Saturday, February 26, 2022

John Rothmann Finally Got It Right on Friday Night; Ukraine-Russia Topic on KGO; Saturday Schmooze

I RIP, yes I do. Even John Rothmann on KGO, for whom I've been pretty much supportive.

He was spot on last (Friday) night. One of his best shows. The talk, of course was the escalating crisis in Ukraine. It was two hours of very good analysis, a noticeable lack of lecturing (on Rothmann's part) and excellent callers.

I've never questioned Rothmann's expertise on politics and international affairs. He is in his element when it comes to what's taking place in Ukraine as Russia seems intent on its military purge of Kiev, the capital, and all parts of the country. Rothmann is at his best when he talks history and how it relates to the war taking place now, particularly Putin's activity. It's excellent and it's pointed.

My issues with John (and I've been hard, yes, I have, no regrets) is when he gets overly sanctimonius and lecturing, especially to callers whom he disagrees with. For a guy who has made his name on being fair to both sides, he is remarkably impatient with some callers who make their case. I happen to agree with Rothmann, for the most part, not just on this crisis, but politics in general. But when he gets frustrated, tight, angry with certain callers, he has a tendency to be a real bloated, almost bitter guy. It's not flattering and it can be downright rude, especially when Rothmann barks out, "sir, excuse me, sir, excuse me," a shouting vortex. Again, it's not becomming and Rothmann, lately, is all that and then some.

Part of my make-up is that I'm honest, even to those I regard as solid performers. Maybe I attack but I attack everyone, myself included. I'm hard on others, especially those I view as "appointment radio"--like a Rothmann on KGO. That doesn't mean I have to love him nonstop, 24/7. I've made fun of some of his personal habits of telling us all how many people he knows/knew. And he probably knows 'em all, I just don't have to like it; it's annoying and it reeks of arrogance and ego. Sorry, it's just me.

I'm also wary of people who constantly re-hash Trump and labor on and on and on...something Rothmann does almost every day and it's tiresome. Rothmann says because Trump is an ex-president his word means something, therefore, a justification for him (Rothmann) bringing his name up. Bull. Because Donald Trump doesn't give a damn about presidential decorum --why then should Rothmann, or maybe you all, for that matter? That's another topic.

I've teased Rothmann for showing faux, fake, outrage indignity. When you repeatedly shout "it's appalling" and you constantly rant your "outrage" every five minutes, it loses its effect. It deflates your own argument and trivializes it to the max. And when you tell certain people it sounds great, for radio and shtick purposes, it becomes tedious, predictable and tiresome. That's an element to Rothmann's repertoire that I don't enjoy and so, I call him out. He's not perfect, neither am I. Again, it's just me. But I'm consistent.

Last night was enjoyable radio. It was helped by very interesting callers and Rothmann's back and forth was devoid of some of my major irritants. It was a good exchange and remarkably listenable. The calls (and information they put forth) were downright extraordinary at times. A guy, whose visited Ukraine and seemed to know how Putin works, made excellent, salient points. Rothmann let him talk. KGO sounded like the old KGO and Rothmann was in his element. Yeah, there's no place he'd rather be. For a change, that was good.


  1. Did he mention Biden's hiding out in his Delaware basement again this weekend?

    1. At least he's not at the golf course every weekend.

    2. Aww @the whataboutisms from 1:40.

    3. thats another myth him running to delaware, it seems to drive the maga/trump world nuts..just another cheap shot, you can do the job as pres anywhere at anytime, just because he goes home on the weekends, doesnt mean he's still not getting briefed on things. i don't agree with everything biden has done so far in office, but good lord

  2. It was a good show last night, but I do enjoy it when John gets callers who disagree with him. It makes for interesting listening, plus I learn a lot by hearing such a variety of opinions. I always appreciate John's fairness. If he ever cuts anyone off, it's for good reason.

  3. yes mr. 415, wonder if copeland will become another ''yuh huh uh hummm'' type guy.hard to avoid,

  4. Would the 10 to Noon Slot not be better for Rothmann? Seems like all the breaking Government & Court News happens before 9AM! He would not need a lot of show prep as he would be talking current events less that a few hours old or even live events!

    1. …and he would destroy the favorable demographics that now exist between 10am and 4pm. The 70-dead demo doesn’t need a boost.

  5. Interesting... not a day goes by that someone doesn't mention the carrot.

    1. If only the carrot would go away, there would be no need to talk about him. And oh, how I long for him to go away.
