Tuesday, July 7, 2020

There's a Train Wreck at KGO (ABC7) and It (Once Again) Involves Pompous Reggie Aqui --'He's Out of Control'; Cibrowski and Trixie Do Nothing; Torment at 900 Front

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Kumasi Aaron Could Be a Big Star at KGO ...
Reggie Aqui and Kumasi Aaron at KGO

Mayhem in the Morning at KGO:
Longtime staffer to me:

 "No one cares!" --"No one gives a shit!" "There is total chaos here and no one in charge is stepping up." "It's a train wreck here."

A source also told me that the biggest amount of scorn continues to fall on Reggie Aqui, the morning anchor who seems hellbent on creating strife and havoc due to an overwhelming ego and ability to make people (his co-workers) squirm in disgust and consternation.

Seems Aqui feels his position at ABC7 is bulletproof --"he thinks he can do anything," says a source to 415 Media. "He doesn't listen to anyone and he just things his way and 'fuck everyone else."

Meanwhile, Circle7 higher-ups like President/GM, Tom Cibrowski and ND, Tracey Watkowski, have done ZERO to preach peace behind the scenes; more ominously, both have had an off-hands policy on Aqui which could further accelerate the torment at 900 Front.

Wait, it's already a train wreck!
Cibrowski Named KGO San Francisco GM | Broadcasting+Cable
The do-nothing Pres at Circle7: Tom Cibrowski


  1. Rich, don't you EVER post anything positive? News is news...regardless of what you say.

  2. Here's something positive, let's see if it gets posted: I like Reggie Aqui! He and Ms. Aaron seem to have good chemistry together and I hope that means that they like each other, at least it appears that way.

  3. Positive or not, I wish you'd post examples of the things these alleged prima donnas do. It's easy to say so-and-so is a pompous ass but what are they doing that's so awful? I'm friends with some of the other people who work in the news room who say there's no smoke *or* fire here. You on the other hand keep making accusations with no evidence to back it up.

    1. Yes! That's my reaction to all of the "Michelle Griego is a bitch!" rants. I love good gossip and badly miss TV soaps, so I'd perversely enjoy reading all the juicy details about what she does to undermine and destroy her co-workers -- but nary a word is ever printed to support the nasty conclusions that are drawn, apparently out of thin air. What's left is just boring and hollow, not even innuendo -- as a better writer has said: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

  4. Replies
    1. That’s it! Pair up Reggie and Karel

  5. Someone that I feel comes across as a Complete Pompous Ass, is Grant Lodes on KRON!!!#

    1. Isn't he the one married to that tall hottie co-anchor?

      He must have something where it counts...

    2. Dunno who that is but that's a total porno name.

    3. I used to work with someone named Chelsea Chambers. THAT'S a porno name.

  6. One of the main reasons I tune in to KGO-7 each morning is because of Reggie Aqui. I like him very much. He is a good and competent anchor and has just the right amount of energy and personality to keep the newscast flowing. I don't detect any animosity between him and the other anchors, reporters and weather people.

    1. Hi, Mrs. Aqui. Nice to hear from you.

  7. Good luck trying to kick out Reggie, he martial status is protected in San Francisco and might give him the evening anchor job someday.

  8. I agree with others on this thread! If there was so much dissension among the ranks in some of the back-room environments of these news stations - it would be detectable on-air - and it's just not! We see relaxed, smiling anchors and co-anchors. And I also like Reggie Aqui - very personable on the air!
