Saturday, March 5, 2022

KTVU and KCBS Dysfunction Max; Local Ukraine/Russia War MOS Idea; Saturday Deli

I REPORT TO YOU what I know and what I know is that the morale at KTVU borders on despair. People are genuinely disgusted. It's not a tag line. It's the truth and it's reality. I can't be any more direct. I tell you all this because it's an important part of this blog. And because every day I get notices from many of my sources that there's tremendous anxiety and frustration over just how bad it is and how the troops still carry on under the most dire of circumstances.

Again, the feeling at KTVU is something I hear, have heard, and continue to hear: A REJECTION of the management currently at Fox2. Staff has NO CONFIDENCE in both the GM/SVP, Mellynda Hartel and ND, Amber Eikel. The rank and file carry on and are able to put out newscasts but for the most part, they do so with a pent-up frustration about both bosses utter incompetence and lack of direction and mostly, what I hear, experience. KTVU staff are completely dismayed and disgusted over how the duo runs the news operation and how such a dysfunctional place that is KTVU is allowed to perform. This is what I hear on an almost everyday basis. It is beyond constant.

Fox corporate knows it and has looked into the matter. How they proceed is anyone's guess. Eikel, instead of reaching out to her work force, has instead doubled down and maintains her embattled, care-free nature. She simply doesn't care. In fact, she seems to be emboldened. I don't get it but I'm not surprisd anympore. Maybe she knows someting. Maybe she's an ice queen, either way, her staff is fed up. And Hartel is straight out bizarre. Nobody ever sees her. Oh, she's there every now and then but she apparently just hides in her office. Maybe she's afraid of the bad odor outside. Who knows.

KTVU is at a boiling point about to explode. There is so much drama and anxiety and it's real. Why are SO MANY people LEAVING and retiring now? Is it all just a coincidence? Heck no. Rob Roth couldn't wait to get the hell out and run for tranquility and breathe fresh air. Same too others. Those that stay do so because they need to take care of family and further their career. The anchor desk is the most obvious change and look and it's about to get more muddled. Reporters are ON THE GO. Newsroom staff personnel, including editors, producers, writers, etc. are FED UP. I know 100%.

*At KCBS the anxiety level is a bit more muted but quite strident and pronounced itself. And it shows. Have you heard this audio farce lately? What a disgrace. What used to be a respected, admired, radio news juggernaut has been buried into the ground and is nothing short of a daily embarrassment. The anchors, for the most part, are a JOKE. The reporters, especially the newbies, are terrible. The product sounds like crap. The mistakes, constant. The rancor permeates the entire facility. If KCBS had any direct competition, they'd be buried in a nano second. Thet don't. They exist on being a virtual monopoly which goes hand-and-hand into how they maintain their badness and exist. They have NO management. NO direction. And they are led by a boss who carries on because she is allowed to do so because her corporate suits are afraid of terminating her in PC-engulfed San Francisco. What a crock. But it's the truth.

*I'VE BEEN CRITICAL on the tepid, predictable local coverage (orlack) on Ukraine-Russia ongoing carnage. There is so much creativity lacking out there. You all deserve better. Instead of just generic visits to folks on the street with a Ukraine flag and asking dumb questions, what about, say, asking anyone on the street how they feel. How all these war scenes are affecting them. Do they care? Are they paying attenion? Are they watching the scenes out of Kyiv and do they understand what is taking place. It's a simple chore yet extraordinarily easy. You'd think some AE would be privy to such a story but maybe their busy building a better Bay Area.


  1. Interesting comments, Rich. Excellent coverage of the war on cable TV, both FOX and CNN,and also the networks.It is very upsetting at times to watch.Your KCBS and KTVU coverage showing grossly incompetent management shows corporate ownership does nor really care about the SFO Area market or the viewers/listeners.Sad,but true!

  2. Bret Burkhart has been forced to take a pay cut. Take it or leave it. Wow!

  3. Speaking of Saturday deli....
    What ever became of the most famous "deli" commercial on Bay Area radio?
    "Bob Ostrow, the maestro of delicatessen land.
    A valuable lesson in delicatessen is ‘Buy Bob Ostrow brand!”
    Bring that advertiser back.
    Perhaps KGO and KCBS could get more than the $2.85 they get for each 30 second PSA spot.

  4. Amber Eikel thinks she's untouchable. The arrogance is extraordinary. The reality is she's an exceptionally awkward person who has no leadership skills to speak of. And that's the beginning and end of that story. She hires awkward people who also have zero charisma. How it ends? That's the question.

    1. 2:19, How do you know what she thinks?

    2. If she finally gets sacked she'll claim it was because she's a woman. "A man would get promoted in this job. I'm called abrasive." Women today live in fantasy lands.

    3. How do I know what she thinks? I work in the fiery car crash that is the KTVU newsroom. I hear the rambling garbage that comes out of her mouth.

    4. Her gender has less than nothing to do with it. Her lack of skill set does. And when you make comments like it's all because she's a woman you are playing right into her hands. If you have nothing meaningful to say here why bother?

  5. Is anyone really that surprised that FOX is useless? They have bigger fish to fry than worrying about their SF station. Like figuring out how to keep their top anchor who is pro Putin when that's clearly not going to end well. Unless KTVU catches on fire they won't notice. The Murdochs have their hands full. Amber Eikel is on her own to wreak havoc for now at least. But also Fox. Gotta ask how is a FOX owned station top rated in liberal SF? Oh the irony!

  6. WHEN does it end should be The Question...

  7. Basically, I think there is too much local news going on. All day with barely nothing new to report. Once you know the weather what else are you looking for? The internet has everything current but you can't get any decent sports stories in the next day papers. It is a sad situation. I used to listen to NEWS PEOPLE like Van Amburg and Dave Mc and they were journalists with grit and integrity. Now it is all makeup and bleached hair. On the radio it was great with KGO all day and album rock at night for me with Dr. Don Rose and TOP 40 for the kids. Appointment TV and appointment radio. This was an awesome place then and I miss it. Now I can't watch any local TV or radio anymore.

    1. There's PLENTY of news to report every day.

      But it has to be found, and that's expensive.

      Better to do stories on the openings of kitten shelters, a bakery's specialities, or the spelling bee winner.

      There's more corruption in SF City Hall than there has ever been. Ever see it reported on KTVU, KRON, KPIX, KGO or KNTV? During the pandemic many chain fitness clubs and restaurants were ignoring the rules, but you only saw a "consumer reporter" go after mom and pop shops...which don't have access to the army of lawyers the big companies do. So no stories, even though everyone knew they were happening. I know. I reported some. I was told to basically shut up. Those big people advertise on TV!

      This is fallout from the internet being the "aggregator" of news, which means they just copy and recopy each other's mistakes while pretending they're giving you tons of updates, fresh news. Sad that so few people realize this has happened. There has been a meteoric shift in not just how we get news but what we learn...and what we no longer learn. But few people, even smart people you'd think would know better, realize it.

  8. KTVU Dysfunction? Shortly after 8 AM this morning Sal reported on "an overturned postage truck" on Hwy 17. The whole operation needs intervention.

  9. 9:16 EVERYONE (Libs and conservatives) always whines about rampant corruption at SF City Hall. What proof do you have? Incompetence...maybe. But corruption? Show me proof. You guys sound like my late father-in-law...who always blamed his business failures (he tried to run several small businesses) on "those goddamn Jew bankers."
