Sunday, August 29, 2021

Star Wars


Making the rounds at Circle7's Embarcadero studios: the status of KGO (ABC7) STAR anchor, Dion Lim. She very much wants to STAY at KGO because she LOVES the Bay Area. That's on a personal level, only Lim has a HUGE dilemma: do I stay or do I go.

Lim, who had a FIRM OFFER from ABC News (LA) to anchor and report weekend content is perplexed KGO hasn't promoted her to the Monday-Friday/PRIMETIME slot. There's a reason: Ama Daetz is still the primary co-anchor (along side Dan Ashley) and is NOT going anywhere. It's not only an issue for Dion but ABC7 itself. They both want to keep Lim and her growing STAR status and PRESENCE at KGO but they also don't want to lose Daetz either. In the background is the anchor who is SINKING both in status and INFLUENCE: Kristen Sze. How sullen is Sze? She has her in-house manipulators at work.

In the meantime, Lim maintains her gig. She's loving all the attention and INCREASED PUB. Who'd blame her?

Wait a minute.


  1. I'll take Dion Lim any day over Ama. As a consumer of news, I still like Kristen.

    1. Nooooo. Never replace the HOT Ama….there are days I never hear the news

  2. Doesn't matter who is anchoring because until the stop the "Building a Better Bay Area" BS I won't watch KGO7 News.

    1. Until they revoke their current policy of not reporting on bad things black people do. They are pledged to only show them in a "good light."

      Lots of luck with that.

  3. Dion is the future. Ming Sze has been there long enough, with her false long and overly curly eyelashes, that are best suited for someone 40 years younger. What I do not like is the way the studio lights are on way too bright for Dion, so her face always looks bleached out. You really notice the difference when you see her posts on facebook when she is somewhere else besides the studio. She looks better offscreen, but is totally HOT!

    1. Sze 20 yrs and all she has to show for it is that 3 o'clock crap show that only the family pets are watching. ABC7 has had many opportunities to move her to the prime time role but she is not Prime Time talent. If the ND ever leaves it will be interesting to see how long Sze lasts. Not long I think.

  4. Please go to LA! Then KGO news on the weekends can be a choice for me.

  5. Dion can run down to LA and stay there for all I care.

  6. Dion's biggest fan base needs to expose Ming, Trixie, and all of the other cancers at the station. Dion Lim & Ama Daetz can work together.
    The Lim base has not been heard in public, but has been heard by Lim's Circle7 allies, among them the strongest two, Ashley & Finney. For Dion to stay, Ming and preferably Trixie, even Tom Turd must go.

    1. All I can say is Kristen has spent the last 15 yrs sitting behind the anchor desk. when was the last time she was actually out in the field doing any real reporting (hot topics or the Gruesome 4 some at 4 do not count). Other Anchors are out and in the community. Dion has become the asian face of the station in SF.

      Maybe Kristen stay in the office to manupluate like she is rumored to be a master of.

  7. Ama is so HOT to watch...never replace her!


  9. I feel bad saying this, but I find Lim to be very odd. The way she speaks when reporting is different. That being said, she's going no where because the Asian community loves her. Maybe this is why Sze is so insecure about herself. The love is gone.

    1. Sze is a total zero. she is not deep enough for noon time news let alone the evening.

  10. The LA job would bring a lot more opportunities for advancement. Seems a no-brainer.
