Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Bay Area Media Posers: Damon Bruce, Ronn Owens Report, Tim Kawakami,Larry Beil, Allen Martin Ray Ratto, Mark Thompson, To Name a Few

Embroidered Patch: NO POSERS | jhofffilms


*Liam Mayclem, aka, "Foodie Chap"--How does this guy get away with it? The fake English accent; the pretentious act; the hideous nature of his reports. He's barely tolerable when he's serious. Which is never. I can't even laugh at this arrogant mutt anymore. And just what does he do? And what the hell is a foodie chap anyway.

*Mark Thompson: can we just come out and say it: Thompson is a superficial blowhard. A guy totally in love with his voice on KGO with nothing real to say, nothing to contribute, just two hours of wholesale nothingness and BORING --class poser is Thompson --I've tried like hell to listen and be positive and I just can't. Because now his show is getting even more tedious, Thompson resorts to using other stations actualities --when you're really bad, yeah, rip off local TV News stations. Classis poser, Mark Thompson.

*Damon Bruce is a certified classic poser. Damon thinks he's the only legitimate radio talk-show host and that he's a god. Recently too, Damon became a father and daily tells us how he invented fatherhood and it's become a drag to even remotely listen to him on 95.7 FM, "The Game"--In the old days of civilization before the pandemic, Bruce was a mildly-interesting voice, now he's just an obnoxious poser. And his frequent pregnant pauses indicate a heightened self-importance. The problem: like its eternal down ratings, nobody is listening to both the station and Damon. Pass the coffee.

*Ray Ratto, an increasingly annoying nebus who has all the appeal of a Union City 7-11. Ratto's contrarian curmudgeon act was funny about the time of the Iranian hostage crisis, which by the way, was the last time Ratto laughed. He keeps getting jobs because the hiring suits thinks he has game. Ha ha, what a complete poser.

*Tim Kawakami is the alleged Exex editor of the flailing internet sports site, "The Athletic"--Kawakami once told a Bay Area scribe that he (Tim) was the Ben Bradlee of sports journalism. Right, Timbo, I'd put a BLOCK to that. You're just an impish, arrogant scribbler who has all the authenticity of a Tenderloin bead and breakfast.

*"The Ronn Owens Report" --is this 10-min dreck supreme POSERISM? Yes! There's very little to learn listening to this daily mish-mash of extreme nothingness. It's an audio colonoscopy of Ronn's ego and his guests inanity --Ronn has nothing to say and his guests usually the same credo. Even Ronn said he only does this crapola ton continue to be heard byt really it's his way of ensuring free cruises until 2035 when Mr. Lowenstien will be over 100. "Hey, pal!"

*Julie Haener is quite the female poser at KTVU --I don't know now what Jules is trying to accomplish, it's either a watered-down Diane Sawyer or a boring FNC blondette. Julie used to engage, ask a few questions and seem genuinely interested. Now she's a human box of vanilla wafers with dried oatmeal on the side --with that eternal concerned look, you would think she's the Orange county coroner posing as a news anchor.

*Allen Martin: mass poser at PIX with all the personality of a Lodi hooker. I have repeatedly tried like hell to warm up to blustery Martin but I cannot. He seems to think he's the CBS-SF Cronkite but Walter in his grave just let out a hard one if you know what I mean.

*Chris Alvarez the weekend sports anchor at KGO-TV --I don't know what this yokel pretty boy is trying to accomplish but sports anchoring is not in his handbook. He's a frequent mumbler and giggler POSING as some sort of Stuart Scott only Scott knew how to write and create --Alvarez just shows up and tells everyone how wonderful he is.

*Larry Beil, the Michael Joran of posing here --Larry is convinced that the more he looks like he's SF anchorman, the more people will be convinced he's the ultimate guy. With authority? NOT! A serious poser and ego the size of 4 SF bays and not much anything else. Beil: the epitome of wholesome POSING.


  1. Where is Ratto these days?

    1. Ratto took the late Sam Kinison's advise. He went where the food is.

  2. Add Nikki Medoro to the list... confused and deficient grammar like this morning: "Sometimes they always...."

    1. "happy" talk about her husband and bratty kids..the fierce housewife of northern california

  3. Talk about "The pot calling the kettle black"... when it comes to posers.
    A real blog would allow posters to make comments about media personalities that were both liked and disliked by the owner of the blog.
    But Rich censors...make that fails to post...comments that are negative towards certain media folks he likes and fawns over.
    Current example, if you make a factual, but negative, comment about Pat Thurston, then Rich will simply not allow it to be posted under the comments.
    Total bias, total censorship, as bad as a narrow FOX News or CNN as it applies to a open discussion about Bay Area media types.
    Sadly we are only allowed to post comments that are deemed acceptable (not offensive to Rich's chosen media stars who he is trying to promote)

    1. I agree with you. I have had the same problem. I have at times offered a rather tepid defense of Ronn, and I liked Brian Copeland, sometimes if worded it differently it would get posted. Also when I mentioned I had contributed several times to this blog, but didn't feel like doing it when my comments gets censored. I'm polite, I try to be factual, and I don't get personal. Also I see comments posted that are crude, racist, sexist and don't add anything to the conversation.

