Monday, May 16, 2022

The Early Optics are Bad for KTVU 10 PM Anchor, Mike Mibach


The KTVU newsroom, hell, the entire building in Jack London Square, is already fed up with new, permanent 10 PM (and elsewhere) anchor, Mike Mibach.

Not that they were in love with the guy; Mibach's short honeymoon is gone and he's feeling the heat from newbies to the rank and file. There's a growing unease that Mibach and the new regime at 10 has lost the KTVU mystique.

The ratings continue to PLUMMET and have cratered continually since the Feb. Sweeps. So fast is the drop, KTVU's suddenly vulnerable at their once-dominated 10 PM hour.

Mibach hasn't exactly set the place on fire. In fact, he's getting quite a bit of internal ribbing with many staffers feeling he will never gain acceptance, from the staff and most certainly, from viewers, at least for now.

"Nobody here has any confidence in him, nobody," said a veteran news staffer to me. To Mibach's defense, he's been on the desk (fulltime) less than a month. But he's also been at Fox2 for almost two decades.

I've never been a Mike Mibach fan. He looks like he's about 18 year old, for starters. And he has an eternal smirk that is both annoying and irritating, as if he was entitled to the 10 lead anchorship. In fact, KTVU brass didn't make the formal decision to replace (Frank Somerville) with Mibach until the very end. They told him he had the gig but he didn't get on the desk, (at 10) until the last minute when KTVU began its plunge and both suits and Fox decided to make the move (with Mibach) official because the numbers were cratering and they finally did the deed.

Mibach's robotic shtick needs a severe shaking.

He has a problem with optics--namely, his appearence of a "jock, pretty boy", although that's not his fault, entirely.

But he can also try to humanize himself and engage more freely. He needs to open up. His ad-lib skills are atrocious and his bantering ( with co-anchor, Julie Haener) is forced and contrived. Mibach looks like a second-string college quarterback who is more immersed about a date with Miss America than he is with the game plan.

Harsh, sure, but honest.


  1. The Grunts at 2 need to quit gossiping about Mikey and just do their job. They’re not running the show.

    1. He reminds me of Barney Rubble, and his wife looks like Rosie O’Donnell.

  2. What a bunch of babies!
    It's called teamwork. A good team will get behind him to make the show successful. They are acting like preschoolers, and just creating drama. Everyone has faults and strengths, a professional news-gathering operation should put the team first.
    Rah-Rah Ciscumba!

  3. This was just a PC hire, qualified candidates never had a shot.

  4. Maybe a little "hook up" with Heather Holmes might give him some spark and give her an inside the lead anchor job she so desires.

  5. Why bother to watch the news when I can get what I need ASAP via the internet?

  6. He has a flat head, and maybe a comb-over. Reasons enough to bounce him...

  7. Local news is dead and irrelevant in this town and has been for a long time. Sad.

  8. The rank and file sounds a bit like the inmates trying to run the asylum.... don't know anyone there but seems to me that these days employees think they know more than anyone...... which by the way I seriously doubt

  9. As you said Rich, Mibach has an eternal smirk that is both annoying and irritating. I agree 110%.

  10. Better than that drunk

  11. I don’t agree. There’s nothing wrong with Mike’s delivery.

  12. One of the many problems with Mibach is that he had that pathetic role in the mornings for several years. Perception becomes reality and for a vast majority of the viewing public - and vast majority of his colleagues - he’s been typecast as a robotic morning guy. Plus, let’s be honest, Mibach as a news anchor is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. And even though local news is going the way of the dinosaur, there is still a certain amount of gravitas and presence that a prime time anchor should have. He has neither. Shuffle him around until the cows come home, but in the end he’s simply not cut out for the job. He’s not a guy who knows how to ad lib and that’s not a skill that’s easily taught, especially at that age. So asking him to adlib more will only serve to further highlight his lack of qualifications.
    I think he’d be great as a sports reporter. He has the look and from what I’ve gathered he has an actual interest and passion for sports.

    1. Frank was the morning guy for years. But back then the morning show had decorum.

  13. Maybe CNN+ can hire him? Oh, wait. Never mind.

  14. Should have gone with Andre.

  15. Frank Malicoat pure American reporter is the best choice. Andre, too Dennis Richmond age. Alex, don’t know how he got 7PM News, Mike, nothing wrong just lucky for the job.

  16. he is far from pretty...there is just something creepy about how he looks.

    1. My wife says the exact same thing. I’ve asked her to explain and she said it’s a vibe that’s hard to explain but one that most women would recognize as creepy.

  17. Mibach is very ordinary. He does not have the gravitas to be lead co-anchor.

  18. It’s very uncomfortable watching Frank Mallicoat read the news. He squints and strains to read the teleprompter and makes a lot of mistakes along the way.

  19. Maybe he should go back to just being a reporter...I remember when PIX brought in Kenny Choi , a disaster as the news reader, but, to me, he really shines as an outside reporter...

    1. Fwiw, Choi was better than that disaster they're running out there these days...

    2. Kenny Choi is Van Amburg compared to Ryan Yamamoto.

  20. Rich you are spot on with your post about MIbach. Mike Mibach might be the nicest guy in the world and a great person but you could never assume that by watching his on screen persona and mannerisms. Everyone is capable of change they just need to embrance it and work to change, maybe he can do that.

  21. I think Mibach is doing a great job and you can tell that he is getting more comfortable as he goes. Mallicoat is funny but kind of a mess.

  22. What KTVU really needs to do is fire Sal Castaneda. That guy’s a real toad.

  23. Sal is competent as a traffic guy but I’llI switch to another station when he’s acting as a street reporter, doing interviews or anchoring on the 9. Steve Paulson is a very boring weather guy. That’s what happens when the stations keep them too long, they don’t try to sound interesting.

  24. Amen. See ya later Casteneda. Ribbit.

  25. I can't believe all this negativity. Remember how Dion Lim got critical reviews when she started. You, Rich, couldn't stand her voice. Now look national news is eyeing her. So now your saying she changed. NO that's not it. Being negative is what sells. Please for once quit being poor mouths.

  26. It’s ok for people to have opinions that differ than yours :) Don’t take it personally, it’s not about you. Also, the Dion Lim reference is a false equivalency, unless you believe Mike Mibach will next appear on a national stage. If you believe that, that’s fine, that’s your opinion :)
