SO, THIS is worth all the outrage? This nothing burger? God, what a bunch of sizzling lightweights, no wonder we're all going to hell in a handbasket and witnessing the demise of civilization.
Oh, the outrage!, oh the hubris!
Oh, spare me the bullshit!
So the fuck what! Of all the things to worry about and give a shit, THIS is what you broads think is important?
Yeah, what a jerk he (me) is, let's send him to Rikers. That'll teach the bastard.
Of all the things I detest about Heather Homes, this isn't one of them. She's got talent. She's got legs. OK, so she's not my cup of mocha but it's all in the eye of the beholder; I'm not a fan of her either in front of a teleprompter or off, but I guess she has sex appeal to a lot of you; is it a federal crime that she shows it and/or that I posted this? A picture she knew full well would get out and it did. Spare me!
And, who took the picture? Did I? Hell no. So, what the fuck is going on here? Did I miss the memo.
I've seen worse and thought worse. The world is all fucked up; Trump is going to hell but the race is tightening; if he wins, he's gonna probably appoint at least two Supreme Court justices. Chew on that, ladies! And then worry about whether I had the audacity to publish a story about BONERS! You idiots.
Organize and galvanize about something that matters. Grow up. Smell the ocean. Take off your Ross outfit and go open up a Nordstrom account. I'm way too much in your head.
"Take it (the post) down, Rich, it's too 'Trumpish, it'll piss off the women." I've been hearing this all week, as if I committed some sort of mass degradation. Yeah, I'm a regular Roger Ailes. Oh fucking lord!

I'M NOT YOUR PROBLEM, I;'ll say it again because you apparently give me more voltage than I already possess. Seriously, I'm sort of an emotional guy having middle-aged issues and wondering why Pia Zadora rejected me, but that's another story. I am woman, really and an advocate in your folder, don't confuse me with anyone else.
I'm not the one who posts centerfold pictures on Instagram; I'm not the one who takes crotch pictures of myself in jeans when I'm not doing the weather; it's not I that posts pictures of my ass and tits on Facebook and pretend to be "juts a normal woman': guess what? It works!

You want real issues, ladies, to delve into, go read about kids that can't go to school and their moms that aren't working and can't afford to put food on the table. Go online and read about juvenile diabetes and how it's fucking up our country. Take a trip down near City Hall and observe the FILTH called San Francisco and pick up the human waster and FECES that lay on the ground in between the homeless encampments and drugs being sold on the streets. Walk over to the Jack In The Box in Union Square and see a Crack addict spit up while he wrestles with the other bums after you get your ultimate burger. Meet at the Mayor behind Civic Center; between the heroin addicts and meth freaks, maybe you can talk about the Giants' playoff chances. Go over to the panhandle in Golden Gate Park and have a picnic with your girlfriends and don't trip over the lunatics that just got released from Napa State hospital.
Have a nice day.

