Sunday, March 20, 2022

KGO Bread Crumbs


This just in: I rip KGO. Of course I do. What else is there to say?

I'm supposed to be positive? About what?

Gimme a break.

It's not as terrible as it once was, now just a notch below a D-, not a total failure just a new fresh amount of bread crumbs.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, they have no money. They've said that for years. And whose fault is that? You? Me? No, we reject a pile of crap as we should. For over a decade, Cumulus has run KGO into the ground. Put dreck on and get shitty results. Highlight a guy who plays YouTube bits on his show for two hours and thinks he's clever, gees right, nobody listens. Put a woman on morning drive whose sole talent is talking about her kids every five minutes? Yeah, the ratings sure do suck.

This is not brain surgery. This is common sense.

The alleged Program Director doesn't have a clue. Which is why he didn't get the market manager gig at Cumulus even though he's a middle-aged white guy who still reads Readers Digest. He has no creativity. He thinks by using some eternal fill-in (wonder why) hack who yells and screams, is genius. Yeah, Hammer, he's a future Marconi winner about as much as I'm dating Halle Berry, only my odds are better.

KGO is on my radio only because of habit. It's like eating Stella Doro cookies, someone has to. KGO is there only because I still listen to terrestrial radio. Call me an idiot. I also read printed newspapers. It's a hard habit to break. KGO has become the two-dollar bill.

For what they pay two tonsils in particular, they could hire a real local person with half a brain and get the same results as they get right now but the hammer is lost in space. He couldn't lead an Eskimo to an ice show so why the hell can he be expected to program a radio station. He's got an excuse, "we have no money." Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bread crumbs.


  1. KGO is a far cry from what the use to be. They are better than the were, when they changed to all news
    They should have kept Chip, and let Niki go, could even fit in Brian Copeland for 1 or 2 hours. l agree pretending to be positive when you feel different does not make sense. However, constantly beating a dead horse is useless. Why not branch out and write about other stations and hosts, give your readers more variety.

    1. Brian Copeland sued the company and they reached a settlement. He has a kgo podcast that receives zero promotion. It's the same reason Karel isn't coming back. He also sued Cumulus.

  2. Stella D'Oro Breakfast Treats may not be the breakfast of champions, but they're still pretty damn tasty.

  3. When you have a action packed "talk-show" who needs callers.
    You have "Mark's Madness" or
    Friday Fabulous Florida, or
    A "Chunk of Trump" or
    Its the planet stupid, or
    K-Pop music. or
    Televangelist Theatre" or.
    Fresh Faced Albert's ongoing adventures.
    All in all, there is little time for messy listener's calls.
    Who needs all that trouble?
    Leave that to others, we're mighty happy with wall to wall schtick.

  4. K Gone Overboard and is at the bottom of the ocean.

  5. You've mentioned about how bad KCBS has become. It's not just the technical glitches and missed cues, it's that they don't do news anymore. At about 6:30, they had these stories in a row -- a tribute to a nonprofit, a tribute to the Clean Water Act, and a report about air pollution and kids. It's all advocacy journalism -- stories that push an angle. I guess they're trying to compete with NPR, but that's dumb. NPR already has its audience. KCBS's audience is news, like what's happening right now in Ukraine or Washington or that fire down the street that's pouring smoke into the air.

    And the reporters on KCBS are even trying to sound like NPR hosts, with a slower delivery and a noticeable lack of energy. The men sound emasculated.

    KCBS, go back to the way you sounded 5 or 10 years ago! Listen to airchecks from back then. It was way more compelling than the crap you offer listeners today.

    1. Yes. Yes. Yes. For TWO years, on KCBS it has been nothing but covid, covid, covid, masks, masks, masks. And I really mean that. So much other news was going on but the virus was easy pickins. KCBS is now lazy, sloppy, biased. CNN used to be the king of cable news because they did NEWS. Now they are so biased that no one can listen any more. We have no straight news stations any more, on TV or radio. They are all unlistenable. All run by hacks and suits. KGO is the worst of the bunch and it is so sad too because I listened to them all day at work and in my car because KGO was smart, fun, informative. Remember on the Loma Prieta quake. That day KGO was amazing. Now nothing but trash 24 hours a day.

