To My Loyal Readers,
90% of California Media is owned by 6-companies! Do you want an independent voice to congratulate, kvetch, complain? Or do we all just throw in the towel? Many of you have now returned to work with a steady paycheck. Your support is my paycheck, plain & simple. With your help this Blog can continue. Send as much as you can TODAY. Not tomorrow, TODAY.
$150 is a LIFE MEMBERSHIP. That gets next to nothing from KPFA or KQED, and we don't whine or beg half as much. If that's too hard, a $50 two-year subscription can be had.
(Any donation is welcome and greatly appreciated)
(Any donation is welcome and greatly appreciated)
You know this has been a stressful week and views are way up. Thanks! But less than 1% of you are helping, THIS CAN'T CONTINUE. NO BLOG CAN.
Go to the PayPal "donate" button on the right side of the blog (underneath the Marina Times ad) and click on it and follow directions; it takes less than a minute and it's 100 safe and secure. You don't have to have a Pay Pal account to contribute. I will personally call and/or email you thanking you for your donation.
Your 415 Media Blogger looking out for YOU,
I just posted this to:
Have fun with the all the haters!
Reddit lol What are you, 12? Kids site.
DeleteSurprised to see comments approved on a pledge break post. Anyhoo the big papers that get the scoops for their stories from this blog should shoot some change Rich's way....like a finder's fee!