Monday, October 19, 2020

KCBS Mediocrity; Peter Finch 'DEGREES" of Ineptitude; Who the Hell is Liz St. John?; Nikki Medoro Needs a Chip on Her Shoulder; Thompson Shrill Still; Ronn Owens' 'Report' Pays for Free Cruises; KGO State; Monday Morning Media Mash

5 Ways to Beat the Monday Morning Blues | Michael Page CA


*Is there more an outrage than hearing overnight anchor, Peter Finch, continue his assault on the ears with his insistence he say, "DEGREES" every weather report, like, "in San Jose, it's 74, DEGREES, San Francisco, 71, DEGREES, Hayward, 70, DEGREES! ...and on and on and on, DEGREES! Finch's act of audio lunacy wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else; you'd think someone at KCBS would tell this mutt, hey, knock it off! Instead, he's allowed the 3x-an-hour verbal sludge and listenr-be-damned.

*Where did this horrific, Liz St. John come from? Is she on leave from a Fresno outpost? As if KCBS needed ANOTHER White woman who has all the audio authenticity of a Fresno strip mill. My God, what a total abomination.

*KRON is dealing with an internal catfight, (again) between two morning women participants, one who's trying to mitigate the matter, the other, a clear nobody, who has ZERO to lose and wants to up the ante, which won't work.

*How KRON continues to drag on and on and on, is a further mystery to me --an eternal institution of mass incompetence is allowed to operate but that's 2020 in a nutshell. Perhaps if someone gave a damn, we'd all be better off, but the lawn furniture and real estate whorehouse at 900 Front continues on into moral chaos.

*Nikki Medoro's number one enabler on KGO, fellow friend and tonsil, Chip Franklin, knows his buddy isn't going anywhere in the morning. Franklin also knows that if Medoro were bright, she'd acknowledge that the only possibility her show would take off, is if Franklin were to join forces. It won't happen. KGO doesn't have the cash and Medoro has too big an EGO to promote the obvious. Which means continued MEDIOCRITY IN THE AM and a pathetic show with NO CHANCE and an abundance of LOUSY RADIO! 

*Nikki Medoro in a nutshell: lecturing callers and guests and talking about her kids every two minutes. Yeah, what ingenuity! Sign me up.

*Meanwhile, the HUMAN BLOWHARD, Mark Thompson, is also going nowhere fast as he contuse his double colonoscopy on the airwaves. Thompson has a STILL TERRIBLE show with a TERRIBLR HOST and a totally idiotic producer who continues to INTERUPT! Thompson doesn't take calls because if he did, he'd have to hit the STOP button --people would say, "God, you suck!" every time. Mark still loves to hear his own voice overwhelm the show. And his ratings are el sucko. KGO has a problem from 6 AM until Noon, the double indemnity known as Medoro and Thompson.

*Then again, Thompson could be worse: he could be the "Ronn Owens Report." Ronnnnnn is so desperate for recognition he promised his latest girlfriend, "I'll take you on a cruise in 2023 to iCabo!"

*Just to remind you, freebie cruises, manicures, hotel rooms, restaurant meals are all vital to the continued existence of the Ronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Owens Report.  Alert Facebook and Ronn's 13 fans. 

*Yeah, Ronn gave up guests because he couldn't convince the elderly woman bookstore owner in Marin to do an extra Christmas interview. So too the wine schmuck, Evan Goldstein, Owen's personal wine whore.

*The pandemic's bright spot: no Owens/John Handlery hotel ads. Talk about good social distancing.

*Doug Harvill: must have pictures of Cumulus execs in compromising positions because, well., just use your imagination, folks.

*By the way, I talked to Gumby about KGO: Officially not interested. I Tried.

*THIS JUST IN: Ray Ratto just ate Damon Bruce. The Game is now looking for its 10,657th afternoon drive show, still far behind its 21,234th morning show.

*Wilson Walker on KPIX: this fraud of a reporter has all the interest of a Yuba City Arby's.

*The 49ers are still alive despite being buried alive by our alleged sports "experts" and "insiders"--wonder how they spin this week. Never mind.


  1. Liz St. John is a DJ on Alice. Been in the market for years.

  2. I really liked Peter Finch when he was on KFOG. It was a nice change when Finch started on KCBS however I have to "AGREE" that "DEGREES" has to go. Hearing DEGREES over and over and over is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard.

    Another thing KCBS needs to do is have live sports at least until the local sports teams have finished their games. The broadcaster has to mention the local teams scores or updates before the taped sports. May cost a few extra bucks but would be well worth it.


  3. So, KGO management is that incompetent that they cannot change the morning format?? Thompson's high pitched girly laugh is nauseating!!

  4. Nikki and Chimp are must not listen radio.

  5. Gosh, Liz St. John is a longtime bay area broadcaster. You have a problem with her, in part, because you say she is a "White woman". Why is that evil for you? Your comment is both racist and sexist .

  6. The idea that the addition of Chip Franklin is a an improvement to anything is just weird. Covering a turd with garbage doesn't help.

  7. > overnight anchor, Peter Finch, continue
    > his assault...


  8. ...just to be perfectly clear ... Yuba City Arby's are GREAT (Tony the Tiger GREAT!!)... signed, Yuba City Arby's ("We Have The Big Schlongs!!!" doesn't quite roll off the tongue )

  9. If Fatto had his way, he'd eat a few others on that station. They could use him on KRON 4. Eat all of the crappy talent on that station, except for a select few, problem solved.

  10. I agree that Nikki needs to go back to the Newsroom but Mark Thompson has grown on me and he's got the best voice on KGO.

  11. Christine, my problem with Liz St John is that she constantly stumbles over her copy. I realize that in an all-news format, an anchor has to read a lot of copy cold. But when she stumbles, she pauses and her whole cadence is thrown off. She stumbles so much it's like she went to the Dave Padilla School of Broadcasting. She needs to pre-read as much copy as possible. Chronologically she's been in Bay Area radio a long time, but her delivery is amateur.

  12. KCBS is KMART radio now. Done on the cheap!!!
