Monday, May 24, 2021

Pam Moore Still off KRON Because of Fall and Still Mum; CNN's Cuomo Nixes SF Visit For Obvious Reasons; Trixie's Circle7 Dream Gig Not ND; Thomas KCBS Skinny; Monday Media Mashers


They'd love to acknowledge the fact that their star anchor, Pam Moore, yes, has been away and off from the anchor desk for almost two months. For a reason. Moore suffered a fall and while she's OK, she was hurt enough to warrant a significant recovery time. Moore is rehabbing at home and presumably will be back, just not anytime soon.

KRON has been mum on all this (as they legally should); Moore too has not said a word except to close friends but her absence has from the station has resulted in wild speculation and gossip. KRON can't say anything yet but ultimately will have to; Moore, as noted, is mums the word. If she remains silent or is just not interested in saying a word, she'll indirectly make matters more complicated.

*The local reporter across the street may want to tone it down when he takes his newest girlfriend, who isn't his wife, to that well-known saloon on Batteryt. Yep, he was out and out LOUD the other day, so loud and obnoxious I'm told, they had to go over to his kiosk and basically tell him to shut up. The woman with him, I guess, wasn't all that impressed--she left the place alone.

*The MOST ALOOF sports anchor in the Bay Area: Chris Alvarez, the weekend sports guy at KGO (ABC7) --nobody really knows if the guy is a human or a ghost. "He's a body," a KGO contact told me of the torso that allegedly does sports but is so non-factored, his own superior doesn't even know/care about his whereabouts. That's probably old hat for Alvarez who used to work in Freson so he must know a thing or two about being obscure.

*Friday at KGO Radio: Three (3) regular talk-hosts were noticibly absent from the airwaves: Nikki Medoro, Mark Tompson, and Pat Thurston. Only Thurston had a legit excuse (family matters) the others were either conveniently sick or had a case of an impending financial virus.

*Chris Cuomo was scheduled to visit SF for a holiday trip --he abruptly cancelled and will now stay in New Yawk, I'm sure it has nothing to do with his CNN/brother issues --wink, wink.

*Black women anchors and reporters are a scarce entity in this market which is not only a crime in my opinion, but should be with the various TV stations, one of which is trying to, allegedly, build a "better Bay Area." And please don't tell me about what they got now. Please.

*I saw Terilyn Joe in the marina walking down the Chestnut corridor and smiling away. She was plain gorgeous and appeared happy, so much so, she didn't even throw any vegetables at me.

*Much ado about nothing: Steve Bitker's retirement from KCBS. Steve is impressed with himself and his KCBS buds drank the kool-aid. Truth is, Steve, be happy you got a nice sendoff because hardly anyone gives a darn.

*"On assignment" --Dave Flemming, SF Giants, missing the entire Dodgers' series, I hope you were either really sick or doing a very important ESPN gig because Larry Baer wasn't exactly thrilled.

*Tom Tolbert missing his KNBR chat show and more ominously, the Warriors' last home (Friday night) playoff game. No one is talking. Including Tolbert. Maybe today.

*Yeah, it should be obvious now: Trixie, the non-wholesome ND at KGO-TV wants Tom Cibrowski's job because it appears now any day now, Disney will send Cibrowski packing to another gig because ABC7 has been an abject failure.

*Here's the deal with Eric Thomas in BLUNT terms: KCBS thought it would kills a few birds with one stone and now both parties are suspicious with each other. Thomas escaped the wrath of Circle7/Disney bondage and looked forward to a new radio career after two-plus decades at KGO. Things haven't gone too well. He was happy to exit the KGO purge but his transition to radio hasn't been smooth, just the opposite. Thomas is real good but dorsn't work well in people skills and isn't the best ad-libber in the biz. They (namely, Jennifer Seelig) threw him a bone to fill in weekdays and he was horrible. Now, he's back on late evening and overnights where he belongs. Not a knock, just the truth. And Thomas seems more comfortable there anyway. KCBS hopes so because if there's anymore electronic glitches, Thomas might have to call a lawyer.

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  1. Rich, Joe doesn't throw vegetables, but EGGS!!! Especially at men who are doing tree work in the a.m. outside her bedroom window. Crazy b!#@$.

  2. Pam Moore gone for two months and I would BET its ratings have not changed. Nothing against Pam, I think she does a great job. But here you have their longest tenured talent, anchoring key newscasts and ... my guess, no drop in audience numbers. I would be curious to know more. Speaking of wanting to know more, what is the story of the Black woman? Why? Who?

    1. No, actually, there was a change in numbers. One of KRON's two viewers died.

    2. Darya Folsom today said she was a "Jewish mother". All of a sudden everything with her makes sense.

  3. Replies
    1. But Tolbert ended the show and said he’d be gone for a few days because he’s dealing with something. Rich, what’s the story???

  4. I heard that Flemming was working the PGA Championship, for ESPN.

    Life is good for Joe. Springtime in SF, money in the purse, smile on the face, good looks are still intact, and she's freely roaming the streets in a way that blends in with all of the other crazies in town.

