Tuesday, December 1, 2020

415 Media Exclusive: KRON Tries to Woo Mark Ibanez; KTVU Sports Anchor/Legend Intrigued by 900 Front Possibility; 'Exploratory' Talks Take Place

Mark Ibanez – ⭐ Bio, Birthday, Family, Age & Born


KRON, not so long ago, made contact with longtime Bay Area sports anchor,  Mark Ibanez, about the possibility of coming across the bay to join its staff, 415 Media has learned, exclusively, through a source close to Ibanez.

Although talks between the veteran KTVU sports and news anchor are only in "exploratory" stage, the idea that the two parties are speaking directly (or maybe, indirectly) portends to the very real possibility of a future marriage That's not to suggest any deal is imminent but my Ibanez source tells me that he (Ibanez) is "extremely interested" and that he will listen to any potential offer.

Mark's deal at KTVU expires in March, 2021. He is happy at KTVU, where he's been since 1979, 41 years of anchoring and becoming one of the most visible and star talents in Bay Area TV News. And while you would think FOX would recognize that, its willingness to offer Ibanez an early contract extension has been, so far, non-existent. Ibanez, I'm told by the source< would very much prefer to stay at KTVU but several factors are out there.

One, because KTVU carries Fox-network NFL games and that includes the 49ers, working extra days and nights is not something Ibanez relishes (living in Napa and having to commute to Oakland) and that while he loves what he does, a KRON deal would involve significantly less work; Ibanez would anchor Monday thru Friday and have considerably more airtime on his new gig.

KRON obviously can't pay Ibanez his current $350K-a-year salary, but at this stage of his career, Ibanez might be lured with a new change of pace and creativity, even at a reduced compensation.

Said the source:

"He knows KRON can't pay him that type of money but he isn't all about that. He's happy with home life in Napa and loves visiting his kids and grand kids. Money isn't everything."

KRON's pursuit of a current KTVU talent, isn't foreign territory; they went after Ken Wayne and although Wayne's signing hasn't moved the needle, it shows the independent has the means to pull off such transaction. Like Wayne, Ibanez has tenured long at KTVU but Fox-owned Channel 2 isn't old KTVU anymore. Stability might be a selling point to Mark--it was for Wayne.

Right now, ay talks between Ibanez and KTVU are stalled because, I've learned, KTVU and Fox will not negotiate until the end of the football season. Ibanez, for his part, reportedly isn't demanding a multiple years offer; in fact, I'm told he's quite willing to do a year-by-year deal, something that would favor a KRON arrangement. 

KRON is owned by Nextstar, a media company that is battling a series of issues but a star acquisition like Ibanez not only moves the needle, but increases the value of one of its top-10 market stations. It makes sense on a whole list of fronts. But it's by no means, a "done deal."

The next step? More negotiating. I believe Ibanez wants to stay home but I also know he's very interested in KRON's pursuit.

I'll let you know how this all progresses. 


  1. "KRON obviously can't pay Ibanez his current $350K-a-year salary, but at this stage of his career, Ibanez might be lured with a new change of pace and creativity, even at a reduced compensation."

    Quite the opposite, actually. At his age, he's looking directly into the face of retirement and old(er) age, and from THAT perspective, money is important. Unless KTVU is talking about halving his salary, I'd expect him to re-up with his home team...

    1. Do you know his financial situation? Maybe he bought Bitcoin at $2.

    2. Lol, if he bought bitcoin at $2.00(and hasn't lost his shirt with the wild fluctuations over the years), do you REALLY think he'd still be dragging himself in from Napa after 40 odd years on the job? Really?

    3. I just looked him up and he is on his 4th marriage, so that is a ton of Spousal Support, I would expect his kids are over 18 from the 3 previous marriages, so probably is off the hook with that.

  2. I'd rather watch some of the recent young KRON weather girl talent do sportscasts, with the appropriate wardrobe, than an old guy like Ibanez. Ibanez does not move the needle. He should feel fortunate to be where he is at and spend more time with his family.

  3. Ibanez won't go to KRON because he won't be able to wear shorts behind a desk anymore like he does at KTVU because KRON does the sports standup!

  4. Mike Huntz on BroadwayDecember 1, 2020 at 4:42 PM

    What ethnicity is Mark Ibanez? Is he latino? Is he white? Maybe Canadian? Part Iranian? Is he a Spaniard? The readers must know Rich!!!

  5. What will his ego allow him to do.... Take a big pay cut? And crossing the bridge 5 days a week is also something to consider. Does he really need to work?? He could take Greg Papas'job!!!!!

  6. It would be a waste of money. Does anybody really watch KTVU because of Mark Ibanez? I was thinking about this when you posted your veiled teases and it got me thinking. I could think of only a few local 'sports' personalities that would get people to tune in...Colin Kaepernick, Mark Jackson (former Warriors coach) and Joe Montana. I really don't think anyone would switch on KRON for Ibanez. Really? Maybe let him do sports from his home...it really wouldn't matter. What does he bring to the table? I am a sports fan, have been in the bay area for over 30 years, yet I don't feel the need the watch Ibanez. What has he provided that others have not? I am watching the game, not Ibanez.

  7. How can they get all the staff, on air talent,advertisers in one room and still have enough space for Mark and his big EGO! Mark strikes me as a guy who fell in love with himself and never broke up.
