Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Eternal Blah Blah Blah Radio Called Mark Thompson -Bret Burkhart on KGO

Mark Thompson and Bret Burkhart on KGO Radio, 11: 22 AM PT and you can pretty much say for the past few or woooow.


  1. That show proves KGO is dead and can not be fixed!The Station is a joke they, should sell the Frequency to Caltrans for Highway Updates!

  2. True, the Thomson show can degrade into a sort of a two-hour BS session at times. But for the most part there's a lot of interesting and entertaining segments throughout the week. For example, Tuesday's interview with David Cay Johnston is a must-listen event. And I always try to listen to Friday Fabulous Florida, even though it's sort of an odd topic for a show geared to Northern California audiences. In any event FFF is usually pretty amusing and a good way to kick-start the weekend.

    Just curious Rich, do the ratings provide enough granularity to determine what segments/commercials are drawing the audiences in, and which are causing them to turn the dial? With that sort of info Thomson would be able to do some fine-tuning.

  3. I had hoped after Albuuurt had left, the dumb tones etc would be gone. There's still a tone sounding like a warning light on a car.Brilliant because I'm in my car when listening. Hammer must love this crap!

    1. In the olden days, the FCC wouldn't let us(wisely) use sirens, crash sounds, anything that could trigger injury for drivers listening to radios. It's just common sense.

    2. The dinging of a game show style “correct” bell hardly qualifies as a hazardous sound. With rare exception, producers don’t decide which sound drops are played.

  4. Say what you want, the Mark Thompson show is the "best talk-radio show on the dial between 10:06 AM and 11:56 AM"
    If there is something else, please advise.
    860 The Answer with Dennis Prager ...KSFO the Dan BONGino show.
    What else?
    Yes, on occasion KQED FM 88.5 will have something interesting that isn't marinated in knee-jerk woke-ism.
    OK... what else is available at the same time as Thompson?

    At least Thompson isn't willing to personally endorse and do those "fleece-the-seniors" ads for Balance of Nature, like some other KGO hosts.

  5. I still think they could get their best ratings in a long time if they have rothman read the complete transcripts of the Watergate tapes and then have him give biographies of each person and his personal anecdote of meeting everyone he knew in the nixon administration

    1. Rothmann drinking game..a shot for each:
      - reminds us he worked for Nixon
      -"you understand"
      - "blasted!"
      - puts a "t" sound on the end of a word ending in d
      - "particulary"

  6. Bay Area Needs to regain legacy radio days,ie Dr.Bill
    Ray,even Ronn Owen's?

  7. I'm a former radio professional and think you're dead wrong. Thompson is a big time pro--with simultaneously diverse and substantive programming. He's super smart and well connected, producing interesting, relevant guests and interviews.

    I don't get your weird, critical obsession with Thompson. It's okay to not like someone's style. I happen to like Mark's. But I'll concede I didn't like the elevation of Albert to something more than strictly background. That did not work... But in the balance that was a small fault; the bottom line is he clearly has the chops and works hard to produce a consistently interesting and listenable show.

    1. dear 8:29 . If you are a "former radio professional", and think this dreck is anything but an unlistenable , non-substantive bore, your taste sucks.

    2. What did you formerly do with radios, repair them?

    3. Good hearing from you, Mark. Oh, and STOP pretending to live in the Bay Area, phony ass!!!
