Friday, September 3, 2021

Brent Jones, Ex-49ers TE and Trump Guy, Offered Politics But KNBR Punted

Brent Jones, the ex-49ers great tight end, was being slobbered over on KNBR the other morning. Between laughs, giggles and love and admiration, Jones and KNBR host, Brian Murphy, were practically having man crushes.

Jones used to have a pad in the Bay Area. He retired long ago annd decided to blast California and move to that great therapeutic state, Texas. Jones said the main reason was no taxes vs. lots of taxes in California, but there's more. In Texas, the minimum wage is much lower so Jones can not only pay no taxes but also, no living wages to his variors gofers. He bragged about it recently on another show.

Jones, who also sold his Tahoe estate, said "Texas is just swesome" --yeah, the Texas whose legislature just passed a restrictive anti-abortion bill. And while Jones would never say this on KNBR, he voted for Donald Trump and told numerous folks how "awesome" Trump still is, both as a private person and as president.

I bring this up because on state radio (KNBR) the hosts, in addition to being in a bubble and not interested in performing basic interview technique, were given an opportunity up the ying-yang by, guess who?, Jones himself, about his various Trumpian causes and turned down Jones. Why?

Well, there's a lot but mostly, supposedly, KNBR didn't want controversy. What the hell? I would think you could ask a simple question to Jones especially since he offered it, but maybe Murphy/KNBR is incapable. Of course there's a lot more to ask but again, KNBR and its ilk are bubble babies and can only provide between-the-lines minutiae. Real life is beyond KNBR's scope.

I'm not surprised.


  1. So whoever may have voted for the Republican candidate in 2020, is automatically relegated to the trash bin of society. How very progressive. Remember, the Democrat 'won' by a very slim margin. Just beyond the utopian horizon of SF and Oak, there lies a formidable contingent of citizens that are starting to see the real picture, see Gabriel Gipe.

  2. You wanna talk bubble babies? Last time I checked, Sacramento is within the reporting bubble of the bay area. The fact that there has been zero reporting on the communist teacher that has just been fired is beyond cowardly, you included. Every time the left get exposed they run and hide. I bet you were praying for a swift demise of Joe Rogan as well? Oops, sorry.

  3. I've already changed some of my vendors due to the Texas War on Women.

    1. You sound like Chip the Prick. He is going to boycott Wholefoods. Who frickin cares. Chip is stupid enough to let people know he shops at Whole Foods. But he will let you know is embarrassed of his blind hair and blue eyes. no wait he is an ugly bald dude

    2. Preventing the murder of innocent children, is a war on women???? Seriously????

    3. @9:17PM
      Given that over 11 million American children are mired in poverty, your phony ilk would have more credibility if you all zealously worked to assist the children already born and in desperate need of food and adequate resources.

    4. Great post. Thanks.

    5. War on woman? That's the very strong headed and misguided pablum speed by the "enlightened" left. It may take two to tango but one to decide. No no no.

      At least one place hasn't devalued life to being just a choice or an issue.

      I just wish our "proud Catholic" President lived by instead of being a hypocrite

  4. I dont know how much of a trump guy jones is,but yes,like a lot of retired athletes he is very conservative..I think the gop tried to recruit him to run for a house seat many years ago.he's part of a long list of conservatives, mark mulder is a hardcore maga as well as the better known ones like aubery huff,lenny dykstra, wade Boggs,johnny damon,and so many others.

    1. There's conservative, and then there's Aubrey Huff.

  5. That's crazy but I'm still thinking about Vicki Liviakis' headlights from the other night.

  6. Brent Jones is a Trump supporter? Excellent. I like him even better.

  7. Kamala's ex Willie BrownSeptember 3, 2021 at 6:08 PM

    Nobody...and I mean NOBODY...cares.

  8. Just ordered his jersey for Niner home games. Thanks for the tip!

  9. I think Trump was poor at many things, for one, he tweeted too damn much. On the other hand, Biden, and his administration has f'd up numerous issues...from the southern border to waiving restrictions on the Nordstream pipeline which enriches Russia but meanwhile shuttering the KXL - that was virtue signaling bs that accomplished nothing but our loss of energy independence. We still use the same amount of oil and now we're forced to buy from countries like Russia transporting it in a far more climate prohibitive ways..and of course it is costing us more at the pump and everywhere else. See meat and food prices lately? And I won't get started on Afghanistan because, as a two time veteran of the war, it is beyond disgraceful how we withdrew, the chaos that ensued, the thirteen courageous young men and women that were KIA'd and in the end we still left behind Americans and armed our ENEMY with billions in gear and equipment. All the lies, the nonstop spin from this administration, it makes me for the first time in my life, embarrassed to be an American. So yeah, while Trump had his faults no doubt, given the choice of him or Biden, I'd take Trump every day of the week. I would no longer trust Biden to run a sandwich shop let alone our Country.

  10. But I must say, Rich, I recall a time when you, personally, just couldn't cackle enough on Twitter with the disgusting Trumpster, TONY BRUNO. I don't recall you ever challenging him at all. It was just all gaffaws and BS.

  11. Finally, someone with the cujones to call out Brett Jones for that phoney right wing piece of shit that he is (and probably always will be). I never liked that overrated turd- thanks for exposing him, Rich. Good work.

    1. Says the guy thats named after a man who was just indicted on 34 sex crime charges last week.

  12. Trump was a very good president.

    1. We're finding out now while the media are trying to put lipstick on a pig.

  13. Rich, let Jones believe in what he wants. Show a little tolerance. Go back to the time when people believed in live-and-let-live. You sound like the women who wanted to shut down your website because of your opinions.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Don't you dare be a conservative. Yeah, so tolerant.

  14. Thanks for the info on Brent. Count me in as a new Brent Jones fan!

  15. "Texas is just swesome"...Trump is "awesome"

    Cringeworthy verbiage from a grown man who yearns to be taken seriously.

    No surprise he's too daft to realize that Texans are still saddled with $10,000 utility bills and pay far more in real estate taxes than most of the nation.

    1. Yes. That is why Californians are swarming to live there in droves per recent reports.

    2. If they are "swarming to live there in droves" I wish they'd hurry the fuck up and leave already so traffic will improve.

  16. Wow, that is Brent Jones, I guess he is perfect for Texcas known for What a Burger and the Golden Corral.

  17. are Kruk and kype relevant in the age of skype?

  18. @8:15 PM
    Not even venture capitalists are "swarming" to invest in Texas. And as 10:31 correctly notes, Texans are buried under extreme real estate taxes and skyrocketing utility bills. To this add the paltry wages. So the smattering of low and middle-income Californians who moved there surely regret it.

  19. Of course Texas has high property taxes,they have no state income taxes. Same with Oregon no sales tax so high property taxes

  20. Doesn't negate the facts, 12:36.
    Besides, Alaska and Wyoming pay no state income taxes and little or no sales tax. Yet, the real estate tax burden remains low, unlike in Texas whose fanatical acolytes crow about paying "no taxes" while failing to mention the low pay, unsustainable utility rates and extreme real estate/sales and excise taxes.
