Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Showtime--Post Debate: Dana Bash calls Trump-Biden Spectacle 'Shit Show': I Agree --My Reaction

Presidential Debate Preview: The First Biden-Trump Battle - Election Central

The First Presidential Debate, Live from Cleveland ...Chris Wallace, Fox News, Moderator ..6 PM PT

LOCAL COVERAGE: TV: All channels --Post Debate analysis on KTVU, KGO-TV and NBC Bay Area.

RADIO: KGO will broadcast entire debate at 6 PM followed by John Rothmann analysis and listener reaction.

KCBS AM and FM and KQED-FM will carry debate live with both political analysis by guests and audience alike.

SFGate: Analysis and Bay Area reaction 

415 Media: Live Blogging and reader reaction


Yes, Dana Bash got it right, "Shit Show."

You can all agree/disagree about issues and politics, what happened tonight (Tuesday) was a disgrace. Nobody won, the American people lost.

The president is a bully. A really new low in American politics.

I can't imagine any woman, city, suburban, wherever, voting for Donald Trump. It goes beyond Repub, Dem, Independent, doesn't matter.

Trump made a mockery of Chris Wallace --interrupted him repeatedly, really made himself look even worse than he was. He also managed to give sympathy to Wallace, a Fox News journalist. 

When he had a chance, a real opportunity, to condemn White supremacist groups, he passed. "Pause," said Trump.

Joe Biden didn't win--no one did. But he held his own and acted presidential and tried to be civil. The other guy, the president, acted like a schoolyard bully and then some.

Good night.

I'll have more later.


  1. Orange man looks like he's constipated, like one of my uncles.

  2. Send in the Clowns......

  3. Trump sure did not like to respond to his $750 taxes paid in both 2016 & 2017.....what a liar!!

  4. Trump is a disgrace. The only good news is this made it a certainty he will lose.

  5. Trump is a desperate man. He's going to prison and he knows it.

    1. No major politician has ever gone to prison in American history, so I'm not holding my breath.

  6. Biden was Presidential? C'mon man! Calling his opponent a liar
    and a clown is Presidential? Fake news, Rich. Shame on you.
    If Biden took the high road and didn't engage in name calling,
    he had a shot to look good, but he blew it. Chris Wallace was
    a disaster as moderator.

  7. I think we know now, if there was *any* doubt, the answer to the question of whether or not Trump will leave office cooperatively if he loses. Expect him to resort to anything including physical violence. Does anyone know if he carries a gun?

  8. Condition for next debate should be a 'kill switch', sad that it has to come to this. 45* will never agree to it. In fact I don't believe there will be another presidential debate as 45* will want too many conditions (he gets to pic moderator etc). The POS is desperate.

    1. Doesn't matter if Dotard Don agrees to it. Those are the terms. Take it or leave it.

  9. Rich censored many comments knocking Bidens performance. This would then show the majority of comments being pro Biden and against Trump. That shows how "intellectual" and "honest" this post and discussion has been.

  10. This debate, if you can call it that, was a disaster. Biden tried to adhere to the rule but wound up telling Trump to shut up when the moderator lost what little control he had. Trump said he did not need much preparation and it truly showed. This is our President? He won't condemn white supremacists, is a pathological liar in addition to being a tax cheat?
    The choice is clear

  11. Want to know who won a debate? The TV analysts, even on Fox, will never say the Republican won. I've been watching these debates since 1976, where there were only three networks, and a Republican never is declared the winner. But here's what I've learned.

    1. If the TV analysts/pundits say it was a tie, that means the Republican won.

    2. If the TV analysts say the Democrat won, that means it's a tie.

    1. Didn't Reagan win the Debates against Carter in 1980 and against Mondale in 1984?

  12. If you want Kamala to take over in 4 years, vote for Biden. He was so pressured by Trump last night on camera, I worry he might have a heart attack when Biden brought up his son just to tick off Trump, who cares about his son in a real debate.

    1. Yes, we'd want Kamala to take over in 4 years. The only people voting for Trump are those that 1) hate people of color changing the culture of this country, 2) live in backwoods towns where shooting guns is their hobby and 3) religious zealots who willingly sell their soul in exchange for getting the court to overturn abortion. Once Biden gets in there, these people can all go back under the rock they come from.

  13. 2:39 PM - If it was me I would have punched Trump, a few times.

  14. Unlike many others I found it to be a good debate. Real debates are not pretty. The regular presidential debates are just q and a's. Now we got to see the 2 characters on full display. After all we elect someone because of their character. Promises from a candidate usually dont mean much. In this case their was a very clear contrast between the 2. In my view the clear winner was Biden.
