Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Basic Instinct Meets 2020 SF Media Style --Quick Tale Preview

Bathtub faucet has been dripping constantly. Took it off. What am ...


Nothing like a hot, (wait, HOT!) Wednesday morning to tell you of a story of the reporter at a local station who was way, way too late after the party.

She left her assignment in San Jose; headed back up to home in Concord. But not before meeting up with him (a fellow reporter, not her boyfriend) who was just as stressed out as she way; they had, shall we say, a "Basic Instinct" kind of night (replace ice pick with door knob) and all I know is, Whoa!

Talk later.


  1. Now that is suspenseful and way to leave us hanging for more.

  2. There is a hot reporter who works out of the South Bay for KPIX, but I don't know if she lives in Concord

  3. Ann Makovec and Da Lin?