Man, Rich, you got it! Keep on rockin'! Everything you wrote here is the truth! And these women are hypocrites for saying one thing and doing another. These women all know sex sells, which is why KGO mandates that women on air wear high heels. And would Heather Holmes be where she is, if she was ugly? I don't think so, although some of the people on KGO now, well, I don't know how they are on the air, I mean, speaking of "Horse Face", among others. TV is a visual medium. People don't want to look at someone ugly. Lisa Argen should be thankful people are discussing her "Winnebagos", since let's face it, they are more like a "stretched Limousine", accent on stretched. But she does a decent job of putting it all together, but lets face it, she is past her prime. There even used to be a website called newsbabes.com. I just checked, and it no longer exists. But Rich, Man, you are only telling and writing the truth. Don't worry about dang political correctness, remember, Trump did away with that! You Go Rich!
ReplyDelete...newsbabes.com? Time to resurrect that site, any takers??
Delete> I'm not the one who takes crotch pictures
ReplyDelete> of myself in jeans when I'm not doing the weather.
Thank God for small favors.
All 29 of them need a good spanking...but where would I start?
ReplyDeleteRich, I've never seen what's appealing in Orozco. You're always talking about cosmetics clerks in Fresno Macys...that's her.
ReplyDeleteIf sex or looks didn't matter we would see many many more ladies on television news that looked like Roseanne Barr or Jan Wahl. Why don't we see them? Oh that's right...
ReplyDeleteI believe a former anchor that posts here regularly made that very point decades ago.
Why no medium petition to feature more fatties? We are waiting.
Bravo, Sir Rich. Sad to say, men are judged by Wallets, women by Boobs. Hopefully the next generation will un F-Up the current regime of leaders/idiots who mirror Trump. Even sadder, we need a good World War every now and then to thin out the herd. Sure Donny boy is thinking about it! He knows he's got a penthouse suite at the NY Manhattan Correctional facility....if Sleepy Joe wins.
ReplyDelete> we need a good World War every now and
Delete> then to thin out the herd. Sure Donny
> boy is thinking about it!
Actually military confrontations are something he has avoided religiously in his term. He is many things, but a war-monger is not one of them. He'd much rather be photographed shaking hands with dictators, and he's stated he's not in favor of them, whether they come from Democrats or Republicans.
> He knows he's got a penthouse suite
> at the NY Manhattan Correctional
> facility....if Sleepy Joe wins.
Not at all. Easy way out—perfectly legal too:
He resigns between his loss (*if* he loses) and January 20th. Pence takes over and issues a Gerald Ford-style pardon.
Fait accompli.
Billy Poon Photos?
ReplyDeleteBilly Poon takes all of Maria Medina's photos.
DeleteBilly Poon is a weather producer at KPIX. Also a photog on the side. You can see other photos of KPIX women on flickr.com/photos/billypoon..... including Julliet Goodrich.
DeletePlease shut down your blog. You can’t express yourself without using the word f-Uck? Low class for sure
ReplyDeleteYo Church Lady: Ever read the New York Times? They're starting to use the "F" word when they repeat a quote from someone. They did that the other day when the 45th president used it in a private conversation. If you feel offended, go watch Fox News and reruns of Pat Robertson's sermons and stop patronizing this blog.
DeleteThese women are hypocrites. They have the sincerity of Captain Louis Renault in Casa Blanca: “I’m shocked , shocked, gambling is going on here.”
ReplyDeleteThese women flaunt their physical attributes and call themselves journalist, while clutching their pearls if one comments on their blatant sexuality. As a past (female) boss told me long ago, “If you want to run with the big dogs, you gotta learn to lift your leg.”
Hey Rich -- There was a Renel Brooks that signed the petition. The Giants PA announcer? Really, Renel? Get
Deleteover yourself! No one has objectified you for 30 years!!
The Bay Area hasn't had an anchorette worthy of discussion since Claudia Cowan left. These broads are lucky to have their looks brought up at all.
ReplyDelete> The Bay Area hasn't had an anchorette worthy of
Delete> discussion since Claudia Cowan left.
Seriously? That's your yardstick?
You don't understand, Rich. Heather uses those legs and those stilettos to warm up her guests, get them to relax, and get great interviews. David Frost had his techniques, Heather has hers.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to split those uprights....
ReplyDeleteClaudia Cowan...always got her mixed up with Claudia Cohen who did the entertainment reports on Regis and Kathie Lee around the same time, also on 4
ReplyDelete...Rich? As an insulin-dependent diabetic for 50+ years (and still fucking going fucking fucking strong for Asian fucking women ..), I'm behind you night and day
ReplyDeleteThe many crude and sexists comments here says it all. I'm done donating to this blog, although I like the serious blogs that Rich writes, but they seem to be a rarity. Instead of blogging about all these women, (and honestly who really cares, when it gets to personal and gossipy) why not expand the blog and include some syndicated national host that are heard in this area. I'm somewhat biased, because I don't watch local TV, but listen to the radio a lot. Rich I'm not really in favor of a lot political correctness, but things have changed and do change, what could be written about in the eighties or nineties have changed, might not be fair, but it is reality.
ReplyDeleteFYI, Trump is going to the Nobel Prize for Peace in the Middle East. A feast no other President has been able to do. Chew on that Pal.
ReplyDelete8:53 Who is your comment referring to? I doubt Trump will get the nobel peace prize, it is possible, since he was nominated. I don't care for Trump, his negatives outweigh his positives. However, I can applaud what he (and Jared Kushner) have accomplished in the Middle East, since I'm strong supporter of Israel. Does not mean I want Trump re elected.
ReplyDeleteIt would be interesting to spill the beans on the female on the air talent who have been or are sugar babies. At least 2 of the 29 have been sugar babies when starting out in their careers...