Wednesday, August 11, 2021

KPIX Sports Anchor Mystery: New Hire Walter; Where's Dennis O'Donnell?

AT KPIX, there's a NEW Sports anchor, Charlie Walter. He's been broadcasting for a few days now but at 855 Battery, that' OT the buzz; what is?

The PIX talk at the station is, WHERE's Dennis O'Donnell? That's right, the regular, veteran sports anchor, who has been either on vacation (maybe) or whereabouts unknown dominate the talk at PIX. Was newcomer Walter specifically hired as a buffer IN case DOD's mystery continues? That's the sentiment at PIX. For the record, O'Donnell is supposedly on vacation but again, that status seems to be in murky waters at CBS-SF.

Bottomo line? Until further notice: NOBODY KNOWS.

Mystery officialy on record.


  1. Charlie Waller is unimpressive and if he is O’Donnell’s replacement then management phucked up. Andrea Nakano should have been promoted since she knows how to interview, report live from the field, read a teleprompter without mispronouncing words or malapropism and has a presence at the anchor desk.

    1. I agree. Perhaps Andrea's all-around reporting versatility would keep her from a future Sports Director position (i.e. she's also one of PIX's better reporters, covering non-sports' related stories).

    2. I think Charlie is totally boring. He does not even sit with the other weekend anchors. If he stays, I will stop listening to KPIX on weekends. This guy is so boring that I will probably just fall asleep !!!!

  2. O'Donnell normally prepares for the 49ers preseason broadcasts. If he is not in Santa Clara getting for the opener against the Chiefs, then it is very much a misery.
    Meanwhile, Nakano likes her hybrid reporting position - handling both news field stories and the sports anchor desk when necessary.

  3. Rich just addressed what was going to be my next question, in one of his future Q and A threads!

  4. I'm surprised his mommy and daddy let him stay up til 11:36 PM on a school night.

  5. Hey, Rich, you want to investigate another anchor mystery? Even though he's back, why is Somerville still shpeakoing with a thick tongue, eshpecially when he saths the letter S? And what are the three or four black dots above his upper lip? His whole upper lip seems tight, as if the dots are some sort of stitching. Whatever it is, it's not normal, and it's impossible to miss. I'm surprised no one's commented on it yet.

  6. he looks like a Sacramento Talent who got called up to the big in tight spot

  7. Charlie Walter, the Paul Heggens of Sports!!!

  8. They hired a guy with TWO First Names????

  9. I believe it was about a month ago you started sniffing something out about Dennis, Rich. Your diffently are on to something. My guess is he has a serious health issue, perhaps Covid??? If anyone can find out, it's you Rich.

    1. A month ago? I along with others here brought this up 6 months to a year ago!

  10. This is NOT fact, only observation. Dennis may be afflicted with MS. That would explain his stilted speech and stiff posture of late. Don't want to start any rumors. Merely pointing out that this could be a serious medical issue. This is NOT the same matter as Frank Sommerville's substance-abuse issues at all. I sincerely Dennis is okay, whatever is afflicting him. I wish him the best.

  11. If Dennis O'Donnell DOES return to KPIX, he would transittion from Sports to News and he would be Ken Bastida's Replacement as the 6:00 & 11:00 Co-Anchor with Elizabeth Cook, in addition if KPIX 5 launches an All-New KPIX 5 News at 4:00 & 4:30, he and Elizabeth Cook would Co-Anchor these newscasts while Allen Martin continues to Anchor the News at 3:00, 5:00, 5:30 & 7:00.
