Sunday, June 13, 2021

Frank Somerville Stares Down the Inevitable; Examiner Owner Reilly Spreads His Wings; NBC Bay Area Pubs New 6: 30 PM Newscast But; Sunday Zingers

Even if Frank Somerville returns to KTVU (and he probably will) his tenure at FOX2 will suddenly be in the rear-view mirror. Long term, Frank will be scouting a new place or trying his best to make a fond farewell to his old digs. Unfortunately, the on-air slurred incident (two weeks ago today) will follow him to his final resting spot. Cruel world.

*THE EXAMINER doesn't make money. Not even close. It's a low-brow fish wrap that political consultant boss and SF real estate kingpin, Clint Reilly, bought so he could have a media property to use as a tactic to spread his views, counter his political opponents and utilize his power in SF, which is considerable. Ask Larry Baer.

*The uncertainty status of Duane Kuiper suddenly has placed the Giants' radio (broadcasting) in a tough spot both directly and indirectly. On the TV end, it's no big deal because both Jon Miller and Dave Flemming can meet the new arrangement. On radio, not so much which is why the inside word is that the Giants are looking at their San Jose PBP guy for a hire.

*Meanwhile the A's are in radio Siberia ...or an AM terrestrial abyss bettrer known as Bloomberg 960.

*That hotel schmuch that advertises his Union Square property on the local Cumulus stations (KGO, KNBR, KSFO) is back spreading his BS and is notorious for being a major ANT-UNION redneck, yeah, HUSH indeed.

*Red's Java House on a recent Thursday afternoon, pre-Giants game: four of the BIGGEST tech pros all at the inside table (wearing masks) munching down a row of cheeseburgers and fries and ample diet cokes to feed a family of 10. One guy in particular owns basically half the Rincon Center. Herb Caen in heaven, are you listening?

*NBC Bay Area running a gargantuan ad campaign touting its new 6: 30 PM newscast only NOBODY watches local TV News anymore and it's been that way for years now. Lester Holt and Raj Mathai be damned.

*Sunday morning local TV, a yelling, screaming "OY Vey!"--and I'm being kind.

*KCBS will have fill-ins broadcast the AM drive news (which Stan Bunger vacated) and there's NO clear-cut fav to replace Stan. KCBS will do the PC process of first making the new job placement on its help-wanted site and then do the actualy hire, probably in the fall.

*Joe Hughes on sports--about as sanguine as a Fremont strip mall.

*Mark Thompson on KGO reality: when you have to rely on your wimpish producer, "Alburt" for entertainment, and Thompson is.

*You got a few bucks laying around? Buy KSFO. It maybe could be had even cheaper than 4 bucks.

*YES, I do ask for contributions --as do others like KQED--but unlike the others, I STILL post fresh content every day. I like to eat and breathe and live life, just like you reading me here so please, you love 415 MEDIA (or even if you don't) make a contribution.


  1. Who cares about the A's. The sooner they move the better

    1. Yeah, there just isn't much interest in the A's, but I do feel bad for their real fans. Hopefully the A's can find a way to stay in Oakland, but Vegas feels like more of an appealing option right now than Oakland, just like it was for the Raiders. Plus, the A's would have that market to themselves for baseball. A's fans don't want to admit it, but the Bay Area is pretty much Giants territory. Yes, the A's have a following in the East Bay and other parts of the Bay Area, but most of the Bay Area cares about the Giants.

      Case in point, look at 2013. When the A's were in the playoffs that year and the Giants missed the playoffs. It felt like it wasn't as big of a deal with the A's being in the playoffs like it was when it was just the Giants in the playoffs.

      In 2010 when the Giants were in the playoffs and the A's missed the playoffs, the Giants took the whole Bay Area by storm. in 2013, when the A's were in the playoffs and the Giants missed the playoffs, yeah, some Giants fans jumped on the A's bandwagon, but it didn't feel like a Bay Area party like it was for the Giants. It felt more like an East Bay party. It wasn't that same vibe as the A's just aren't as big time as the Giants are here in the Bay Area.

      If the A's leave, I would miss the Giants and A's Battle of the Bay rivalry. We'll see what happens.

    2. Good points. I'm also tired of the A's playing the victim when they made their own bed. Now go lie in it!

    3. The A's were a big draw in the 80's when the Haas family ran it. The new owners have done everything they can to reduce fan support so they can move it.

    4. @6:55- That's what I heard. The A's were more popular than the Giants at one time here in the Bay Area. You look at those A's teams in the late 80's though compared to the Giants, and the Giants were pretty good, but the A's were stacked. Say what you want about Canseco and McGwire and them possibly being on roids back then, but the A's had a stacked team in those days.

