Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Flash; KRON Serenity Post-Pero; Greg Papa Babble; TV News is a Visual Deal; Miller's Cap Courtesy Larry Baer; Arts and Darts


AS MUCH as I rip KRON, (and I have) I'm also one to plug and commend; I'm about to applaud KRON, this is breaking news.

I've been watching KRON a bit more lately. Crazy as it may souund, but KRON's news presentation is a delight to watch. Mind you, it's not perfect but nothing is. I've grown like the news in the morning --even Darya (Folsom) has mellowed (gees, I wonder why) and when there's just plain news read and broadcast, I'm watching KRON. There's no particular defining moment, it's more a general comment like me liking news read aloud without any distractions. Without seeing any nonstop babble. And it's that theme that has made me a KRON advocate of late. It's not one particular anchor it's more the overall product. That's a good mark for KRON. I hear there's more tranquility in the newsroom, minus the departed Aaron Pero and it shows. I hope KRON and its staff gets a whiff of this and continues down this path. Gees, simplicity, what a concept.

*The constant FIRE talk and reporting (TV and radio) is legit. There's a crap load of fires in the state, especiallly in NorCal; hell, you can smell the smoke and look at the sky. I'd like to see more and hear more specific coverage. Is that too dificult to ask for? Everyone is in a hurry to be first on the fire line and make some banal report from the "fire desk" but no one has pitched long-term origin and outlook. Climate control is a science I believe in but I'd like to get more compelling coverage; I know I'm asking for a lot. What else is new.

*Another KRON reflection: maybe they stand out because they have a far LESS internal issues compared to the rest of the local stations. KGO has severe morale issues; people fired; people leaving; a terrible ND, etc. KPIX is KPIX; KTVU, more and more drama and more people pissed off every day; NBC Bay Area, loads of internal strife. KRON, this may sound crazy: a relative sea of serenity, post Pero. Go figure.

*TV News is VISUAL. Local and certainly national and global. I've often said, "TV s a 'visual medium.'" Of course it is. Therefore, the idea of WATCHING attractive women and men is part of the business model. I'm not offended by that stark remark. It's the TRUTH and it's been that way forever. Why am I to be chastised for acknowledging the obvious?

It's been done before. KPIX long ago had Ann Frazier and Ross Macgowan do a morning show in 1980, but KRON's "SFO" was a show stopper, (hosted by Steve Jamison).

*Greg Papa talked a little about A Davis this morning on KNBR but he never goes deep, like the bomb Al loved. Papa had a fallout with Al's son, Mark, the current owner. Instead of endless babble about a practice game on Sunday no one cares about, Papa could pontificate about Al and Mark, but is beholden to the booster club.

*John Lund cozied up to Papa because he (Lund) smartly realized that kissing ass and giggling to everything Greggy would pay his bills.

*Mark Thompson is in free fall and KGO knows it but doesn't have an alternative. It could hire a true LOCAL talent and couldn't be any more worse than Thompson's banal babble. KGO has no money which it's been saying for a decade now.

*As much as I ripped the twilight years of Ronn Owens, even I think he was disrespected but Ronn got a taste of the Cumulus going-away party.

*Of course she talks about her kids way too much but this is also true: Nikki Medoro is a TERRIBLE interviewer.

*There's a reason KTVU won't hire Andre Senior for the eventual 10 PM gig. Andre is NOT a primetime guy.

*KTVU is LOSING their entire newsroom (save for a few interns) because the building has ZERO FAITH and TRUST in its ND and GM --I know it and so does Amber Eikel. She has no clue how to run a news operation and NO experience, ask the folks, Amber, just ask 'em. Trust me.

*KQED Radio: news coverage I've grwn to like as opposed to CRATERING KCBS.

*KCBS had a problem: they hired Jeffrey Schaub and discovered that he's NO anchor. He could report in the field but anchor gig? Hell no. It should apply to Eric Thomas but Thomas has a few things that Schaub doesn't.

*Speaking of not a good ancho: Megan Goldsby. Ouch.

*Another KRON compliment: the new graphics.

*Lee Hammer planning something so secret even he doesn't know.

*Jon Miller wears the Giants cap because Larry Baer told him to. (In so many words).

*If Rita Willaims were to be working now and had 10 minutes alone with Mayor London Breed, well, I could just imagine.

*The nano second KTVU numbers decline, Eikel could start apartment-hunting in Des Moines.


  1. Terisa Estacio is the sexiest thing on KRON.

  2. What's up with the fat black chick on KRON mornings that dresses in skin tight club dresses? Not one crack about her from Rich. Every fat roll is on display. If it had been Heather Holmes or any of a myriad of ethnic anchors from 5 or 7 Rich would have been making cracks day in and day out for months. Yet not one about the black chick. I'm glad she finally went back to her natural hair color. The blond was ridiculous.

