I ALWAYS THOUGHT I was too rough on Heather Holmes--I always said to myself I thought she was (and still is) a lightweight; a tin cup and glassy disposition; the proverbial soft cookie in a jar of hard ass candy.
I wasn't too off mark and maybe more on point.
A few people at KTVU say I'm dead on my feelings about Heather Holmes. She reminds me of a Macys clerk at the San Leandro Bayfair mall. She's so San Leandro, maybe a whiff of Walnut Creek on a good day.
This is all a matter of judgement and not necessarily news acumen. I don't know HH at all. I can tell you she's no Leslie Griffith, who was very psycho, yes, but had a tremendous news reputation. In short, Heather is a total crème puff --literally--but has all the news gumption of a week-old kumquat.
Frankly, I don't get all the attention she garners. And that's not only on air but off as well. I suppose glamour and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder; sure, HH is a news anchor; we're supposed to judge her by her news reading and even at that, she's lacking. There's no IT factor in my book but that's just me. Holmes seems to think she's a big star and wants KTVU brass to think of her as a clean-up hitter while I view her as a lifetime DH.
Look, it's all a big plate of Jello when you study more deeply as I do because I don't have a life. These people are just as dull and dreary as we are only they are allowed to invade our TV screens every night and provide us news of the day; they're not performing brain surgery.
Sometimes I think we all take this too seriously and want to think (they do) these French fries are curing cancer. I don't want to indict Holmes but there's times she looks way too serious, as if she thinks she's the most important soul on the planet. Which only further inflates her ego and makes her think she's some extraordinary woman when in reality she's nothing more than a few extra slices of melba toast.

Pretend it is nineteen sixty-something, rise off your poto, walk six feet, and turn the dial on the Zenith. Just two clicks and you can bathe in Darya, after adjusting the rabbit ears. Besides, Heather looks like she just removed the edible from her panties (or lack thereof) and is personally tempting you to taste her goods.
ReplyDeleteRead between the lines. She has a teenage daughter. She has problems, concerns just like everyone else, yet when the camera lights up...You're supposed to paint a smiley portrait for your audience.Disregard that you may be dying inside.
ReplyDeleteWe all have problems, some wear it on their sleeves and others conceal it. I read that she lost her father at a young age 50 to a massive heart attack. I lost my father at 18 when he was just 52.
This will mess you up and you live with it. I will never forget my mothers shrieks as I tried to revive him to know avail.
Sometimes a painted smile is better than nothing. I would love to talk to her. Some of us get it. We are human Rich! Did you not wail like a baby over the loss of your mother?
Two sides to every story.
I lost my father the same way the night I graduated high school. He was 56. I never forgot it either but I don't know what it has to do with this. Lots of people experience this. Doesn't excuse Heather for being a b*tch just like slavery doesn't excuse the vandals who steal iPhones and shoes from businesses (more often than not, minority-owned businesses) in their neighborhoods.
DeleteEver think it is just a mask poorly worn? I cut H-Squared some slack. Rich, never met her!. Just some old fat Jew who obviously pissed away his money.
DeleteGetting you clowns to buy into his tripe and pay for it.Fools!
Not a fan of Heather. Cold as Ice. Not a fan of Julie Haener. She looks like she is trying to live on lettuce. She needs to see two doctors. Physical and mental.
Delete> Sometimes I think we all take this too seriously
ReplyDelete> and want to think (they do) these French fries
> are curing cancer.
No, only you do. The things I worry about with TV news today is more along the lines of how 75% or more of the stories they do is just press-release journalism, ie, someone with a cause faxes a press release to each assignment desk, and they send a brainless twit who calls herself a journalist to stand in front of the activity and read from the press release or talk to a spokesperson with canned statements and even "suggested questions"—and that passes for journalism today. The real stories that are going on never get covered, which is why when someone like Jeff Adachi kicks in a hooker's house with a nose full of coke, everyone is caught off-guard, the city awkwardly tries to censor it, and no one even puts up much of a fight except for poor Bryan Carmody, who got his house busted into. More important for all these b̶u̶s̶i̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶c̶e̶r̶n̶s̶ newsrooms is that they have shiny sets with lots of screens that do nothing, their anchors have perfectly shaved legs and perfectly styled hair, and everyone act lovey-dovey. We've gone from Revolutionary War broadsides to this. Imagine something like the American Revolution taking place in today's atmosphere.
MMMMMM... a long legged blonde with daddy issues...Perfect! come here i some special butter for your melba toast.
ReplyDeleteIt's the BA market. Not many attractive younger white females left as anchors, so HH inherits the demographic that prefers the type. Peggy Bunker left, so did Carolyn Johnson, Marla Tellez, Cecilia Vega, Vicky Nguyen, etc...
ReplyDeleteI've no complaints or problems with Heather Holmes. Now, I admit I'm not watching much news at 4 p.m., 7 p.m. or 11 p.m. (with 7pm and 11pm, KTVU just finished up with an hour-long news broadcast, of which I may have already recorded).
ReplyDeleteShe looks good; pronounces words correctly; occasionally has a live guest with whom to question; and seems to have good attendance (although I think she was off tonight, Friday 8/14/20).
Overall, she seems to be a good asset/addition and KTVU should be glad to have her there.
Juliette Goodrich makes Heather Holmes look like Diane Sawyer.
ReplyDeleteHH is typical Firm journalism. And we know what RL thinks of The Firm.
ReplyDeleteHH = Horny Ho?
ReplyDeleteSince I grew up in San Leandro and used to go to Bayfair all of the time, and shop at that Macy’s....I never saw a clerk look like Heather.....but I’m glad you say she’s so San Leandro.....we had many fine women in town.