Friday, November 19, 2021

Ask Rich Lieberman

YOUR TV/RADIO/NEWSPAPER/INTERNET QUESTIONS are answered here--please, name and city gets to the front of the line. You know the drill.


  1. Does anyone at KGO ever listen to the voices on their air? I'm not talking about content( another subject) , but the tried and true tendency of both female hosts to allow their voices to rise into upper registers into a sort of hyperventilating screech. One sounds like an excited, gossipy housefrau blabbing about nothing important. The other with the endlessly predictable far left take on everything sound like the proverbial chicken with the head cut off. Please, get them both voice coaches...Learn how to breathe while talking..Don't make people turn the dial to get away from the screeching. Keeping things at a lower register is a radio skill, or used to be. Use your diaphragm, and I don't mean the contraceptive.

    1. I used to put that aside but the more I listen, I agree. But Pat, at least knows her stuff and has the chops. I don't always agree with her politics, but she's entertaining and does good interviews. The morning woman who talks about her kids and favorite muffins, I can't listen anymore. Voice and all.

  2. My name is Sheryl. I live in Los Altos. I enjoyed your story about Leslie Griffith. Always wondered what happened to her. Are those stories about her and Mr Mark Ibanez true? That’s great inside information

    1. They are, Sheryl, and I didn't even go into detail. At times, she was very un-professional, I'll leave it at that.

    2. Silky Johnson in AlamedaNovember 19, 2021 at 11:20 AM

      Wow, those were crazy times and Ibanez was a big time dog!

  3. Fred in Petaluma. Is KSFO going to go up for sale? What do you think would be a fair ask price? If you were tasked to program KSFO, what would you do with it?

    1. KSFO, like all radio stations, are always for sale but KSFO is as useless an AM terrestrial radio station as the rest. If I were to program it, I'd blow it up and start over.

    2. I suspect that KSFO will flip or go dark in 2022.

    3. And yet this is the medium rich reports about

  4. I used to work at 7 and have some info I would like to share with you. Do you have an email for that or do you want it posted in the comments

    1. If it's about Trixie or the Empress Ming Sze, please share!

    2. Great Rich provided the email. Better then using the comment system to give Rich info but ask him not to hit the approve button.

  5. Please email me: --confidentiality assured.

  6. Heard Sam Spear passed recently. Yet, no mention of it here. What gives? Guy was a BA icon. Will be missed. I found his racetrack show delightful and insightful. -Tim K in Oakland.

    1. I mentioned it and tweeted it --I'm not in the mood, have a good day.

  7. You should do a report on Doug and Maggi at KNTV. They were together for what? Close to a decade? They were front and center in the local news scene just as much as Dennis/Elaine/Leslie and yet you never write about them. Some people would argue that they drew in a huge share of the market at the time. I know it's not your hometown of Oakland (KTVU) but KNTV and the San Jose (capital of Silicon Valley) are arguably the most important part of the region as a whole.

    1. The San Jose News Station - KNTV did an excellent job covering the South Bay, Silicon Valley and Peninsula. They even covered news in Santa Cruz and Salinas. Doug and Maggie were excellent.

    2. Agreed that Doug and Maggie were very good. One problem with KNTV in those days was the station's signal was sent south towards Santa Cruz and Monterey. KGO came in much better in Santa Clara County. And, of course, another problem was the small budget KNTV had compared to the San Francisco stations...hard to for them to compete, even in San Jose.

  8. I find the local news has become very left wing. Are there any local moderate or even right of centers news outlets on local tv anymore? I want to avoid wokeness and cancel culture please.

    Uncle Ben in Corte Madera

    1. Sadly, no. I used to work in it and I can't stand it any more and precisely for that reason. They don't even try to be objective anymore--KGO has gone so far as to admit they will not report all the awful things black people are doing, except for Dion Lim, who seems to be unstoppable, bless her. Their only true journalist. The rest are haircuts that spout PC bullshit for a large paycheck.

    2. They are playing to this market and to morality.

      If the latter bugs you, stick with Fox, and/or move to Idaho (where those mean old coastal elites won't hurt your pwecious feewings).

    3. Morality? Please. They are playing to low information voters. SF is a shell of its former glory. You can thanks the jackasses (fitting party symbol).

