Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Doug Moore

I RARELY WATCHED DOUG MOORE on KNTV but knew his legacy as a longtime Bay Area News anchor on News11, the San Jose ABC O and O in the 1970's and 80's. Moore worked alongside Maggi Scurra and developed quite a following.

Moore has passed at the age of 78.



  1. South Bay viewers who wanted no Van, no Dennis, no Dave Mac, and no revolving door at KRON (Paymar, Jimenez, Sinkovitz all had time in the 1980s pre-Pete Wilson) stayed home with their news viewing and watched Doug Moore.

    And Maggi Scura is an absolute Silicon Valley news reporting treasure of yester-millennium; definitely KNTV's greatest personality ever. I believe Scura is as fit as ever in retirement, but should we give her the same bubble wrap treatment we must give Betty White through late January and beyond?

    1. I recently saw some KNTV promo pictures of Maggi for sale on ebay from 1980. She was stunningly beautiful.

      God bless you Doug Moore. I enjoyed your work!

  2. That is so sad....
    This guy was a class act.
    Think San Jose's version of Dennis Richmond. And paired well with the lovely Maggi Scura. The PERFECT team. Now gone forever.

  3. I met Doug at Tower Records in Campbell one day. He was just browsing the cds. I just walked up, introduced myself, and told him I was a big fan of his and Maggie. He couldn't have been nicer. Spent a few minutes with me and was very down to earth. One of my treasured encounters with greatness.

  4. For some folks, they received channel 11 (KNTV) better than channel 7 (KGO-TV) due to location and before cable-tv. I do remember both of them and best wishes to Maggi S.; sorry for her loss. I believe they were a couple. Of course, KNTV's news had more south bay info compared to KGO-TV's north bay orientation.

    1. Maggi Scura has been married to Dr. Vincent Lepore, a plastic surgeon in San Jose, for over 30 years. But she and Doug Moore remained friends after retirement, so she has suffered a loss.

  5. Every comment I have been reading has said the same thing, he was a hell of a man both on and off camera. None of the drama that came from any of the other Bay Area networks. God bless him.

  6. Sad to hear he's gone. When newscast were simply newscasts. As for KNTV being an ABC O&O, they were only a network affiliate back then.

    Channel 11 put a city grade signal into parts of the East Bay back then too.

  7. Rest in Peace Mr. Moore. Living in the south bay, he and Maggie were a staple in my household growing up. They were a class act. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

  8. Gone too young. He was cool like Alex Trebek.
