Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday Happy Hour; Mark Ibanez/Gary Park/KTVU Symmetry; Curious Knibber/Giants' Ad Timing; KPIX Needs Deep Cleansing; CBS Disgust; Stan Bohrman Retro Moment; Big Game Pick



I'm a huge Mark Ibanez fan. Which is sort of funny because early on in his career, I was NOT a fan. I thought he was too schmaltzy and not so original. Really. Then he grew on me. Ibanez is something else too: a really good writer. He writes his own copy. Many do not. Ibanez has been at KTVU for 43 years. He worked under the master, Gary Park, who was superb in both sports and news. Park was the quintessential pro of pros. A genius wordsmith and master copy writer. Old school personified. Mark Ibanez is the same pedigree. I hope the folks at KTVU and Fox will keep Mark at Jack London Square --he could do a hybrid news/sports. He is still on top of his game and he's also a Bay Area-rooted guy. If Ibanez splits KTVU next month (retires) then the Bay Area loses.

*Gary Park was very elusive, a real private man. Even up to his death (in 2009, a victim of cancer), Park kept to himself. He was so private people would ask why he chose such a public career. Gary was a complex man and a genius. He would eat (by himself) at a Chinatown restaurant near KTVU's studios in Oakland. I would always glance over and say hi. He acknowledged and soon glanced back to his newspaper. It was a weekly ritual. Like his homage to the feature race at Golden Gate Fields at the end of each sportscast. A truly distinctive presence in Bay Area TV Sports anchorship.

*I'm not going to let a few rank amateurs who think they are smarter than everyone else ruin the legacy of KTVU. Sure, we're in a different era. But I remember when KTVU ruled the world. When it was the envy of the industry and received numerous awards and recognition by all. So to today's yokels trying to butcher KTVU, nope, no can do, try as you might.

*Super Bowl week and NBA traffic and the idiots at KNBR are running Giants'/Will Clark ticket package ads. Yeah, MLB (baseball) which has locked out its players and is in another protracted labor dispute and talk of a season of missing games. What a genius time to run Giants' spots, KNBR. Contractually obligated, no excuse. Which only shows you who is running Knibber.

*The joke at KPIX: how many more managers will CBS hire? The natives are getting restless. Downright scary what's taking place at 855 Battery. Does anybody know how to be a leader at CBS-SF? Quit making yourself look more foolkish and out of touch. Acknowledge the fact your entire staff personnel is wondering (sort of out loiud) what is taking place, who is minding the store. PIX is in shambles and both looks and sounds terrible. An entire overhauld is needed. The reporters are mostly bad and look like yahoos. The set is a disaster. Maybe the new hire anchors would help, but so far they look like crap and haven't added anything to the deal. PIX, I pity you.

*CBS in NY is supposedly disgusted at its drecky Bay O and O so mucn so mit has abandoned its plan to spend any real cash on new sets and personnel. It's a shame too cause there was a time when PIX had great people, Dave MceLhatton, Dana King, Ben Williams, Wayne Walker, etc, what a total farce it is now.

*Speaking of vintage PIX, I recall Stan Bohrman. A 70's newsman icon. He had a late 1970's stint at PIX. You may have seen him in a cameo pic of 1970 movie, "The China Syndrome." Bohrman, 70's master news guy with great pipes and commanding presence. And a real gem of a person too.

*Oh, what the hell:

LA Rams: 37

Cin Bengals: 24


  1. I knew Gary Park from my days at WGN-TV in Chicago...He of the Park/(Jim) Ruddle news team...Good guy...JF

  2. "He would eat (by himself) at a Chinatown restaurant near KTVU's studios in Oakland. I would always glance over and say hi."

    Sounds like you were both there alot. All of that MSG back then would do you in. Careful bro.

    1. KFC is loaded with MSG, and the Colonel lived to be 90.

    2. MSG would never attack an officer.

    3. You have a good understanding of the pecking order, 10:58.

    4. And Gary Park died of cancer 3:29. What's your point?

    5. The Colonel lived to the ripe old age of 90, and he reportedly ate his fried sodium/MSG/cholesterol-rich "finger lickin' good" junk food on a regular basis for decades. And Harland was still very active, into his late 80s. If the MSG "did him in," it was an awfully delayed process in his case. That's my point. BTW: Was it determined that Park's cancer was caused by frequent dining at the Oakland Chinese Restaurant? Or did something else do Gary in?

    6. Everyone knows that The Colonel did not eat that chicken daily. Marketing. And everyone knows Harland lived to that ripe old age due to all of the Kentucky Bourbon that he was consuming on a daily basis.

      On a side note, if you want the real story behind KFC you should watch the Foods that Built America episode on KFC. Pretty entertaining.

    7. I'll check that out, 8:12. I've seen programs on Sanders, Ray Kroc, Dave Thomas, Carl Karcher, etc., but I've never seen the Foods that Built America series.

    8. Foods that Built America is awesome. The episodes on the candies we have now and how they started and were fighting with each other etc was real entertaining. I'm a huge fan of H.B. Reese (Reeses).

  3. I've heard people pan Gary Park's work. I liked the guy, on the newscasts and in the Giants broadcast booth.

  4. Gary was one of the few who could keep his live private which probably was easier in the days before the internet. One of my cousin's ate in the same restaurant and seen him there all the time.

    She didn't disturb him except one day on her way out she told him "Great story on Vida Blue last night. He said "Thank you" and both went on their merry way.

  5. Rich, you've sucked me in again. Loved Dave McElhatton and Ben Williams.

  6. THe new anchor hires at KPIX just made it worse. Ryan Yamamoto sounds like a weekend anchor in Fresno and Sara Douchey or whatever her name is is all looks and no talent. Managers have to stop being taken in by beauty contest winners. What's odd is once upon a time most managers were middle aged or older men with pot bellies and you could understand what they saw in a pretty young thang with big ta-tas, but many newsrooms now are filled with "feminist" managers and they still hires these bimbettes. Except for Trixie, who seems to have a thing for gay men with no news acumen. Sometimes I think managers reveal their sexual hangups on their choices for "journalists." And women are every bit as bad as men; they haven't been the breath of fresh air and equality they were touted as.

  7. I appreciate your optimism but there's no way KTVU comes back from the gatbage can it finds itself in unless there's a huge housecleaning. Every day that passes the hole is dug deeper by current management, sadly.

  8. Park wrote a tight, tidy sports report, which was admirable. His TV work on Giants telecasts, however, was somewhat dour and he was preoccupied with dinner plans as much as the game. I recall the extra-inning game in Montreal that ruined his post-game reservations at a French restaurant.

  9. Don't know what you or anyone else sees in Ibanez. Pomous, smug and never met a microphone or mirror he didn't like. Good riddance finally I hope.

  10. Mark is super nice in person and very generous with his time with non-profits in the community. A very sweet man.
