Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Vacuous Mark Thompson on KGO; Terrified of Taking Calls; KRON Nixed Wayne-Heenan Duo; KTVU-Somerville D-Day Nearing


ANOTHER vacuous Mark Thompson on KGO: he can't have an honest conversation with people. He's terrified of callers ripping him, so in spite of giving out the phone number a few hundred times every day, Thompson takes NO CALLS. He does take texts and uses some lame sound drop simultaneously--it's painful to listen to.

*When talk-show hosts over-use sound drops and can't be one-on-one, either with callers or their fraudulent news guys, they then have to resort to using tons of YouTube, fake interviews, fake back and forths with doofus news guys. They don't know originality if their life depended on it. They try to get it going with manufactured sound and disingenuous NOISE, that's all it is, noise, or more to the point, KGO, from 10-Noon.

*KGO could be had for pennies on the dollar but even at that, nobody is interested in KGO. Here's a major reason.

*KRON long ago (during Pero) thought about pairing Catherine Heenan and Ken Wayne but 86ed the idea--after a few dry runs--it was determind that Wayne hurt Heenan and Heenan couldn't help Wayne--which should tell you all you need to know about pitch meetings at KRON.

*A move that won't happen but makes sense: Wayne going back to KTVU to replace Frank Somerville. Helps KTVU plus saves a whole lotta money but mucho ego says no.

* Nine days from today, it's official: Somerville's 32-year run at KTVU ends in divorce.


  1. That d bag Mark and his idiot lapdog Brett had the Balls to piss on the memory of Len Tillem on today's show! Brett's Obits Those two clowns could not draw half the audience Len did! for that they are threatened in their manhood and work ethic! I thought Armstrong & Getty was bad radio I thought Brian Sussman was a F*/k Up but nothing tops the Thompson Show. Two circus clowns would make better radio

    1. Thompson is afraid to take calls? He should take a note from the Biden playbook. Screen all questions beforehand and only take calls that kiss your ass.

  2. Is Frank done with his re-hab program already? Or will he attend in the High Court session in absentia aka ZOOM?
    YOu would think he'd be ready to walk away from that savage circus anyway. Not gettin any younger.

    1. Frank is in rehab? Oh, I didn't realize you were the court stenographer.

    2. Very likely going back to KTVU's evening desk after he's completed his rehab - then a big time on-air apology to ALL. It'll be a great feel good story for both parties. Viewers will eat it up, no doubt = a ratings bonanza, win-win!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Wayne is unwatchable ever since his botched plastic surgery eye job. Yikes! Also a sad reminder of the fall of KTVU...

    1. He's also ***boring.*** Good God, are ALL male anchors in the Bay Area stuck on bland?

  5. Heenan and Wayne would be terrible together. Both are boring to watch. Both have zero energy. I remember when Ken was at KTVU and Rich was praising him. Boy, didn't do KRON any good, at least from what I can see.

    1. @6:44
      Wayne is fine, but Heenan's sandpaper delivery grates the eardrums.

    2. They’re out there. Polished, talented male anchors with good pipes. But they have to move to an extremely high cost of living market, low pay (enter in horrible quality of life) and read a parade of whiny social justice news and nothing but. Pass.

    3. "...and read a parade of whiny social justice news and nothing but."

      Wrong, 7:31. They're instead required to embrace COVID histrionics and "nothing but."

  6. does knbr ever take calls anymore? of course greg papa has always refused to, he thinks its beneath him, and "tkb" in the entire time they have been paired up never have either..tom tolbert used to make fun and put down callers in the past too..

    1. I have never once listened to any radio show, sports politics news ANY radio show to listen to callers...

      It's called the Greg Papa show not the Joe from livermore show

      Just my opinion

  7. There is your shock to the system right there! Wayne back at KTVU. Neva gonna happen. Wayne wants money and Fox won't give it. Thats a no brainer that even non-news people can figure out.

  8. You mean the "why don't you just text it" is not clever? And that girly laugh, good god!!
