Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Any Way You Cut It; Hammer Not the Flavor at KGO/Cumulus; Harvill BS Exposed; Crowe Forefront; No Rothmann Rancor from Me, Just Consistent; KTVU/Somerville 10 PM Reality; John Lund-Greg Papa Propaganda

IN ANY WAY YOU CUT IT... That ass-kissing that involved DOUG HARVILL on KGO yesterday had a very interesting subplot: the current KGO boss (and KSFO too, plus formerly KNBR) LEE HAMMER, wanted VERY MUCH the gig that Harvill is leaving. Only Harvill and others at KGO didn't carry enough weight to get Hammer the job. CUMULUS more than likely, wouldn't have capitulated and assigned Lee the job, but it wouldn't have hurt. Fact is, Hammer's influence at the CLOUD company isn't as powerful as it once was, and as currently constituted. And a guy who lurks big, (in a certain way) is not a friend of Hammer who was just THRILLED that Lee didn't get the SF Market MGR gig: current KNBR PD and stiff, JERIMIAH CROWE. Don't invite Crowe and Hammer to lunch unless you're attempting a cruel joke.

*My negative posts about KGO TALKER, JOHN ROTHMANN, are NO DIFFERENT than any other posts here. I'm CONSISTENT. When I love a certain person, a topic, a show, etc, I will applaud. When I hear/see dreck, I will RIP. It's nothing personal. I've ripped GREG PAPA (and will continue to do so) because of his RIDICULOUS TD CALL, among other things, and his BIZARRE voice inflections on KNBR. I gave TOM TOLBERT massive points the other day for his Warriors' comments but that doesn't preclude me from ripping Tolbert's beer craze. Rothmann is in the same category. I love his show but he's become shrill and faux incredulous over the excess post-POTUS TRUMP. It's not entertaining at all and it's also FAKE. The passion is there but it isn't genuine. It's all good but occasionally it gets bad and so, Rothmann gets my wrath--just like everyone else.

*FRANK SOMERVILLE isn't going to starve to death. He and KTVU are sort of co-dependent. THEY BOTH NEED EACH OTHER. FOX (KTVU) has no other able anchor to take over the lead anchor position, besides which, Somerville is signed through March, 2022. He has issues, we all do, but Frank has more spaghetti on his plate, so to speak. Right now, the "10 PM News" at KTVU is doing just fine but there's FRAGILE CITY everywhere. 10 PM at KTVU has issues itself:: BILL MARTIN is RETIRING and is only still on because KTVU hasn't found a replacement yet. JULIE HAENER looks and sounds ODD and really doesn't need the job with a rich husband and desire to enjoy life. She could leave any day and might. MARK IBANEZ is signed but at 65, his best years are yesterday, not today. FOX is lucky now but soon will have to rearrange the furniture at its Bay Area O and O.

*JOHN LUND is a FAKE. He's also delusional. And very lucky. Crowe was faced with a decision when Papa was annointed the 10-2 PM TALK gig at KNBR. He (Papa) needed a partner because he doesn't have the chops to host, SOLO. So along came LUND, Papa's host at the FM albatross, who would cut off his arm to make a living and work together with Papa because Lund needs the cash to pay for his adult beverages and facelifts. Lund recently remarried --he bragged to his current lady that he'd get her into WARRIORS and GIANTS games. She bit into the apple. Enough said.

*STEVE BITKER, KCBS' sports anchor's last day is Friday. He's retiring (as I r

reported here) --presumable he can sleep in and make STAN BUNGER more giggles. Of course he'll have to move to FRANCE to execute becaus STAN has two feet out the door when he retires on JUNE 11th.

*YES, I've seen EMMA GOSS (pictured) at KTVU. The reporting is fine, nothing special, which is the state of TV NEWS today when everyone goes GA-GA over someone that sounds like LILY TOMLIN and can provide what others can't. Swell. Let's have a party.

*As long as LARRY BAER is happy with Papa, then Papa can pay off his Danville home by 2030.


  1. Former KPIX Anchor Dana King is having her art displayed in Golden Gate Park https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2021/05/09/former-kpix-5-anchor-dana-kings-sculpture-selected-for-golden-gate-park-african-american-memorial/

  2. "BILL MARTIN is RETIRING and is only still on because KTVU hasn't found a replacement yet."

