Tuesday, July 21, 2020

415 Media Exclusive: NBC Bay Area (San Jose) About to Get Cut Up by NBC NY Net

KNTV - Wikipedia

NBC's chain of command is about to cut massive and mostly staff from its "O and O" division (San Jose included -the owned and operated stations)

Staff cuts will include all personnel--including on-air talent, writers, producers, editors, etc. The people making over $100K a year are the major targets. No one is immune.

The cause of the cuts is the Coronavirus --once I get details, I'll fill you in.



  1. Please let it be Stephanie Adrouny, please.

    1. She turn you down? Perhaps try showering more?

    2. You're soooo funny! But I'm female. And not a lesbian.

    3. 2:13 PM: so try showering more, will ya?

  2. Can't someone just merge NBC Bay Area and KRON and be done with it so I don't perpetually have to remember that KRON isn't the NBC affiliate of my childhood any longer?

    1. KRON still plays that 1986 NBC news music in its newscasts.
      Belva Davis era, Suzanne Shaw & Wendy Tokuda
      Same music....LoL

    2. Just like I have a hard time remembering that the Houston Astros are in the American League

    3. 5:40 PM: Mmmmm ... Wendy Tokuda, what an Asian BABE!!

  3. And I just starting watching NBC Bay Area because I'm sick of ABC7, KPIX and KTVU.

  4. Sounds similar post to KTVU. It's just sad that Covid has changed and has almost affected everyone life in sickness or Career wise.

  5. There is hardly any business which will keep an employee around long enough to get a gold watch. Those days are long gone. Todays management will ask, "what have you done for me lately." Bean counters are watched by multiple layers of other bean counters. No one is safe.

    1. You clearly haven't been in the working world long (if at all). Today's management doesn't ask what have you done lately. They just assume they know and make generally random cuts, keeping questionable people, letting valuable talent go. They usually go by salaries and potential pension size, not talent and work ethic. So why work hard? Everyone's going to get it eventually.

  6. If their is a god...Please! Please! Let it be the over the hill circus clown Jessica, then she can go back to hanging out at the local firehouse showing off her talent for shoving beer cans in her mouth.

    1. She turn you down? Try showering more.

    2. Jessica Aguirre is like a fine wine. She has gotten better as an anchor and reporter. For someone who has been on the air for years at ABC7 and NBC Bay Area, she has matured well and I ♥️ her.

  7. About time these ridiculous inflated salaries were reduced to reflect what these people are being paid to do... simply dressing up and reading prepared scripts

    1. It's the people preparing the scripts who are being cut as well. Did you read Rich's post?

  8. Not looking forward to seeing who gets the axe. That being said, I'm sure they'll go on to bigger and better things.