  5. Dave Flemming was working the PGA Championship, one of the four majors, for ESPN this past weekend.

  6. Isn't it is time for Pam to retire? She should be in the 60s???

    1. She broke her hip, not uncommon with the elderly. She needs more time.

    2. People if all ages break hips and other body parts. YOu'll be such a wuss when you become "elderly".

  7. Who the hell's Steve Bitker? And I listen to KCBS.

  8. " *Black women anchors and reporters are a scarce entity in this market which is not only a crime in my opinion, but should be with the various TV stations, one of which is trying to, allegedly, build a "better Bay Area." And please don't tell me about what they got now. Please."

    Perhaps so are qualified candidates. I've personally been to conventions that they have ostensibly to let qualified people network but are really just excuses to come back with as many black resumes as possible so's you look good in the eyes of the EEOC, and guess what? Not a single black shows up! They should look for them on the basketball courts—Truth.

  9. Are you kidding me Rich? I mean, man, Rich, I think it is the opposite, regarding black women anchors and reporters in the bay area. In fact, I think they are making reporters/anchors out of people who are like totally not "air-worthy". Look at the chick named "Harvey" on KRON. She anchors the news when they first come on in the morning at 4am until the regular anchors show up, then she does traffic. I mean, she is a fat ugly black chick with blond colored hair with obvious extensions in there and she looks ridiculous. Then of course, there is our local "favorite". You know who I am referring to. She is the one who does the traffic in the mornings, is a 'reporter', and also sometimes anchors/coanchors. Who am I referring to? Of course, it is KGO's prized winner! I checked the results in the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the belmont stakes, and although I did not see how she placed in any of those races, I am of course, referring to KGO's racehorse, Jobina! Once again, although she can somewhat read, I mean, look at her! Once again, she is certainly not someone who qualifies to be an on-air personality, that is for sure!

    1. I Agree with 5:56. Stations everywhere bend over backwards to accommodate black talent. The problem is there's almost no talent. Go to a media job fair and look for black people in the room. Then look for whites and Asians (and more and more, Latinos).

      You get out of a system what you put into it, black folks.

    2. Wow! We got a couple of Einsteins here at 5:56 and 10:50!

    3. > Wow! We got a couple of Einsteins here at
      > 5:56 and 10:50!

      Wrong, you got a couple of people who've worked in the business and know how they hire and promote, and what they look for. I personally have been on many committees where the head of a department said, "S/he's a black, we need xx blacks this semester or we lose our funding/get flack from people/have explaining to do to some government commission, so hire them."

      Equality my ass.

  10. Hey Rich, this isn't Florida. You are not required to publish racist comments.

    1. Hey 11:18am, what is a racist comment anyway? What YOU may define as a racist comment, might not be a racist comment to someone else. What I DO see here, is Rich being a good journalist, who does a good job of showing things how they are. I don't see any racism on here at all...

    2. Journalists do not express opinions, 11:35. Mr. Lieberman isn't a "journalist".

  11. Ahhh 11:35. Spoken like a true racist. So predictable.

    1. If it were racism white people wouldn't embrace Asians, Indians and other "people of color." They have achieved what they have through hard work and contributing to the quality of life of the community. Blacks have achieved what they have through threats and violence. Of course there are some rednecks who dislike *anyone* different from them: they *are* racist. But not everyone who calls out blacks' violent and threat-laden agenda for what it is is a "racist." Also note how far Asians and Indians have come economically despite living in this "horrible racist country." (Asians are the number one income earners in the USA, this terrible "racist" nation. Are there any countries of color where *whites* out-earn the home team? Nope, not a one.)

      BTW, do you know the only continent on earth where slavery is still legal and black people are still being bought and sold?


      Ever hear Oprah or Henry Louis Gates or Louis Farrakhan talk about that? Nope.

      So take your racism claim and shove it where the sun don't shine. There isn't a nation in the world a "person of color" has a better chance of succeeding than the United States. Not a GUARANTEE. A chance. Not quotas. Opportunities. But when, as I did the other day, I listen to the cashier at the local Safeway telling the customer in front of me that while she gets government money to attend college, she really wants to spend it on a new Mercedes, and the woman in line gives her her number and says to call her tonight because she knows a way to make that possible, I don't wonder why blacks are still in the toilet, and always will be.

  12. Amen 11:35. So true. Try not to trigger the snowflakes.

  13. Rich...I'm leaving your blog for two weeks. The fact you allow these racist comments to post puts you in the same bucket as they are. If they said the same thing about Jews, you would never let it see the light of day. I'll come back in two weeks and if you enforce a more civil non-racist discussion I'll stay. Otherwise I'm gone for good. Just in case you care.

    1. How can anyone claim racism here? Rich sends his bad boy Jewish lust after every able bodied African American woman in Bay Area media! The last commenter is incorrect.

    2. Mission Bay MoolieMay 26, 2021 at 10:19 AM

      I agree Mr Mayate! Docman hasnt been as loyal of a reader as he claims otherwise he would see that Rich loves African Americans as much as his fellow Jews.

  14. John Gulbunny in Hunters PointMay 26, 2021 at 10:52 AM

    Im a loyal reader of 415 Media fo years and shame on all yall for these acquisitions, Rich is a stand up man and proud Jew.

  15. Rich is in an, acquiring mood?
    That is a huge accusation!!!
