Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Jerimiah Crowe, PD at KNBR --He Gone

WILL BE GONNO in mid July.

Power play and economics, Cumulus style

People that should be nervous: John Lund, Mark Willard, Paulie Mac and 2 "outspoken" producers who like to talk a lot.

Oh, and KGO/KSFO boss, Lee Hammer is buying drinks for everyone.


  1. Good riddance to the arrogant prick!

  2. Two "outspoken" producers. Is one of them Mike Hohler? He thinks his you-know-what doesn't you-know-what.

    1. Mike Assholer. Truly a POS

    2. Boing! Right on the head. He walks around like he's God. Someone should tell him he's a producer for a sports radio station. He's not saving the world. If he got canned today, no one except his immediate family and a few close friends will give a rat's ass. Bravo for the comment!

  3. Please. KNBR ratings are very solid. Lund is Papa's favorite guy to work with. Willard is doing just fine and has become an integral part of the station including working virtually any shift to cover when others are out. Paulie Mac is 1/2 of a long-running VERY successful morning show. None of these guys has much to worry about.

  4. the 3 man talk radio shtick is so bad if one of these two stupid sport stations pulled the plug on it the other would follow right away..which one will blink first

  5. Three-MAN talk radio is beyond awful. Good riddance to this clown. Perhaps the sophomoric behavior (Papa and Lund chortling about their Testicle Festivals and what booze they drink) will be toned down. I wouldn't let kids listen to this shit. It's a sports radio station -- not a cult of personality ego-fest (yes, that means you Murph and Mac).