    2. I had no idea, 6:36, that a well-articulated, slower delivery with good enunciation implied a lack of masculinity. Kids, or for that matter, anyone breathing foul, polluted air incur health problems, sometimes very serious ones. Why would this be "advocacy" and not "news"?

  6. Pleae tell me why KMJ-580 AM in Fresno sounds far superior to KGO?

    Same owners, but KMJ starts off the morning with a solid live agricultural report that's sponsored. Then it's 3 hours of news, traffic and lots of local sound.

    They have plenty of local ads. Plenty of national ads.
    Overall it's a better news product.

    Same broke owners( Cum-u-less) but KMJ sounds far better with a better produced morning drive.

    1. We have so much more local news here than Fresno does but KGO is so liberal now they only focus on climate change, covid, anti-Trump. Meanwhile San Francisco is a trash heap. Filthy, dangerous camps are everywhere. Needles and alcoholics fill the concrete. They should be focusing on doing stories on this but they are so scared to offend the powers that be. If they did we may not have the cackler Harris as vice-president who slept her way into office.

    2. Yes,

      San Francisco is a real sad situation now.

      It was once the most beautiful city in the world. We used to go to Senior Pico's next to Giradelli (I know that is spelled wrong). Then go to Buena Vista for irish coffee. It was always an adventure, but now when we visit it just depresses us. Stores are being looted. Criminals don't get prosecuted. Crimes not even getting investigated. Will it ever come back? No, SF is too far gone. It is the same thing in L.A. We are all to blame for it too. We let it happen, and that is what the news should be reporting on, but they have chosen to ignore it. All local news have betrayed it.

    3. However, as you gloat about being in Fresno, you're still in Fresno, the armpit of California, now and always.

    4. I agree with 11:13. SF is now the armpit of California. Fresno is cleaner, safer, cheaper.

  7. 6:36 has got it right on both counts, the stories are just long editorials paying tribute to some left-wing charity and the talent all sound like they're from KQED. Very haughty, talking down to their audience. KCBS didn't used to be that way.

  8. Ever since kgo fired Franklin and switched all the time slots I haven’t tuned in. Not as protest but because you get used to tuning in at certain times. Haven’t heard Rothman in the earlier time slot. The idiots running the station have pretty much gutted the crap out of it. I listen to right wing KSCO for the chuckle though

    1. Miss Rush. He was funny. Crazy, but funny.

      Now KSFO is a right-wing wasteland, all anger, no sense of humor. Especially Bongino, he gave me a total headache after only 10 minutes, never listened again.

    2. Agreed about KSFO I haven’t listened to that trash in years. I was referring to KSCO this is the station located in Santa Cruz it is owned by a guy named Michael Zwerling. Right wing fanatic through and through. They have an amusing host by the name of Charlie Friedman who is a cheap imitation of Gene Burns. Rich Lieberman used to have a show on that station until that PUTZ Zwerling pulled the plug after all the right wingers complained Rich was “too far left”.

  9. I'll say it again. Grab an inexpensive blue tooth speaker and stream anything you want from your phone. KFI from LA yesterday morning had Bill Handel and Jennifer Jones Lee doing news breaks. And Bloomberg 960 is very good. Tons of options.

    1. Yes, I started streaming Bloomberg 960 on my laptop because I can't get them on the radio, and started watching their TV station too.

      I listen while I am working to try and learn about financial issues.

      Found them after listening to the A's games. Best station in the Bay Area I think.

      Clean, professional, informative.

  10. KGO was better in the 90's and early 2000's, but I'd still rather listen to newstalk radio than straight-up news. And the good thing about KGO is the fact that it's the only newstalk station I've ever found which isn't right-wing. It's so wonderful to have a newstalk radio station with a more balanced view of news and world events. As long as KGO exists, I will listen, even if it's not perfect. I do miss Chip Franklin, though, and I miss John Rothmann in the 6 to 9pm time slot. The station felt like it was almost back to its 90's greatness up until they decided to fire Chip and move John. Now it's a constant struggle to even be able to tune into John's show every day, but I do my best.

    1. Chip is an ADHD spaz who thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and can’t stop talking about his past long enough to asking a fucking question of actual guests with expertise. He’s too busy trying to compare notes with doctors, you know, his peers. Oh, wait, “comedian” who has never said anything that could be considered funny.
