Thursday, June 9, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman


Please, name and town.


  1. Any chance Eric Thomas will anchor for KPIX evening or morning news after so many reporters left the morning, evening team for the last 2 years?

  2. No way unless KPIX is desperate.

    Thomas pretty much retired from TV and has migrated to radio. I'm not a big fan but that's just me.

  3. Do you know what the deal is with the myriads of sound issues on KTVU. Their body mics fail more than any other station's. Volume goes randomly up and down during a broadcast. In an online interview the reporter will ask a question and the response will be either blaringly loud or inaudible. No other station seems to have these issues. A few years back I was cutting them a break and blaming the pandemic, but the pandemic is old news now and everyone has learned to adjust to zoom interviews and other internet issues. Except them.

  4. It's Fox's cheapness in full effect. You would think The Firm would make sure its Bay Area O/O would have decent, legit sound and make sure it was at least, professional. But Fox doesn't care and thus, you have the bad KTVU audio. They are just plan cheap.

    1. That's good. I thought my hearing aids were going nuts.

  5. Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

  6. Hi Rich: When KTVU Sports Anchor Joe Fonzi has been on the road covering the Warriors playoff games Channel 2 has resorted to rotating on air Jesse Gary(who I like as a GA News Reporter not so much anchoring sports) Frank Mallicoat (Meh) & Political Reporter Greg Lee. Since Mark Ibanez departure its been Joe Fonzi & whoever they can find to do sports when Fonzi's not available. When is KTVU going to hire a 2nd sports reporter or is FOX 2 so cheap they think they can get away with this mishmash. Rich: You absolutely have the Best Blog in the Bay Area! Cary SF

    1. Thanks Cary--as I said Fox is cheap. In fact, soon, they'll be phasing out sports on their own O/O stations. Gary looked ridiculous on air yeah, a requirement at KTVU.

    2. Why would they hire someone as a replacement. This is MUCH cheaper and that's all they care about these days. I'm surprised they don't just air the test pattern every night because it's cheaper than having a news staff.

    3. They have that Jason Applebottom guy, he shows up on their website as a sports reporter and anchor but I never see him. Guess that shows what they think of him.

    4. If anyone should do sports when Joe Fonzi or Jason Appelbaum isn't around it's Frank Mallicoat who used to be a sports anchor in Boston

  7. Do you happen to know how much John Rothmann, Mark Thompson and Nikki Medoro are paid for their work on KGO radio

    1. Rothmann slightly above scale (roughly $300 a show) --on Medoro and Thompson, whatever it is, is too much.

    2. 300 a show would translate to around 6000 a month?? Johnny isnt doing it for the money that's for many people have speculated, he doesnt need the money and being a talk show host is almost like a hobby for him or satisfy his large ego

    3. $300 a show? No wonder he says "no place I'd rather be"

    4. It's not speculation. He has MJB coffee money, Levi's family money, and his wife comes from money. He doesn't need a loan from Anchor Funding.

    5. You're right..he doesnt need a loan from his buddy kevin whom he probally spoke to once on the phone to take the account after chip franklin was fired..but I burst out laughing everytime I hear rothmann frantically imploring everyone to contact this company,just like the over the top cal mart ads he used to do.

  8. A man has got to know his limitations

  9. Any update on the Bryan Carmody/Jeff Adachi drama that has fallen off the local media radar?

    1. SF settled with Carmody and that's that.

    2. Sadly, when that happens usually no one can know the terms of the settlement because there's a gag order and that means the authorities will just do it again.

    3. South Bay WatcherJune 9, 2022 at 5:59 PM

      Carmody got 370k in a settlement two years ago.

  10. Will KOFY drop GRIT programming and return back to their own programming?

  11. Charlie Walter has been around longer than I expected, at PIX. I have noticed that the station doesn't have him listed on their bio page, however. Do you think that he will eventually remain at Channel 5?

