the celebrations the Grizzlies were doing.

      As far as Durant, it sucks things with Durant ended the way they did with the Warriors, but you can't tell me you weren't excited the day Durant came to the Warriors.

      The NBA as a whole is different now than it was even 10-15 yrs ago. We're in a new/different era now.

    7. @4:44 and 6:06
      You've both unwittingly outed yourselves. True--and longtime--Warrior fans would never peddle the lunacy you both posted here.

  24. Isiah Thomas sure didn’t respect the Bulls when him and the Pistons didn’t congratulate them after the Bulls beat the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals. They walked by them with around a minute left in the game. That was one of the biggest chickenshit moves in NBA history. Classless.

  25. Did you see Luz Pen hitting those shots (basketball, not tequila) at a makeshift hoop setup on Market? With Authority!

    1. Yah. She made it all about her the whole damn time. Hey Luz, you're not the story sweetheart. Give up the gram and do your damn job. With Authority!

  26. Roberta probably thought she was still in San Jose (where she was the weathergirl for years) with her constant references to Monterey Road.

  27. Claudine Wong and Roberta Gonzalez were abysmal. Words can’t even begin describe how awful they were. For four hours Claudine Wong acted like an obnoxious teenage cheerleader; Gasia who readily admits she doesn’t care about sports ‘anchored’ the coverage, Sal Castenda was his usual pathetic self trying to act like Mr. Cool Dude; and, Roberta Gonzalez sunk to lows I didn’t even think possible for her, not the least of which was her referring to Montgomery Street as ‘Monterey’ street more than once. Is anyone paying attention at KTVU? Or is everyone there as dumb as she is and didn’t even realize she was making a total ass of herself? I guess they don’t realize that when they show no knowledge of the most basic topics, everything that follows has no credibility.

    1. You forgot to mention Roberta referring to Andre Iguodala as ‘Andrew’ (more than once) and Steph and Klay as the ‘Bash Brothers’ a la the nickname for Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire from the late 80’s.

    2. Gonzo is an A’s and Raiders fan. She’s not a basketball fan. And it showed.

    3. pompus windbag john rothmann should have been doing it he could have corrected everyone on their all mistakes and lectured them at the same time

  28. Roberta is disgusting!

  29. the people that comcast uses look like its their first job out of college..that guy carlos where did they dreg him out from....

  30. So I guess one just can't experience the joy of a hometown team winning the big prize without having to tersely criticize voices, apparel, makeup, political motives and wondering what Van Amburg would do if he were still around. What a sad state of affairs. Woe is us. Can't we just say, "hooray" and be happy?

  31. Roll Models should be Doctors, Engineers and the like. Not Sports figures.

    1. Best roll model I've ever seen is the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

    2. Doctors should be role models. Given the widespread corruption that exists in their industry, however, many are not.

  32. I'm not sure why Chica Gonzalez was there. Maybe there was a good bar nearby.

  33. Now according to KCBS London Breed has COVID. I wonder where she got that from?

    1. Sorry to hear about London Breed contacting covid. I hope she has a speedy recovery!

    2. Good thing she's vax'd or she would have contracted Covid

  34. Sports and News don't mix. Two different genres. Sports writers and broadcasters by default root for the home teams. Journalists are supposed to be impartial about everything.

  35. People Who complain about the Warriors now playing in San Francisco instead of Oakland have to remember one thing: the Warriors moved to the West Coast and played in San Francisco for the first 10 years of their West Coast existence, starting in 1962. Yes, they played most of their games at thr Cow Palace which was actually just south of San Francisco in Daly city, but the team also played a lot of its games at the downtown Civic Center, now Bill Graham Arena. I saw Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who was then known as Lou Alcindor play for the first time in the Bay Area, going up against Nate Thurman in the Warriors back in 1970 at the Civic Auditorium, which barely say 7,000 fans. The Warriors are truly the one team that Bay Area fans, whether they live on the west part of the bay area or the east side of the bay, follow rabidly. There are a lot of bandwagon fans who have jumped aboard since the team has won 4 titles in the last eight years, and those people who spend hundreds of dollars to get in and make noise are not basketball fans. Of course they have idiots such as the lane brained screamer named Franco Finn constantly disrupting the action with his over the top, maniacal yelling over the PA system, Inman effort to generate fake noise. The only people who seem to like it are the dim witted young techies who never followed basketball until it became the hip thing to do here in the bay area. It turns off a lot of people except for the bandwagon jumpers when Franco Finn and his juvenile antics take over. It’s embarrassing. Most of the young techies think they’re so cool even though most of them aren’t even from the bay area. Most of them will hopefully leave and take their annoying electric scooters and electric skateboards back home to mom and dad‘s house when they get fired as companies such as Amazon and Facebook pay them peanuts and then turn them over like potato chips.

    1. I saw Kareem play against Nate Thurmond also, in Oakland...I believe I also saw a playoff series vs the Bucks, again in Oakland...as I recall the place was packed.

    2. Also, remember the Warriors played a season in San Jose while Oracle was being remodeled. Yes...they are a Bay Area team.

    3. @3:21- Yes, the Warriors are a Bay Area team.

      This hasn't been brought up but now that you mention it, the Warriors are the only team in the Bay Area to play home games in SF, Oakland, and San Jose in their history.

    4. @12:13- I agree with you on the SF thing regarding the Warriors. People tend to forget, SF was the Warriors original Bay Area home. The Warriors in moving back to SF essentially moved back to their original Bay Area home. When did SF become L.A.? People, moreso East Bay Warrior fans made it seem like the Warriors were moving to L.A. when they moved back to SF. SF goes just as hard for the Warriors as Oakland did, as witnessed during the playoffs this year and of course the Warriors parade earlier this week!

      As far as Franco Finn, I think he's the best in the business as far as in arena hype men. He's been the Warriors hype man I think for almost 20 yrs now.

      You watch NBA games on TV from other cities, and so many other teams PA announcers and hype men, really copy off Franco Finn's style. It's sad and kind of laughable.

    5. Finn is a no talent hack. KRON infomercials will be the absolute ceiling of his existence.

  36. Why do stations keep hiring Roberta Gonzalez? She’s annoying and you can tell she’s a Diva. She reminds of Gavin Newsom’s ex-girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle. Guilfoyle was so in need of attention that she sold out to FOX to get more viewers. Women such as these 2 bimbos give hard working, smart female broadcast journalists a bad name..

  37. I watched KGO, I liked the coverage. It was fun. My family enjoyed it and it felt like we were at the party. Luz was the MVP! Go Warriors!
