Monday, July 12, 2021

Some guy named Graham is New KNBR PD but Lee Hammer Snub is Real Story

Some human torso named Kevin Graham (pictured) is the new PD at KNBR but that's NOT the story.

The real story: Longtime KNBR/Cumulus suit and current KGO/KSFO PD, Lee Hammer did NOT get the gig.

You want to read the trades and inject yourself with a whole bunch of Press Release fish wrap? No, hell no you don't. it's BORING and the usual BS applies.

Lee Hammer WANTED the KNBR gig. He was internally TDed by a number of Cumulus people and that includes the SF Market MGR who all thought he wasn't cool for the job. That won't sit well for Hammer but cloud politics aside, he'll still be able to eat and have plenty of beer at Giants' games.

That's all you need to know, for now.


  1. Maybe he can hire some better hosts for KGO. I was just listening to Chimp who was talking about drug legalization. He was going on and on about why people aren't buying weed from legal cannabis stores, now that it's legalized. He asked why would anyone buy off the "black market"? He said "black market" weed might be "stepped on" (70s lingo for adding procaine, caffeine, lidocaine or other substances to cocaine to increase its weight; term is not normally associated with weed) or unsafe in some way.

    Then a caller says that people are buying weed from dealers because it's cheaper.

    Long pause. Dead air.

    Chimp, totally uninformed on the subject, suggests that if there was more weed being sold the price would go down. Brilliant!

    To that the caller says, it's because of the taxes.

    Again, long pause. Dead air.

    Chimp changes the subject. Caller disappears.

    The problem with KGO's hosts is that they're not informed on the subjects they discuss. They're constantly embarrassed like this. They need to do a few minutes of show prep and stop winging it.

    Remember when Pat argued that Russia was part of NATO?

    When you listen to great news-talk stations, like WGN, WOR, KFI even WBAP in Dallas, you come away feeling as if you've learned something. The only thing you learn from listening to KGO is how uninformed the hosts are.

  2. But can he golf?

    Lee Hammer wanted it.. that, and his hair back

  3. Yup, Hammer is a lazy ass or thinks Thompson and Medoro are what "the kids" want to listen too. It's just not that hard to change the hosts. Hell, I'LL do it!

  4. Read Mr. Graham's resume. Impressive to say the least.

  5. Lee could do both jobs, but he's still VP of play by play programming and has always been involved with Giants and 49ers. It's not that big of a deal.
