Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Doom and Gloom at KPIX


Those that want to know and those that are mighty unhappy but still want to keep their head in the sand. Either way, there's a lot of DOOM and GLOOM at the Bay Area's CBS O and O and for good reason: the RATINGS el SUCKO and one of their own, Dennis O'Donnell, has been OUT from the station for well over a month. Speculation is rampant but more ominously? Lots of people don't really give a damn one way or the other.

Beyond O'Donnell's disturbing and mysterious LOA (and overall station indifference) there's a growing MALAISE at KPIX--sure, call it the usual late August, early September doldrums but there's a lot more. The latest morning offering is chock full of disarray and disgust. Wiat a minute: what else is new? The morning show that PIX hardly even promotes? Yeah, that one. And with Michelle Griego gone to Denver, there's no scapegoat. And the numbers keep cratering.

Then there's night. PIX's evening newscasts have NO direction. And the ratings prove it. WAIT! There are NO RATINGS. Ken Bastida has one foot out the door but does anyone care? Liz Cook, who has vastly improved her anchoring, seems disinterested and bored. Allen Martin, the alleged real news guy, still has a tepid look, a real downer and portrays the depression that is Channel 5.



  1. In what universe is Dennis O'Donnell's absence worth obsessing about?

    1. In the 415 Media universe. Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. It began to snowball out of control, when Veronica vanished

  3. Do you think Da Lin can rescue this sinking ship?

  4. Look no further than Andria Borba, her reporting and attitude most accurately reflects the picture you're trying to convey of what's happening at KPIX. Picture's worth a thousand words, and she looks like she has smelled a fart every time she's on screen. https://s1.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/G6hRedpD9IP.f4uqhjUCOQ--~B/Zmk9ZmlsbDtweW9mZj0wO3c9NjQwO2g9MzYwO3NtPTE7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://s.yimg.com/hd/cp-video-transcode/prod/2021-07/22/60f91414540ba326483ac4ce/60f91420350c5e0001681a59_1920x1080_FES_v1.jpg

    1. I suspect that Borba has health-related issues, which often cause those types of expressions and tones.

  5. Have you noticed that Elizabeth Cook is starting to sound like a female Ed Sullivan when she does promos?

  6. This is how a network station acts when it has very little direct competition for the same Demographic. One gets lazy. picky and sullen about the small stuff.

  7. Have Maria Cid Medina read the news while wearing her yoga outfits. Instantly increase viewership for KPIX.
