Thursday, October 1, 2020

Another Facade by KGO-TV Diva Supreme, Kristen Sze; Eric Thomas Forced To Fathom Fake Farewell by Plotting Circle7 Paranoia Queen

Kristen Sze - Posts | Facebook


Eric Thomas DETESTED fellow KGO, Citcle7 anchor, Kristen Sze. Out and out DESPISED her; even so, Thomas was forced, yes, basically forced, to take part in an on-camera farewell on his last day at ABC7, Wednesday.

Thomas, who was offered and accepted a buyout from ABC, was part of a 4-person on-screen bye-bye, with Sze and anchors Dan Ashley, Sze and weatherman, Spencer Christian --the entire "tribute" was more a forced giggle brigade with some usual parting gifts for Thomas, who was dying to leave the 900 Front offices where he worked for 26 years.

Thomas was NO FAN of the two-timing, uber paranoid Sze; he wasn't alone. Matter of fact, anyone with any kind of rank inside KGO cannot tolerate Sze and dare if they try, they will be met with swift and often brutal force by Sze and her trail of terror, led mostly by Tracey Watkowski-Silva, the also detested News Director, who has all the warmth and serenity of a 7-11 cardboard pizza, but that's old news.

Sze, who was the singular person behind the manufactured, 29 female journalists' petition, insisted on a farewell bye-bye in honor of Thomas' departing the KGO family. Mostly, it was a scheme by Ming (she prefers to be called "Ming", {her Cantonese first name by admirers) as an attempt to curry favor with KGO brethren who are friends of Thomas) --The whole act was just that, an act. Thomas had to go along because he didn't want to rock the boat, but dear lord, what a travesty! 

And Sze's schmaltzy scheme didn't go over well with KGO staff either, which I will soon go over in a future detailed report...


  1. No no no, Kristen Sze is not Cantonese unrelated to KTSF Mei Ling Sze who is Cantonese from Hong Kong, Kristen is Taiwanese Mandarin. I asked a friend who is pure Chinese and that is what they told me. The only credit I give Kristen is getting rid of Natasha who tons of people dislike and I bet Eric, Leyla, Jessica, Alexis, Reggie dislike Natasha getting the back up while the above except Reggie already left KGO

  2. Thomas' respect for Ashley and Christian helped keep Thomas composed.
    Rich, Keep us posted on the HQ investigation of the Sze-29, especially if even Trixie's pal can't stop whatever future punishment may lure.

  3. Hope Eric got a tetanus shot from being near Sze.

  4. Man, Rich; Eric Thomas needs to be nominated for an acting award, because he sure did a great job of acting when Ashley, Sze and Christian were doing the goodbye tributes. I actually was believing it, and at the same time, I kept thinking about your reporting on their relationship, so I didn't know what to think! I am SO confused!