  3. The first time a laugh or clap track or any other dumb ass sound effect is played on a News or Talk Show Program, you just know it's the beginning of the end! Mark Thompson and the two AM Drive Idiots on KSFO must work dirt cheap in order to keep their jobs. It's just bad radio!

  4. You never have anything nice to say, so why are you being so nice to KRON.....I still hate them....there weather forecasts are terrible and their "business guy" in the morning is a moron.

  5. Thompson and Medoro continue on KGO because management does not care. It's called LAZY! Medoro is a good news reader but the up talk conversation is awful. Any way, no change is imminent.

    1. KGO needs a person of "color" to make it appear they practice diversity and Medoro is half Puerto Rican.

  6. After the years she spent trashing people daily with Chimp Franklin it's kind of funny to see Rich pile on Nikki. Well deserved in my opinion.

  7. Again with the incessant drivel about Jon Miller wearing a hat on the broadcasts. So what? You whine about the dumbest things.

  8. Rita Williams wouldn't take any sh[t off of Mayor Breed, or any high profile politician here in the bay area for that matter. She would ask hardball questions and expect DIRECT answers from people like her. Journalists like Rita Williams are sorely missed in today's news climate.

    1. You don't know that. You seem to think reporters can do whatever they want. Agendas are set by the front suits, and they might get angry at Rita if she asked those questions today. Just like Dion is getting blowback from Trixie over her reports that show blacks in anything other than a glowing, floating through the æther light.

      It's ALL politics today, doesn't matter if it's left or right, Red or Blue.

  9. @1128

    That's Reyna Harvey. She is fine AF. Maybe not to YOUR standards- but to many, we call that thick, voluptuous and outer beauty aside, she has a pretty goof personality for light morning news banter.

    1. I never considered Weezie from The Jeffersons "fine AF".

  10. We get it. Lund is a massive Papa ass-kisser. You can't stop adding that to every single one of your posts.

  11. I concur that KQED-FM news coverage is top notch. Unfortunately their listener call-in segment weekdays, 9 am to 11 am needs significant improvement. Part of the problem is that Michael Krasney's talk-radio educated and experienced shoes are hard to fill. I'll grant KQED management that. But still, I hope the management there can bring a little focus on improving this situation. The reason listeners tune in to talk radio is b/c they want to hear what other listeners have to say about interesting and current topics. Not so much b/c listeners want to hear the moderator's opinion. The moderator's job is to choose good topics --- topics that are interesting to a wide segment of the population -- and then to keep the conversation moving swiftly and to the point. That's not happening now, but should be easy enough for KQED to do. After all, they had all that in spades with M Krasney at the helm. If all else fails, hire M Krasney as a consultant to do an evaluation of the current situation, and possibly some training of the new staff. Using the same host for both hours would be a good start. As far as topics, that's pretty much delivered daily in the newspaper: Covid, Afghanistan, Gov'r recall, fires, stimulus checks, the economy, and immigration.

  12. yea , no comprehensive report on toxic smoke. just ''hazy skies'' talk. yeah, long term outlook ,what else can be done .

  13. > NBC Bay Area, loads of internal strife.

    Like what?

  14. The heat and smoke must be impacting your brain, Rich. KRON is terrible to watch. The Target-esq graphics, come on! The technical errors all the time, the shoddy, simplistic reporting, the lame QR code to scan to download the app. I do agree with one comment on Terisa Estacio. She's awesome. But she's cancelled out by Reyna Harvey and the rest of the low-talent staff...and I am not talking about looks. KRONOn?! Why not just call it KRON? Scan the QR code!? Really?! Does anyone really sit down and watch local TV news though. Local news is only relevant during an emergency and TV in general for life sporting events. Speaking of sports, why do local TV stations even have a sports report?

    1. "The heat and smoke must be impacting your brain, Rich. KRON is terrible to watch."

      I agree, and was about to suggest that Rich is bipolar. The problems he used to lambast them over are still there and even bigger, magnified by their chintzy Target store-style set.

    2. > their chintzy Target store-style set.

      True. I almost expect to see shelves of socks and undies behind Pam and Ken when they do the news.

  15. We know john rothman badgers lee hammer every day to do nine hour shows..Rothman's ego is such he feels nobody can do as a good job as him

    1. Listen to me talk about THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! on your C Crane radio.

  16. I'm stuck on why Rich thinks the Giants announcer shouldn't wear a Giants cap to broadcast Giants games. A suit and tie for a baseball game always looked overdone and out of place.
