Wednesday, July 15, 2020

More than Ten Bullet Points; Liviakis and Wayne on KRON, I'd Watch; Thurston Tops on KGO; Bring Sarge to 'The Game' and Fix it; London Breed Sit-Down Please; Stan Bunger is Willard Scott

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*SEE. OTHER FOLKS can just pretend to interview people on radio; KGO's Pat Thurston actually takes the time and does some lengthy prep and actually asks great questions; flawless with a capital F. I praise her a lot but not enough. She's become the #1 voice on KGO and no one else is even close.

*Mark Thompson show in a nutshell: 40 minutes of Thompson listening to his own voice; repeated playing of audio sound bites on TV and radio; Thompson trying real hard to be funny and not coming close; Thompson relying on Bret Burkhart to aide in his funniness but Burkhart only makes it worse.

*One thing about the pandemic distancing of local TV news anchors and their broadcasting from home: The sound quality of their delivery is a universal THUD. It's AWFUL. I cannot believe these stations can't go out and buy some decent sound quality and 86 the current Radio Shack noise and that's what it is, noise and it's brutal.

*Again, not that it's making me lose sleep, but why hasn't anyone gone out and tried a sit-down with Mayor London Breed? I'm not talking a photo-op (for her mainly) but a realistic 5-7 minute interview dealing with pandemic, the growing homeless, SF's ails, MUNI, etc. Breed needs to be asked, not so much grilled (I know I'm asking a lot) but guess what? She'd love to do it and the SF people deserve to hear her. Breed has been appearing on CNN a lot lately so she knows the drill. Too bad our local TV News folks seem oblivious in this department --what else is new.

*KRON could be a local version of "NY One"--yeah, and I could date J-Lo (wait a minute!)

*The little man ND at PIX has a habit of mentioning me in his various Zoom meetings with staff --if he really wanted to minimize my existence I suppose he could stop bringing my name up every other day, that would be a good start.

*Lee Hammer got hoodwinked by that asshole PD at KNBR --I'll say it out loud because no one else will.

*Dear Tom Tolbert on The Sports Leader: it'd be nice to ask your buddy, Warriors' coach, Steve Kerr, why he and the two principal Dubs' owners --who are Jewish, why they said NOTHING about Stephen Jackson's anti-Semitism postings on Twitter; oh and Kevin Durant's "liking" those posts, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

*Sure, I'd love to write more material about other outlets in the Bay Area; FM stations; TV stations; KQED; alternative radio; would love to. Just tell me a compelling figure and/or subject matter and I'll take a listen, give a look. So far, I haven't seen/heard anything.

*Just DO IT: Chip Franklin and Nikki Medoro in the morning on KGO from 6-10 and do it now while there's still time.

*Hey Entercom, you've been trying for 10 years to make 95.7 FM "The Game" relevant --TRY THIS: hire the broadcast king from the 49ers, Bob Sargent and allow him the opportunity to FIX what needs fixing. Sargent used to program KNBR back in the 2000's and I'd bet he'd give it a great tweak and boy does that station need tweaking.

*I went to listen to All-Commercials KCBS and a traffic report broke out.

*KCBS stands for: "Keep Commercials Bursting Steadily"

*The new radio Willard Scott:  Stan Bunger

*If I only wrote about "good news" I'd be broker than the already broke I am.

*It would be politically incorrect to pair Vicki Liviaksi and Ken Wayne on KRON but guess what? I'd watch that duo.

*Mark Willard subbing for Papa and Lund: Yawn.


  1. I would like to see a sit down with Mayor Breed as well, but in
    addition to the pandemic and homeless problem, let's ask her about the corruption in City Hall. Start with the DPW and her buddy, Mohammed Nuru. Next, the SFPUC. Hey London - the Feds
    are coming for you.....

    1. NO INTERVIEWS PERIOD! You must get permission from her handler... the one... the only... the biggest pimp in SF... you know him as "Slick" Willie Brown. You must homage to him and for a small fee... You can talk to the Da Mayer

  2. Ditto on Vickie and Ken paired together.

  3. Pat Thurston used to be on 95.7, the Express (KPIX FM)

  4. Mark willatd,mark thompson, no more Mark's, this market gets all the crappy ones

  5. - The Real Willard Scott is, believe it or not, still 14 years away from his beloved 100 at 86.
    - The Cumulus clowns are still bozoing along with their respective stations.
    - Are the SF stations afraid of Breed, even without His Willieness interfering?
    - KRON has a better chance at turning into a bigger Telemundo station. And J-Lo really is very happy with her A-Rod engagement.
    - Can't believe Black Rock isn't barking loud about the incompetent PIX ND. This insult to nerds makes VDLC - filling in for Cook all week - feel very lucky.
    - I too am surprised that Guber & Lacob haven't expressed their disappointment toward the two ex-Warriors' anti-Semite acts.
    - Here is something that will really disgust RL: KQED received Fed bailout money. With any other PBS station, it would be an impressive gesture. But as Rich has repeatedly pointed out, KQED hasn't used their big bucks to improve the rest of the station, only their boardroom portfolios.
    - Bunger sounds more tired than usual.
    - KRON owners are too afraid of the ND, and the ND is too afraid of his own shadow. Both are very fortunate that Liviakis is incredibly nimble with both news and staff relations. Veterans like Moore and Wayne know how lucky they are to have Liviakis as a co-worker.
    - Is Hammer afraid of 86-ing Crowe?
    - Mark Thompson is clearly past his prime, but of course, even with Thurston becoming the voice of KGO, see Cumulus clown post above.

  6. ASSHOLE PD AT KNBR... Rich, there has NEVER been a more truer statement ever been uttered on this blog.

  7. "ABC 7 News" ran at around 11:30 p.m. on July 15th its umpteenth item about the annual Independence Day hot dog eating contest in New York City (even repeatedly plugging its commercial sponsor). "ABC 7 News" ran items about this contest before the event. Now it's running items about it more than ten days AFTER the event. Why is this "news"? Why promote gluttony? What "skill" is admirable about stuffing over processed meat down one's throat rapidly? The news value is questionable. I turned the channel immediately after this and will think twice of watching this newscast again. This is part of the annoying habit at "ABC 7 News at 11 p.m." of running a commercial break at around 11:27, then one brief "light" item, then another commercial break. Between the endless plugs for Disney movies, Disney theme parks, and Disney/ABC programming during the newscasts and these vapid "infotainment" items. This is another signal that this apocalypse is coming.

  8. * Here’s a great new day drinking game. Whenever Reggie says something gay or prissy-take a drink. Whenever Kumasi mispronounces a word or says something stupid-take a drink. whenever Jobina shows her ghetto side-take a drink. We have never made it to 7:00 AM.
    * London Breed should get out there and give the Virus another chance even if it is with her fist in the air making racist comments to her peeps- the junkies and homeless.

  9. You are nuts Rich, Chip Franklin is bad enough in the afternoon...Chip Franklin first thing in the morning is a nauseating thought. Chip sucks. Nikki sucks. Putting them together MAKES IT WORSE, NOT BETTER.

  10. Who is the PD at KNBR and why is he an asshole?