      Things really did change for the Giants when they moved to Oracle Park. I remember the Giants being popular when I was a kid in the 90's back in the Candlestick days, but the vibe around the Giants back then wasn't like it is now and pretty much ever since the Giants moved to Oracle Park (then Pacific Bell Park aka Pac Bell) in 2000. Oracle Park changed the game for the Giants, even though yes, winning 3 World Series titles in 5 yrs helps too! LOL. Giants games have become an event and kind of the cool thing to do for casual sports fans. For us diehard Giants fans, going to Giants games are always fun and being at Oracle Park adds to the experience. Going to Oracle Park never gets old for me.

      If the A's get a new ballpark in Oakland, things could change for them too. Not sure if it will make them more popular than the Giants, but they could at least operate more like a regular MLB team. The thing is, if the A's get a new stadium in Oakland, can they win back the fans that they turned away for so many years?

    5. @5:00- I agree. It does get tiresome. The A's act like they're a small market team, when they're in one of the biggest markets in the country. They're not in Des Moines, Iowa or a small city like that, they're in the Bay Area for goodness sakes. LOL.

      The A's have so many examples here in the Bay Area of how to get it done as far as getting a new stadium; the Giants, the Warriors, and despite the drama in Santa Clara, even the Niners got a new stadium. If the A's would've followed any one of these teams models, moreso the Giants and the Warriors, they probably would've had a new stadium in Oakland or somewhere else in the East Bay, a long time ago. The Fremont thing probably would've worked out. That was a real thing back in like 2006, 2007.

    6. Otis III, you have clearly articulated the state of A’s and their challenges as a Bay Area sports franchise. My late cousin was huge A’s fan while I am a Giants fan. We had agreed that the Giants were a better draw especially after Pac Bell opened, but feel that the media gravitates towards the Giants even when the A’s were fielding a superior team. It does not help when the A’s do not have 50,000 watt radio station broadcasting the games.

      Also, the Haas family was loyal to their fans, Oakland and the East Bay.

  2. Frank Somerville: The man who had it all, and threw it all away—marriage, family, good job, gorgeous house, sterling reputation.

    Sadly, all too common. "We have met the enemy and he is us."

  3. My money is on Keith Menconi for the Bunger job.

    1. It seems to me that KCBS would be better off leaving Menconi, and some of their better field reporters, in place going forward, because they're good at what they do (Menconi does "In Depth"). I was actually thinking of John Bristow for Bunger's job. Bristol anchored at KGO for many years, but quit KGO because they didn't offer him a permanent position when KGO blew up. No idea what he's doing or where he is now...

    2. Jim Taylor was co-anchoring this morning, and that reminded me that Jim used to do the 5-6am hour each morning in the Al Hart days, before Jim moved to NYC and the CBS network. Maybe Entercom/Audacy/KCBS/whatever-they're-calling-themselves-this-week might do the same thing they did when Hart retired, anoint someone (Bunger) who previously anchored Morning Drive on occasion. Taylor sounds like he's been doing that shift forever and never left.

    3. Jim Taylor or Jon Bristow would be excellent candidates for the AM news slot. Both are experienced reporters and anchors.

  4. Hope Frank over comes his issues. At least during the opening of the newscasts, his colleagues aren't saying "he's on assignment".

  5. Mike Mibach is taking over his spot Sunday Night, better watch out, someone is getting closer replacing Frank. Frank Malicoat is getting morning slot

    1. Ted Rowland and Sara Sidner will be lined up to take over, right after Labor Day

  6. The A's had a great opportunity to move to San Jose with a great ball park near rail. Inexplicably, the Giants claimed territorial rites even though SJ is farther than the coliseum. How did that work out? MLB fucked that one up.

    1. I believe the A's once claimed those rights to the south bay and gave them up to the Giants to help keep them in the area when they were looking to move in the 90's. The Giants did not reciprocate and give the rights back to the A's when they needed the help. The A's appealed it to MLB and the league sided with the Giants. Pretty scumbaggish of the current ownership group to block them. "Cisco Field" would've been in a perfect location in San Jose.

    2. 11:31 is correct about the SJ territorial rights.
      The A's various owners post-Hass have all been tightwads, who manage to make money by spending as little as possible. Fans can't get too attatched to a team that just lets good players leave. The two-decade postseason 'curse' dowsn't help, either.

  7. Rich, yes yes yes, I am so sick of hearing about 'Alburt' on the Mark Thompson KGO radio program. It is obsessive and Mark Thompson acts like he idolizes this guy.

  8. Sommerville has been off the rails for a while how do I know? Just check out his Facebook page. Guy is outta pocket for a minute
