Thursday, June 16, 2022

"Fake Klay Thompson" is a Star Even If Local Media Doesn't Pay Attention; Burch/KPIX Residue Backfires; Just Like Amanda Starrantino; Sal Castaneda Isn't So Nice; KTVU Phonies Wong and Clark; Mike Nicco Yawns at 4 PM Too; Speaking of Yawns, NorCal Emmys Return; Oski the Bear Fills In on KCBS

GOOD THURSDAY, maybe not for the fake Klay Thompson guy (the Warriors impersonator who got banned for life) The video of the guy is well-done and hilarious; I'll bet anyone he's on Colbert (Steven) or Jimmy Kimmel soon. Especially if the Warriors win it all tonight (they probably will).

*The overwhelming majority of you have fired back and with authority.

The KPIX idea to milk their morning weather guesser, "Lt. Jessica Burch", has backfired almost as bad as a bomb that fails to hit its target two feet away. Burch is the bomb here and doesn't seem to have any juice moving forward. Another brilliant move by the 855 Battery buttheads.

*Another glaring example of just how benign our local media is--it would be common knowledge to actually interview the Fake Klay guy and get some local gumption, except almost all the news about him was out of town media. What a crock. An embarrassment, really. Our news people are no more, just a collection of Toledo misfits who shake their ass or look like Marie Osmond and Marcia Brady. Welcome to the 415 Abyss.

*Yeah, PIX, that Amanda Starrantino hire really moved the needle. I'm sure the Fresno horny male truck driver demo box was checked (moons ago) but everyone else has moved on to their corn flakes and melba toast breakfast life.

*The warm and fuzzy Sal Castaneda --he of KTVU "MO2" traffic central--has morphed into a mean-spirited, arrogant jerk who falsely presents an image of nice guy--that's the view from KTVU insiders, not me.

Sal has gotten big at The Firm, I know for sure. He's a family guy and all but he might want to chug a beer or two after work with a few of the negative nellies, one in particular. It's career boosting and station-relations maintenance and it's far bigger than a 3-car fender bender on 880.

*REAL PHONIES at KTVU in the AM: Dave Clark and Claudine Wong. Complete and utter dreckmeisters with Wong's fake, sweetie persona and Clark's out and out schmuck dork. Clark used to have a picture of himself and OJ Simpson on his desk--only recently did he remove it and some of my 2 spies say it's back up. Good way to spread harmony in Jack London Square, Davey.

*The 21st Century news factoid --selphies in the studio and out in the field before a live shot--have all the serenity of a Foster City Motel 6.

*Mike Nicco, the KGO (ABC7) weather guy proves one thing: you can be just as marginal in the afternoon (4 PM) as you can in the morning! Good news for Nicco, he must have pictures of someone at 900 Front because he sure as hell has a gig that no one can figure out why. Unless Disney likes middle-aged Italian Americans who talk with a lisp and wear tight suits bought from the local Ross store.

*The Bay Area/NorCal Emmys gala returned the other night: a showcase for important people to show off their fake, paid-for awards. One frequent attendee was at her usual obnoxious self at the bar. Had she had a bigger name, TMZ would have run a story. By the way, she has no military credentials. Therefore, KPIX would have never hired her--wait a minute!

*BREAKING NEWS: Oski, the bear, was trotted out this morning on the KCBS morning news, becaoming the 2, 740th individual to fill in on the all-news, all-commercial powerhouse.


  1. Sal had been a jerk if not more, years ago...

    1. A jerk AND creepy...sounds like a winner.

    2. Creepy has hell, for sure. At least he's shaving more often...

  2. I really don't see the necessity of supering Jessica Burch as "Lieutenant." I have nothing against her service, but her army credentials don't add anything to her weather forecast, and seems like just chest-pumping by KPIX because they don't have anything else to pump their chest about.

    1. I’m with you on that. I don’t see why it needs to be constantly mentioned and what it has to do with her job now.

  3. It’s also widely-known that Sal likes to fancy himself as a ladies man. He enjoys flirting with attractive women, and back when he used to DJ private events rumor has it that he made female guests at various events feel uncomfortable with his comments and his creepy vibe, which he still has.

    1. Yikes! Sounds like Sal needs to change his DJ name to MC Creepy McCreepster.

  4. Mike Nicco’s OK. Come on he’s a Bay Area weather reporter. I’m sure he’d be cool to hang out with and watch a Dubs game with.

    Would you like him more if he was Major Mike Nicco? He’s fine for the 4pm gig.

    1. The team name is Warriors...not everything has to be abbreviated or feature a lame nickname...stop perpetuating this stupid shit.

    2. Nicco has done his time. He would at least be a LT Colonel.

  5. Nicco posted on Facebook he’s filling in on ABC7 LA today and tomorrow morning from the KGO Rooftop.

  6. so , you allege that Jessica Burch is bringing ratings down at KPIX. What's your proof?

    1. They can finish last with her or without her,

  7. Speaking of the schmuck dork Dave Clark-God forbid if a major catastrophic Bay Area event such as a 7.9 earthquake ever happened at 5 am during Mornings on Two can you imagine Dave Clark live on air trying to describe what occurred. Dave Clark has absolutely no adlib skills whatsoever! Either Pam Cook or Gasia would immediately have to take over. The only words coming out of Dave Clark's Mouth would be "Oh Yeah" & "back to you Pam/Gasia." Unbelievably Dave Clark has been co-anchoring Morning on Two since 2007. 15 years later his adlib skills still stink. Dave Clark is in his late 60's approaching 70. About time he retires & joins his friend O.J. Simpson on the golf course trying to find the real killer of Nicole & Ron Goldman.
    Rich: You absolutely have the best blog in the Bay Area!