  4. Hey!!don't bag on Union City 7-11s. We used to stop at the Alvarodo on our way to the Drive I when I was a kid the 8o's... now it's a Walmart :(

  5. Mark Thompson keeps me from listening to KGO in the mornings but he's not quite as bad as the two minutes I heard of Pat Thurston's replacement when she was out last week.
    As for Ronnnnnnn, the ONLY good thing to have come out of this Covid-19 pandemic is that I don't have to listen to what in previous years have been interminable ads for his cruises. I would pay NOT to be trapped on a ship with the guy.

  6. Allen Martin is a pro !

    1. A pro at being dull

    2. Allen, that's nice of you to say that about yourself.

  7. - Maychem is a fake lad?
    - Must be the botox that has diminished Mark Thompson. A far cry from his KRON weather years.
    - "Fatherhood Inventor" and "pregnant pauses"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    - There is still the 7-11 on Alvarado-Niles just east of 880. Ratto can just reach the store from the Nimitz with his hand. The pandemic isn't helping his renowned physical and verbal girth.
    - Bead and breakfast? Did Kawakami take too many Haight-Ashbury beads? Oh, RL actually meant bed, as in the grave bed underground that Ben Bradlee rolled over when he heard his name from Tim K.
    - The Parkinson's philanthropists are steering clear of the pouting pandemic petri dish that is Lowenstein.
    - I remember when Haener succeeded Griffith at KTVU, which was a breath of fresh air for everyone at Channel 2, including Richmond, with Sara Sidner sometimes filling in before heading to her current CNN role after just a few months at Jack London Square. A little after that, Haener led the Alameda County Fair parade and was quite charming and cordial. Sad how things have changed. Haener, pre- and current-pandemic, probably steers clear of the Fairgrounds, if her personality change this past decade as stated by RL and followers is confirmed. A shame.
    - That's not the way it is, Allen, speaking of expired reporters rolling in their graves. Uncle Walter's son, Chip Cronkite, actually runs a news organization on social media, in the Desert, where he and his mostly ASU alumni employees are deluged with pandemic mishap stories in Phoenix from the Arizona state government. Me thinks the current Cronkite crew probably wouldn't be enamored by Martin's work, regardless of decades-long experience.
    - So Alvarez is "with no authority"?
    - I wonder what Beil thinks of Dion Lim dealing her own "authority", after she made her decision as reported in the next post by RL.

  8. When is Larry going to Hawaii????

  9. Brian Murphy should be # uno on here...how he ever got a job in media is beyond the pale, but wait, thats right, he's been larry baer's house boy for decades..what a putz..

  10. Liam Mayclem's accent isn't fake. He was born and raised in England, worked in broadcasting there for years before coming to the USA. Whatever else may be wrong with him, his accent is real.

  11. I don't know about you, Rich, but Union City 7-11's can be a godsend at 3am, when a Slim Jim or Beef Jerky strip and a large Big Gulp sure does hit the spot! As for the Lodi Hookers, I've never stopped by to chat with them--because I'm not sure if they're undercover Five-Oh...so I just keep rolling on...making sure to mentally record the image so that I can "take matters into hand" when I crawl into bed later at night.

  12. Cant figure Haener out, Shes not hot enough (like the Fix News babes) to just be a news reader and not smart enough to add value as a journalist. She’s very weak

  13. First off, I want to say that I have not listen to the radio since late March when I was fuloughed and now working at home. Ratto knows his sports but his delivery is painful with lots of silence between the words. Damon is a one topic guy, he goes on and on about how Levis stadium is the craps, and before that he just brags and brags that he got his salary renewed, maybe 3 or 4 years ago and now the baby thing, yea great your a Dad, now shut up and stop bringing up your one track topics over and over again and that the third guy in the afternoon drive, is just painful to listen too.

  14. Alan Martin is a very good-looking man with remarkable sex appeal. . Martin's pout with that salt and pepper hair is irresistible. He's just trim and fit and handsome. I think Rich is just jealous
