Friday, June 10, 2022

Dan Ashley and Circle7 Contract Status Sort of Murky, But Probably Gets Done; Papa's Lucky He Got 49ers Extension; Ego Maniac Has Lots of Overhead; Keiana Martin and Pops in the Creek; KTVU's Orozco/Pam Cook Still Feuding; Mibach: Lose the Smirk

WHILE HE'S NOT ONE TO ROCK THE BOAT--it's not in his nature--KGO (ABC7) veteran anchor, Dan Ashley, is nearing the end of a contract and is looking to remain at Circle7. Assuming he and the mouse house can agree to a deal. And I must stress, ABC will probably take care of Ashley. He wants to (very much) stay at KGO and KGO/ABC wants Ashley to be signed. But they've managed to put Ashley's contract status on the back burner and that's pissed off Ashley, something which is very difficult to do.

All that said, I seriously doubt Dan is going anywhere but could he? Yes. C'mon Disney, get it done.

*It's a very good thing Greg Papa's boss at the 49ers loves him and his work. Because Papa is clearly NOT loved by a majority of the 49ers faithful in Santa Clara. In fact, there's a healthy amount of anti-Papa residue that permeates around the team both Bay Area and the 408.

Papa's arrogant, smarmy and ego-driven image has caught up with him. He's been able to coast because Bob Sargent, the 49ers' broadcast boss, absolutely thinks he's (Papa) the greatest. Papa, in fact, got the recent contract extension because Sargent wants him on board forever. But Papa isn't as beloved both on and off the air. Again, he's not the warm and fuzzy broadcaster he once was.

Papa no doubt knows football. His mechanics are fine and dandy if a tad too mucho statistical.

Papa's TD call has been called out, not just me, but by a lot of the fans and they think it's over the top. I agree. Papa acts and broadcasts as if he were part of the 49ers establishment for years and years. It's simply not the case. And The Faithful has called out his bullshit. Papa is lucky his #1 fan is Sargent.

*KTVU formally put a 'help wanted" in the trades for a morning anchor (to replace Mike Mibach) meaning they are looking past Andre Senior and Alex Savidge for the gig. Or maybe in Senior's case, he's looking past KTVU and clearly was pissed he didn't get the 10 PM anchor gig.

Whatever the case, it's no longer a happy family at Fox2. The ratings are down (they still lead at 10 and in the morning) but they're losing viewers in droves and The Firm has began to place a microscope on Amber Eikel and her mass incompetent managerial style. She's already lost the newsroom (moons ago)--KTVU is a sad place to work --and it's not getting better anytime soon.

*Trouble in "MO2" (mornings on 2) land: the growing feud involving Pam Cook and Rosematy Orozco. Cook despises Rosey and Rosey can't stand Cook. They both have a treasure trove of shit against each other but continue to work near each other because they need the gig and pay the bills, I guess.

*Papa and Keiana Martin (pictured)-- I'm sure were just discussing business a few weeks back at a Walnut Creek restaurant --they were in the back and a few bottles of cabernet on table. Yeah, Greg, you sure do have lots of overhead.

*Mike Mibach: 86 the smirk. You already have a ton of negative vibe working against you. Your smarm appearence doesn't help matters.


  1. I will boycott KGO 7 if they put Reggie and Drew on weekdays evening replacing Dan Ashley

    1. Boycot them anyway…they are…”Building A Better Bay Area”.

  2. No one is going to build a successful following at FOX2 as long as they continue to Fox-i-fy the news with their national reporters.
    KTVU no longer feels like a local station.

    1. And Fox refusing to air the January 6th hearings just adds to the 765 reasons I won't watch KTVU or ANY FOX affiliate.

  3. Can the get Senior a suit that fits?

    1. When Andre Senior started at KTVU in early 2018 he was a regular size guy. The past several years Andre has been regularly lifting weights. His upper body is now much larger & muscular than it previously was. That is currently why none of his suits fit. Senior definitely needs to update his wardrobe. Speaking as a fellow KTVU employee

  4. ABC channel 7 cant spell either!! Around 445pm today, talking to Warroris fans in Boston. Or was it Warrories fans?? Spell check is not available in SF? They cant afford it???

  5. My guess why the 49er's love Papa: The Price Is Right. Notice how many Bay Area TV anchors are taking pay cuts to keep their jobs, it's likely that Papa has few other options.

  6. As long as Greg Poophead is the voice of the 49ers, I'll subject myself to listening to the Fox/CBS/NBC/ESPN broadcast boobs. But then again, three hours of silence isn't such a bad idea, either.

  7. Rosemary has already had one grievance filed against her with KTVU HR. That alone is a permanent black mark on her record.
    Rosemary is also quite paranoid. Going up to one person in particular and asking “Did you go to HR about me?”. This person had to tell Rosemary to her face not to speak with them anymore.
    My source on this is rock-solid.

    Peter Felch

  8. Any idea of what the beef is between cook and Rosemary? One does News and the other weather so i don’t understand why they despise each other. Plus Steve is the one who usually does weather with Pam.

  9. Does Pam Cook like anyone? Or vice-versa? I sure doesn't seem like it to me.

    1. Sure as hell doesn’t seem like it. She’s outspoken and annoying. Just another bitter old Karen. It’s no wonder she rubs everyone the wrong way.

  10. It's too bad Andre Senior or Alex Savidge don't get the permanent MO2 anchor gig, especially Andre. Especially since Claudine Wong personality is like Melba Toast. Andre is a good balance to Gasia.
