*KGO-TV, for the most part, its overall coverage has been solid even though its embarrassing morning show is so crass and amateur. The guy who has a fondness for hockey still believes his abject obnoxiousness is beloved by viewers needs to go. Yesterday.. What a total schmuck. {Up|
*The "Ronn Owens Report", really now? You'd think the guy would be able to do his lame broadcast from somewhere other than his closet. Yeah, he sold the Seacliff house --got great dough, but I guess he has no room in his apartment now. The girlfriend has to be really pissed.{down}
*KGO Radio: They're seriously trying. Thumbs up. I expect their March and April ratings to be gigantic. They should be. They've been great on the virus coverage. {up}
*Nikki Medoro Show on KGO Radio: Nikki talks about her kids way too much. Nikki talks about her husband way too much. Nikki talks to her audience as if she was a high-school cheerleader. Nikki has a TERRIBLE sidekick, Bret, BORING, Burkhart. Other than that, her show is great. {down}
*Stan Bunger, KCBS, he's the driver of the all-news 740 AM biggie, but Stan loves to talk only about the weather. I don't get it. Without the (retired) Susan Leigh Taylor, maybe Bunger misses his partner and needs help. He sounds overly aloof and bizarre. I dunno, maybe it's just me.n{down}
*KCBS fake traffic reports: disguised as "live" what a total fraud. Instead of just telling its listeners that these taped PSAs for Caltrans are not "live", instead, KCBS has the nerve to offer them as broadcast live. Not only unethical but stupid too. And insulting. {down}
*Megan Goldsby, KCBS: does this woman ever SHUT UP? Overexposed? Try that 10x over, she just can't go away. YAWN! {down}
*Chip Franklin, KGO Radio, even if a bit overly chatty, well rounded on Coronavirus --moreover, ge was one of first talkers to talk about the virus way back in January. Has devoted his entire three hours to the pandemic. {Up}
*John Rothmann, KGO Radio, like Franklin, has been thorough on virus pandemic and doesn't mind working 700 hours a month. Yeah, the grocery ad is abundant but so what. I love him when he talks about string beans and onions too. Yes, we have no bananas, John. {up}
*Pat Thurston: the interviews are great and her top-notch q and a technique is superb. Love Pat. {up}
*ALL radio sports-talk hosts: the fact they still say they can't wait for baseball and basketball to return confirms how out of the loop they are. {down}
*415 Media Sunday
> Megan Goldsby
ReplyDeleteOh God, somebody stuff a sock in her mouth.
mikki medoro, whats the appeal, housewives/retired/working moms? somehow they identify with her? more "cute" stories about her obnixous kids and husband? she should run away with heather the penguin/traffic lady