    That replacement should hands-down be KYLA GROGAN. Why can't the idiots at KTVU see that?

    1. Kyla Grogan...now there's a woman I can get behind.


    2. Kyla Grogan 💯🎯

  3. The one word missing from Rothmann's vocabulary is 'Israel', wonder if he'll mention it tonight...

    1. 5 other words he doesn't say enough are 'President of the United States'. Hopefully we'll be blessed with it.

  4. - Crowe, the Anti-Dill. Hell, even the Anti-Bentley (Crowe was in his current position when Radnich left; no love lost there, either).
    - Yep, Papa proudly works for Lockstep pre- and post-games.
    - Don't know why Haener keeps renewing her contract when she has ample opportunity to move on to better things. Maybe she's Vacar's lawsuit partner?
    - The Firm is its usual pointless self. Case-in-Point: Keep Martin and the KTVU Weather staff meandering on and on and on and on....
    - Three letters why Ibanez continues on: N-F-L
    - Lund, very much the Anti-Cleary. Hell, even the Anti-Carter B (the Smith Estate may have issued a restraining order to protect Carter B's T-Shirt collection from the Lewd One).
    - Don't know what's sadder to follow. Somerville's plight. Or BOB BAFFERT's.

    1. Baffert is worth 30 million. That should salve the wound, some.

  5. Bitker isn't moving anywhere...he's going to install himself permanently on the couch so he can watch MOAR XCOMFINITYCAST

  6. Rothmann is an old Vaudevillian, he knows there is an internet, but thinks
    listeners are only 10 Google search results deep.
    He was interesting 10pm-1am weekends, when he prepared well.
    Bring back recordings of Groucho Marx, a more entertaining Vaudevillian.

  7. I can't stand Poppa.

    1. I like your act Oreo James. Papa is a jive turkey

  8. Sheboon T. PickensMay 11, 2021 at 3:13 PM

    Emma Goss is no Heather Holmes.

    1. Heather Holmes is no Heather Holmes.

  9. i was wondering rich if you ever recall what ever became of an a's announcer who teamed with monte moore in mid 70"s named bob waller?after finley fired him in 78 he did some 49ers pre season on channel 5 some espn then just vanished.i thought he was a pretty talented p-b-p man.also in my 71 a's yrbook it states that red rush worked on the 57 sf seals radio broadcasts.i know the games were on kya 1260 but ive never talked to ayone who remembers red on those 57 games.i know don klein was the principal voice on radio.jimmy

  10. Actually papa was always upset with 95.7 for not trying harder to keep lund there when his contract was up..they paired dan sibley and chris townsend up with him for several months before papa chose bonta hill as permanent host..but papa had been looking to get back lund all that time..plus in an interview papa implied he didn't like working with hill and regretted it, without saying hills name

  11. It's uncomfortable hearing the excitement in John Lund's voice when he talks about drinking. He comes across like a 50 year guy with a problem.

  12. Call me crazy, but I don't see what difference it makes if Frank leaves or not. I find it hard to believe that people tune in to watch him...or anyone for that matter. They turn in because 1) Habit 2) The earlier time slot 3)The overall quality of the product. Unless there is somebody that is incompetent or a complete 180-degrees from a normal anchor, I don't think it matters. Same goes to Bill Martin. Really? Are people really turning in to hear what the temps WERE or will be? Most..if not all, get weather from their phones or online.

  13. > They turn in because ... 3)The overall quality of
    > the product.


    Product was great 20 years ago, good ten years ago, shit today. They barely do any real news anymore, because that costs money. Just press releases, soft features that don't require much actual work and insipid interviews where an idiot like Haener or Holmes asks touchy-feeling questions because none of them have any hard news acumen.

  14. Does anyone know what happened to Lilian Kim, KGO 7? I search everywhere online and no info.

  15. Frank Somerville is mediocre at best. If KTVU management had common sense, they would let him walk after his contract expires. Terry McSweeney is a far superior anchor and reporter than Somerville. He would also spare us the fake sincerity that emanates from Somerville.

  16. My pets run from the room at the horrible nasal voice of Emma Goss. Did no one listen to her audition tape. I tend to turn from the station when she is on.
