Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Ronn Owens: Inconvenient Truth

YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE which is OK with me as I just try to survive and wake up every day and write for those of you that like the blog and look forward to reading it. The price of admission is too good to be true.

My audience knows what to expect when they come here. I've never put a gun to anyone's head and said you have to read all this; you don't. You put up with all the nincompoop moments because you love to read me and you know what you're reading you'll never get in the Chronicle--unless you love to read about SF real estate prices and a woman who has a purple-colored cat. That's what you get in the Chron these days.

Of course I'll continue to blast Ronn Owens and keep noteworthy his past (and present) ill wills. Actually, I don't write ENOUGH about Ronn and his everyday vanity. He's a jerk, a modern-day sellout. A total FAKE with a fake persona and the biggest weasel in town. He's only hanging on so to allow him to take free cruises and keep his manicure/pedicure account open on Union St. Harsh? No, just the facts. And guess what? There's loads of people out there who used to work at KGO that love and appreciate my exposing the asshole that is Ronn Owens and his loads of BS, I write for those folks. They know what I write is fact. They might be upset that I go too far but hey, everyone has their moments. I'm not perfect, but I do my best.

I don't claim false modesty. I have not and will not SELL OUT my co-workers. I will never kiss ass to a company that KILLED the golden goose. I will not befriend a local comedian whom is Black just so I can tell people that I have Black friends and then, when that guy is thrown off the hus, conveniently IGNORE him. That's Ronnnnn in a nutshell. When you have no value to Ronn and he perceives you as a non-factor, then Ronn will throw you to the wolves. It's totally transparenbt; at least I get it, always have. Some of you guys obviously didn't get the memo.

It wasn't me that tried real hard to get a longtime KGO producer fired simply becaise the guy was a jerk--and he was. That doesn't mean you have to love him and try to erase his livelihood. Ronn tried his best. He loves to be an asshole and he delivers. He made it a point to admire Gene Burns and was so loving that he ended up breaking Gene's heart. And barely less than a day they buried Gene, Ronnnnn wnet out of his way to go to lunch with a Cumulus douche, (Randall Bloomquist) because the EGO that is Ronn needs to be fed. Those are the facts.

Want some other facts? He was so proud of his Jewish name and heritage that he changed his name to Ronn "Owens" from "Lowenstein" because the latter name was "too Jewish." OK, put that aside and marval at his want to add two n's to his first name, "because it's a affectation and I have an ego." Mr. Softie strikes again.

Sellouts can have good moments. At his old KGO base, he could be nice and charming. A damn good interviewer with great guests. Sure, all of the above. But then his EGO would get in the wya. He tried to kill off Bill Mann, the former OAK TRIB media writer; the guy that set Owens up with e-mail and computer info. When Luckoff was pissed off about some anti-KGO item that Mann wrote in a column,, he went to Ronn and said Mann was now persona-non at KGO. True story. And so what did Ronn do? He told Mann to get lost. That's Owens in a nutshell.

It's the same asshole that left a dollar tip to the cooks at Northbeach Restaurant who made his sandwich after Burn's funeral. It's the same jerk who ripped into Pres. Bill Clinton for his affairs yet who, he himself, cheated on his own wife. The same schmuck that devoted 10 minutes to his fallen co-workers the day after the first Cumulus purge.

DAMN RIGHT i will call him out and I'll do it every day, as long as I'm living. And I'll be on the record. For journalistic purposes I wanted to ask "Ronnn's Facebook friends" what they thought about it but they were a little busy searching out the voice of reason.

You don't have to read me if you're a Ronnnnn apologist. And if you don't like personal stories then you should really not come here. I write for a purpose. It's not for everyone. I'm not going to be holier-than-thou and pretend to be pure and innocent. I just don't care for FAKE and PHONY. You want that? Go to KGO and listen to Chris Merrill, the screamer. Knowing Ronnnnnnnn, should Merrill get a fulltime gig, Ronn will take him out to lunch at La Cucina and tell him, "what a great PAL he is." Then when Merrill gets cut loose and exposed, Ronn will drop him like a wet fish. That's part of the playbook. Ronn is about Ronn and only Ronn. It's that simple.


  1. Was it Ronn or Bernie Ward that urinated in Michael Savage's Hat? Savage spoke about this several times, but only hinted as to the culprit.

  2. I have no idea what the accuracy is of what you say about Ronn since I was merely a listener of his show. Perhaps all or most of what you say is true. But I think it's a little unfair to criticize him changing his name. This is a common practice in media. Case in point, Lawrence Harvey Zeiger, who you've written about fondly, changed his name for the very same reason.

  3. You left out the part about Ronn moving out of state earlier this year. He lives in Arizona. :)

  4. What Rich is writing about Ronn, is accurate from Rich's standpoint. However, other might have a different opinion, or simply don't care. I use to like Ronn's show, but only knew him as a radio personality. Yes, I could tell he was vain, however I really just cared that his show could keep my interest. I don't care for Michael Savage personality, nor his politics, but at times I liked his show, usually when he talked about animals, or refused to fit into a box republicans good, democrats bad, so I listened.

  5. Another long tedious repetitive blog about Ronn. You are of course right it is your blog, and if you want to write about Ronn everyday that is up to you. Might discourage readers from contribute to your blog, when we would rather read about different stuff. How about a blog what is happening in the time slot that Limbaugh use to fill? How about writing about Dennis Prager, who think liberals are to blame for everything that are wrong with America. More diversity will give you more readers and contributors, and by all means bash Ronn once in awhile.

  6. Whay the hypocrisy, Rich? Larry King changed his name too, yet you seem to not care. What's the difference other than your longstanding grudge against Ronn Owens?

  7. For those who are fans of Michael J. Fox and other prominent figures who suffer from Parkinson's but are doing good for the community, what RL is writing about is the exact opposite, a man who is a disgrace to the Parkinson's community. The disease has produced disgusting acts by Mr. Lowenstein, and if he now lives in the Desert, why can't he find similar ego-boosting work there?
    He outlived his usefulness 10 years ago. Out to pasture pathetic.

  8. FWIW, his wife's name also isn't what she uses publicly. Not that there's anything wrong with her real name, just wondering why she used a "stage name." Does everyone on radio use a fake name?

  9. Who gives a shit? Is this guy even on the radio anymore? What is your deal with this guy? Nobody cares about Ronn Owens stories anymore and no one even knows who he is. I could walk up to 50 people in my neighborhood and I bet you not one of them has ever heard of the guy yet all you do is post about him. Time to move on already.

    1. So agree with you. I wrote the comments at 10:31. I have voiced this opinion to Rich before, while I might understand that Rich has a personal vendetta against Ronn, to expect readers of his blog to feel the same way is just not realistic.

  10. You were once friendly with Ronn Owens. What happened?

  11. I agree with many others here, why the constant hate on Ronn. Maybe you are right, but you are just one man's opinion. To constantly rag on him is going overboard. Seems more like a grudge than just an opinion.

  12. Ronn Owens and Jan Black's daughter, Laura, Seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