    1. He's a fill-in from Sacramento and helping out Vern Glenn during the week. As for long term, I'd guess no.

    2. He looks like someone from LA to me who's trying to break into acting/modeling.

    3. That’s not true. He doesn’t work at Sacramento. I believe he did last year, but he’s been pushing 40 hour weeks and has been getting quite a bit of FaceTime in the field and studio. Can’t say if they’re going to keep him. It’s clear the station has no idea either.

    4. Charlie has definitely taken over as the number two sports guy behind Vern. It's uncertain though what's his contract status

  12. Hi Rich, Its Chris from South San Francisco. When is 95.7 gonna be put out to pasture? The station is a joke now. Hiring listeners to be hosts! They want us to listen to their opinions like it's gospel. The have no experience, they want to yell all the time to make their point. There is no credibility at this point.

  13. There never was--it makes a little money but it has ZERP buzz. Plus a lousy signal and mediocre talent. Other than that, Chris, they're just fine.

  14. Hey Rich. What's the latest on the Brian Copeland/KGO dispute?

    1. Cumulus long ago settled with Copeland that's all I know.

  15. I've always been a huge fan of Eric Thomas. But his radio work isn't improving. How much longer do they keep him Rich?

    1. He's filling in so don't think he's on a long-term basis.

  16. Hi Rich--Jeff here from Petaluma. Do think James Gabbert will ever get back into TV or radio. Seems he could buy a certain AM station real cheap! Just wondering.

    1. Jeff, Gabbert's ship has sailed --right now he loves the ocean and flying, I'm told. He's pretty much out of media.

  17. How good is KTVU ratings for Mornings on 2 and 10:00 News since Mike Mibach left Mornings heading to 10:00 News?

  18. Don't have exact numbers but they beat all others in AM (declining as they are) and still have a comfortable lead at 10--5 and 6 however, KGO.

    1. KGO morning crew so awful to watch

  19. are you surprised that Alice @ 97.3 has survived this long when other stations like KFOG should have lasted longer? I know radio is probably dying, but I'm still not over the death of KFOG!

    1. Not surprised because they still get an audience --like you and me. I miss KFOG too --Dave Morey was just tremendous. Scoop Nisker, not so much.

  20. Bill from Berkeley - You said you were listening to Bloomberg 960 on Sunday mornings for the news shows. I have also been listening to KCBS and they have Bloomberg/KCBS features a lot now. Do you ever hear those spots Rich? What do you think of them if you have?

    1. I do, especially the business shows because they're a helluva lot better than KCBS provides and minus the 12 thousand commercials Bill. Thanks for reminding me.

    2. Bill again. I totally agree that the Bloomberg business features on KCBS are excellent and wish they were longer. This is the business capital of the world and I think all the time why not do more financial stories instead of the 24/7 commercial, commercial, commercial, tax scammers-kars for kids-covid-climate change-global warming-anti Trump mess that fills the airwaves? Love the blog by the way. Hooked on it.

    3. Thanks Bill for your kind words.

    4. Bill - No problem. You work hard here. No need to respond to this publically.

  21. Of the latest KPIX hires. Donchey, Yamamoto, or Starrentino.. who is the biggest bust?

  22. Oh, easy one: Yamamoto hands down.

  23. Hi Rich,

    No questions today. Just wanted to let you know you have a great blog. Enjoy reading it every day. Sizzling in the East Bay.

  24. Hi Rich, Lisa in Oakland. $$$ rules America. KPIX isnt losing $$$? I dont understand how incompetence and sloppiness continues to be allowed? The spelling errors on channel 5 primetime news are allowed because there is noone checking what goes out before someone hits send? I know I am old and cranky but why cant we clear and concise news? Thanks for all you do.

    1. Hi Lisa: you're not old and cranky, you're simply realistic and aware of all this garbage. Thanks for calling out the yahoos and thanks for your kind words.

  25. Any further information on the death of Joanie Greggains? Have Ann Fraser and Ross McGowan made any comments, if they are still alive? I remember watching the Morning Stretch at 6:30 AM each weekday morning, before local news was in that time period.

    Phil in Walnut Creek (near the water fountain)
