Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Arrogant Stan Bunger Refuses To Tell Audience 'I'm Stan Bunger'. KCBS Morning Muddle

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: It's War Between KCBS' Bunger and ...

ARROGANCE --That's the word being bandied about when it comes to Stan Bunger the KCBS veteran morning drive news anchor, who is so ego-driven he refuses to give his name over the airwaves. It's stubborn, it's yes, arrogant, and it makes for embarrassing on-air time at the all-news outlet.

What's the fuss?

Bunger, every morning, takes to the air at 5: 32 AM --only unless you're a regular KCBS listener, you wouldn't know it's Bunger because he never uses his name! Like this morning and every morning, "It's 5; 32" That's it, not a "It's 5: 32, I'm  Stan Bunger." It may sound like no big deal but it is and it's mind-boggling. It's especially irritating and ridiculous when Bunger goes into an interview (like this morning) and no one knows who the hell is talking.

Just to be sure I wasn't being petty, I asked a fellow KCBS on-air person about this and the person (who I won't name because they don't want to get into a pissing match with Bunger) acknowledged the same thing--why doesn't Bunger give his name? And even worse, Bunger's itches to traffic people like Kim Wonderley just proceed as if everyone knows it's Stan Bunger.

Bunger went from 5: 32 all the way up to 5: 59 at the CBS hourly news before announcing, "I'm Stan Bunger, ..." a good almost, half hour before saying his name. Arrogant. Broadcast malpractice. You'd think the ND, Jennifer Seelig , would tell Bunger to ID his name, but Seeling also doesn't want to confront him, making her fairly useless and only reinforcing Bunger's petulance and status at KCBS.

KCBS has lots of people listening, thousands at any given time and mainly, to listen to traffic reports and coronavirus updates. Not everyone knows their air personalities and it's mighty frustrating to listen to a station for over twenty-five minutes and not even know who the hell they're listening to. Bunger seems to think it's a natural.

But it isn't.


  1. You hit it dead center Rich, he assumes he’s a such a talent we all know him. I know him yes as an arrogant metro sexual type

  2. uh, who gives a shit?

  3. IF you want news, you go to KCBS. Not constantly pimping your name is the opposite of egotistical.

  4. 11:09, your point is made, half ass at least. Are you a fan of Stan’s arrogance or nit?

  5. Do you really want to hear an anchor repeating his/her name with every segue? Self ID's at the top and bottom of the hour are pretty standard and sufficient. The anchors I hear on KCBS all operate in the same way. I tune into KCBS for what I need - news, traffic, weather, sports - and I don't need to hear an arrogant anchor telling me his name 8-10 times an hour!

  6. Ok then, not his formal name, just his call sign, it’s 7am and this is “arrogant ass” or “metro sex man”

  7. Cue, Destiny Child "Say My Name"

  8. You people are all screwed in your heads. If he DID state his name every 15 minutes, you'd accuse him of being egotistical and wanting to hear his name constantly. Get over yourselves - we tune in for the news - not the person.

  9. Agree with 1:43pm. Don't consider it arrogance at all. I don't want the newscaster to repeatedly give his/her name throughout the hour. It would be analogous to a self-promoting commercial.

  10. "KCBS news time, 7:22", said every 3 minutes
