Monday, June 13, 2022

Critical Mass at 415 Media

WE'VE reached a critical mass here at 415 Media: MORE readers than ever but unfortunately not a lot of funds to cover our (my) expenses.

I've resisted going to a pay wall --because I know many of you can't donate for whatever reason(s)--so as long as I can do so, this site will always be free, but I need and DEPEND on those of you that can contribute dollars to the blog, to step to the plate.

I can't write this blog without your continued $UPPORT. I need your help. Now.

415 Media is 100% READER-SUPPORTED and its CONTINUED EXISTENCE relies on readers DONATIONS and CONTRIBUTIONS. Without you all, there is NO BLOG. Plain and simple.

ANY DONATION amount is VITAL and much appreciated. The money that comes in covers my expenses such as time, energy, phone bills, Internet, and daily living expenses. It takes quite a bit of time and money to put out this blog 24/7. If just a tiny fraction of the thousands of you that come here daily would contribute, there'd be little, if any, pledge breaks.

I will continue to make sure 415 Media has fresh and new content every day and every week because I know mostly all of you love the site.


Go to the right side of the blog and click on the "Donate/PayPal" icon --it takes less than a minute to contribute and you do not have to have a PayPal acct. to donate. All transactiobs are 100% SAFE and SECURE. I will personally call and/or e-mail you THANKING YOU for your donation.

Note: No comments on this posting.

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