  9. Hi Rich,

    KCBS once the News leader in the bay area.

    Now a steady mess from anchors, commercials, recorded sport segments etc.

    Is there any chance this station will come back to it's glory days?

    Thanks for your Blog.

    Over in the East Bay...

  10. What do you think of Charlie Walter, the guy who has been doing sports (at PIX) in O'Donnell's absence? I get the impression that Walter is going to be a short-timer in this market.

    1. I feel like I'm watching a college freshman whenever I see him.

    2. Andrea Nakano should be the sports anchor instead this college intern. She is capable of reporting from the field and the anchor desk. Management is nuts not using her.

    3. She's smart AND beautiful.

  11. Has anyone at KNTV bothered to tell Audrey Asistio that this is the Bay Area and not LA? Tone down the wardrobe and lower the volume...

    1. I like Audrey Asisto. She is relatable, competent and soft on the eyes. Her predecessor now at KNBC in LA was too serious.

  12. Hey Rich, thanks for taking questions, interesting always.

    I wonder why many of the local over-the-air broadcast tv stations (especially PBS sister stations 9 and 54) fail to consistently include the currently playing episode title and content summary in the program's meta-data? This is what's displayed when the "info" button on the remote is pressed. The stations include it sometimes, seemingly at random, so it must be possible. I expect many channel surfers simply tune to the next station when they can't see the program content info for the current and next-up program. It seems an odd management decision to pay for the station's hardware, software, and staff expenses, then not do something simple like that to attract more viewers. Is it that there's just not a big enough tv audience in the over-the-air segment of viewers for the station to bother?

    George in San Jose

    1. Way over my head there, George. I'm sure someone out there knows answer to your question.

    2. I get it... a minor frustration, when you want to see what you're watching or how long it'll run. Even on my ancient Viera most of the OTA stations, and even the sub-channels, do show the info, including KRCB 22 (PBS). So I chalk it up to a KQED mentality, or interns who can't be bothered.

    3. Laziness.

      What hardware and software are they "paying" for? It's just part or the digital signal, and everyone broadcasts digitally today. The only thing they might have to "pay" for is the person who inputs the data, in which case you answered your own question.

    4. @3:04 -

      That's most likely your provider's problem. I have DirecTV and I never have a metadata/Info problem with the kocal channels...even with 9. 54 I rarely watch because DieecTV still carries that channel in SD.

    5. Not the "provider's" problem because I have over-the-air and it happens consistently on certain channels.

    6. For over-the-air, it's called PSIP data. The quality of it probably depends on how the data is populated. Most stations subscribe to a service that helps populate it others may populate it manually. The FCC requires stations keep it up-to-date with program information. If they don't, they can be fined.

    7. It mostly happens, as the original poster says, on the PBS stations, 9.1 and 54.1.

      I, too, watch over-the-air. So it's not a cable or dish thing.

    8. Re 5:24 pm

      "What hardware and software are they "paying" for? "

      As for hardware, the station's transmitter and the electric bill to operate it for example. As for software, the stations usually pay a vendor for the programs they air. They don't generally get them for free. Purchasing the rights to air "Downtown Abbey", "Prime Suspect", PBS News Hour, etc may be one of the local PBS station's biggest yearly expense.

    9. Rich: [The program info part of the broadcast signal is] Way over my head

      If you are ever really bored and have nothing better to do, tune to a station that typically includes that info. Channel 2 is pretty good. Look carefully, right at the very top of the screen. You may have to get close to the screen to see it. Notice some blinking dots? That's it.

  13. How much longer does Amber Eikel survive at KTVU? Asking for a friend. That friend is the ENTIRE staff at KTVU. Please make it stop.

    1. You work there, not me.
      YOU make it stop. All of you.

    2. He didn't say *he* worked there. So you can't read OR spell?

    3. Rich if you think the rank and file can do anything about Eikel you're very naive. What should we do report her abuse and incompetent moves to HR? You know who our HR person is and that road to nowhere. All anyone can do is leave and as contracts come up, they will.

  14. Not a question, but an observation: given the number of responses you're getting on this blog, Rich, you're definitely tapping into a desire for people to comment on or find out more about the media. Don't know where people would go without your blog.
