Sunday, September 5, 2021

Greg Papa Advised NOT to Go to Napa Concert; Dave Flemming's Non-Giants' Games Clauses in Contract; Vicki Liviakis KRON View; Sunday Schmooze


Greg Papa was telling his KNBR listeners on Friday that he was attending the Napa outdoor. "Bottle Rock" three-day concert (it concludes today, Sunday)--415 Media learned through a broadcast source, Papa was advised by a close friend and KNBR official to stay away from the Napa concert (which drew several thousands) --why?

Friends were worried that Papa could expose himself to the Covid-19 virus and its Delta variant. Furthermore, Papa, who is expected to travel to Detroit (with Tim Ryan) for the 49ers' opener, could jeopardize his status if he were to test positive. Papa has been vaccinated and has talked on air about the importance of being protected.

I'm sure his bosses at KNBR and the 49ers' broadcast hierarchy would hope Papa had nixed Napa, but oh well.

*Dave Flemming's contract (signed before the 2020 season) has significant clauses in it; it allows him to broadcast many non-Giants events, including vast amounts of ESPN college football (and basketball); Flemming MISSED Saturday night's Giants-Dodgers game at Oracle Park to work a said ESPN college football game. Even though Larry Baer OKed the contract, I'm hearing Baer was STEAMED that Flemming would miss the Dodgers contest. Of course, nobody figured the Giants would be competing for 1st place with the LA team, but don't inject logic for lockstep Larry.

*Randy Winn: decent baseball player; lousy color analyst on radio --OK on TV.

*I never thought I'd miss a traffic reporter but Peter Schofield's EXIT from KCBS is sad. Another blow to the all-news radio station. Schofield's last traffic report is on Sunday. No idea why he's leaving and frankly, don't care, it's the rare breed in Schofield who's able to inject a dry sense of humor and enlightenment into a benign traffic report.

*Why I watch KRON personified dept.: Vicki Liviakis.

*TO ALL my Jewish friends, Happy New Year. La Shanah Tovah.


  1. The country with the most cases and deaths is the US. The state within the country that has the most cases and deaths is California. On September 3, 1,958 people died of covid in the United States. The premier acts (Stevie Nicks) wisely cancelled. Vaccination has never offered complete protection. Severity of cases is directly related to volume of viral particles. Sturgis bike rallies and bottle rock concerts are both superspreader events. Natural selection rules.

    1. Davis Felch, son of Peter Felch at KCBSSeptember 5, 2021 at 11:13 AM

      Yes, Christine, Yes. You are right on the money. 100% correct. For as Jack Ruby once said, “Oswald owed me $20!!”

  2. I can always count on her to "light up" the KRON newscasts.

  3. Do you really think anyone tells papa what to do? A man with an ego larger then then the golden gate bridge

  4. The Giants signed the Fleming contract, right? They were aware of what could happen. That it did is NOT Fleming's fault.

  5. Please make it stop "Eric "KCBS" Thomas" seems like he is on 24/7. Are they that short on staff?

    1. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSSeptember 6, 2021 at 5:43 PM

      Eric Thomas reminds me of that guy from the Cosby show working at a Costco. Don’t touch his Ham.

  6. I wonder if Fisher & Kaval are afraid to sign a new A's ballpark with Oakland because of ol' Lockstep, who may have also discouraged Papa not to go to Bottle Rock, where good ol' Dave G & his Foos happily broke curfew three times, including tonight.

  7. Yeah Dave should just tell ESPN to take a hike and not do his weekly CFB game to do one out of 162 regular season Giants game. You're always saying Larry B is pissed and is planning to make changes but I'm calling BS on all of it

  8. Has anybody figured out that flemming makes way more money doing ESPN work than he does for the Giants???

  9. Has anyone figured out that You have to be an "A" lister, have an "A" lister bank account to hang with Vickie and her posse.


  10. Greg Papa's "T-O-U-C-H D-O-O-O-O-W-N" is the the most phony and contrived call in all of Bay Area Sports Radio history and his other KNBR cohorts who extoll and celebrate the greatness of "this call" continues to show how bad KNBR has gotten, even when you think it can't get any cheesier. Love my Niner's, can't stand KNBR 49ER coverage, other than the game itself and that's hard to do considering...