    1. 1:48PM Re: Dave Clark and his photo of O.J.; My guess is most of the viewers under the age of 45 have zero idea of the long, bloody and even nostalgic stories attatched to O.J. Simpson. Don't forget, he was in several comedy movies and TV commericials after playing football. O.J. has tried to attract (positive) attention to himself since his prision release, but so far, not many A List hollywood producers are interested.

      Maybe O;J, and Kaepernick need to go on a Road Trip together.
      "Nobody Wants, Me, Bro!" will be the reality show title.

  8. Jessica Burke is just another 20-something who thinks she's hot shit because a station as desperate and flailing as KPIX made the stupid decision to put her on tv. She commands no respect on air and comes off as in over her head AND like an entitled brat. (My comment has absolutely nothing to do with her military service. As an American I'm grateful for her service to our country.)

  9. will smith at the oscars and the 'fake klay'' thought nothing could top the oscars...the ''fake klay'' might be more un==be==lieve -a= bl'' ,Tim Roye-try and play down this with namby pamby ''public service homogenized coverup chit chat.

  10. Amanda and the LT are doing just fine. I'm resigned to the fact the stories on the morning news are all crap. Nothing wrong with some fine and attractive women to look at in the morning. I love starting my day looking at nice ladies...
    Off in my Kenworth stop Hanford...gotta get those almonds trucked to the Oakland docks.

  11. Funny your spies wouldn’t take a photo of the Dave & OJ desk photo. Do they have cell phones? Otherwise I call BS.

    1. There are cameras all over the inside of the building. If someone took a pic they’d be identified very easily

  12. I guess we can’t call the Athletics by the name of the A’s. Good grief.

    Dubs, Dubs, Dub!!!!!

  13. Claudine Wong is an attractive, skilled, competent anchor who may or may not be all peaches and cream, but until there's some evidence of a darker or uglier personality, I'll continue to believe she is what she appears to be: competent, slightly disinterested, and settled in at her appropriate level...

  14. Replies
    1. That’s putting it lightly.

  15. Most of these news people are not from around here and yes, they are mostly fake.

  16. I don’t get it. In the beginning, I thought you loved radio. But now, it’s almost like you’re routing for KCBS to fail. What gives?

    1. Probably rooting for a rout...

  17. You are right on the button with the fake Klay. Have fun with it.

  18. The news sense of this market is in the dumper...or up the you-know-whats of pharma PR. Big stories are brewing about the oligarch Elon Musk and Twitter. You can see them in the NY Post and the NY Times. The Chronicle? NO. They want to dispense the latest fear communique from Covidland, whilst other newspapers have lowered their priorities on reporting something that's going to be with us, sadly forever.

  19. Dave Cluck is such a buffoon and his shtick is not even remotely funny or entertaining. Now he just sounds like a broken record constantly asking Salvador ‘Creepy dude’ Castaneda if he has ‘fixed’ the Bay Area traffic delays and telling Steve Paulson that he just ‘stepped outside’ to check the weather. And don’t even get me started on his gaffes and inability to get through a read without botching it somehow. It’s embarassing. The only thing I give him credit for is being able to put up with Pam Cook’s ongoing gas problem.

  20. Rich you forgot to mention how Sal embarrasses himself whenever he interviews a man who he perceives to be a ‘true manly man’ such as pro athletes or actors who play macho characters. When speaking with such men he refers to them using terms like dude, bro, and man. It has the opposite effect … he ends up coming off as a professional jock sniffer.

  21. Ktvu has a morning crew who all belong in the hall of shame. Dave, Pam, gasia, and sal are all beyond atrocious. They’re unwatchable. I switched to nbc Bay Area and haven’t looked back.

    1. Agree. F FOX, KTVU and all of their garbage shows and people nationally and.locally. They all get paid by Rupert Murdoch. No thanks.

  22. Dave Clark has the voice of a game show host.

  23. I met Sal Castaneda at a One Warm Coat event a few years back. Went with my wife to drop off a bunch of coats. Sal was extremely chatty with my wife. Extremely might actually be an understatement. Barely made eye contact with me. The kicker though was at the end of what was probably a five minute conversation when he said the two of them should keep in touch and asked her if she's on Facebook. She said she wasn't (she is but on the ride home told me she got weird vibes) and he goes 'well in that case, I hope to run into you again.'

    I guess it's somewhat reassuring to now know I'm not the only one who has had weird/creepy experiences with him.

    1. If this is even true, I’m wondering why on earth would you allow another man to be “chatty” with your wife,barely make eye contact with you,AND allow him to ask your wife if she’s on Facebook! I’m assuming that you were either standing next to her or in the vicinity based on your details of the exchange.You sound like you’re either a fanboy of Sal or a swinger!

    2. As someone who worked for ktvu for several years, what 4:55 describes sounds exactly like the Sal that we all knew. He loved to flirt with women and was open about the fact he didn’t care if they were married. He thought of himself as the kind of guy that could steal any woman away from their man. When in reality he was, and likely still is, an insecure little twit.

  24. Sal donated his kidney to a stranger. You should report on that. He is an amazing human.

    1. Great. Doesn’t change the reality that he’s widely regarded as a jerk and a creep based on how he treats people
