Monday, April 13, 2020

Ask Rich Lieberman (Coronavirus Coverage) TV-Radio; 415 Media Monday

CNN's Brian Stelter examines media coverage of the coronavirus ...

TODAY --I ASK YOU YOUR FEELINGS ABOUT THE BAY AREA MEDIA --and National too if you want, of the coverage of the pandemic --you certainly have questions and I have answers --feel free to ask away, name and city please.

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  1. Rich what are the best and worse of the local morning shows?

    1. None whatsoever which seems to be so KPIX these days.

  2. The best is still KTVU, although they're not the same anymore--nothing is. I think KTVU tries to be too much cute but that's a FOX thing, they still have a for worst, pretty much KPIX hands down but KGO is making a mighty push.

  3. Rich,
    Any thoughts on the new KPIX weather guy, Paul Heggan?

    1. Great if you are trying to fall asleep while watching the news. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  4. Rich,
    I grew up in Sunnyvale as a loyal KPIX viewer. I don't want to list names, but the Channel 5 anchors appear checked out. most of the PIX reporters are a struggle to watch. Any idea what is going on at channel 5 these days?

    Sadly the other local stations don't seem far behind PIX. I miss the good old days as much as you!

    -Dennis R.
    Los Gatos, CA

    1. Dennis: It's just been that way at PIX for years now; they fail to understand this and CBS seems not to care about its owned/operated station in the Bay Area. Sad. In every department, very sad.

  5. Isn't CNN embarrassed with all the commercials? Looks about 4 minutes now! They look like they are trying to take advantage of the situation.

    Dave, San Jose

    1. Dave, they have to make money. But you're right, the ads go on and on and on.

    2. The airports are closed and they lost all of those forced those eyeballs. Enter 4 minute commercials.

  6. Hi Rich,

    I've been switching back and forth from CNN to Fox just to get a glance of both sides. It's like a boxing match between the two stations. What in your opinion is the station with the most accurate news? Even if its not CNN or Fox.

    Thanks East Bay

    1. You're not alone. I too watch all of them, CNN, FNC and MSNBC, I think by and large they've both done a good job. I assume you mean the non-bias part of news presentation and not the opinion platform where Fox and MSNBC fail. There is a difference between the two.

  7. The Kung fu flu has proven to be no more deadly than the flu that circulates every year...but don't hold your breath waiting for the media to say that out loud.

    1. You're dead wrong about the flu but I'm not gonna fight you on your facts. If that means anything.

    2. Ooooh, it's a nasty thing. Triple-threat of virus, bacteria and pathogen as entry vehicles. So, absolutely novel as they say but perhaps not as lethal as projected...just yet.

      I think its important not to dig in too deep with any ideology on the coronavirus. There is a paradox with the economy and I just hope the right thing somehow gets done in spite of the inevitable politicization of it. Wish us luck!

  8. What kind of ratings bump has the nightly national news (ABC, CBS and NBC) received? I've found those 30 minute broadcasts refreshing (and a link to the way we all used to watch the news)? Also, are any younger people now watching the nightly national news?

  9. Ratings on all news platforms--TV, cable, radio, internet---are all HUGE, across the board. The virus is the ONLY thing people are talking and the only thing people want news, younger people included.

  10. Should KPIX 5 get rid of VDLC Veronica De La Cruz for having too many excuses not showing her face for once during the COVID-19 crisis? Adding on, she is the only reporter taking the most time off claiming this and that and wonder did they even do a background check on this staff before hiring.

    1. Unfortunately for PIX, and maybe this is weirdly, good, VDLC' isms have become so gossipy it's become a cottage industry. She's not going anywhere for now which is both good for her and the station. Go figure. Sort of.

  11. Where's Bernie Ward these days? What's he doing job-wise? Any guess as to when/if he'll ever return to radio?

  12. I am impressed with Stephanie Ruhle, MSNBC/NBC the business reporter.

  13. What is with the tv reporters wearing masks while doing their reports when no one else is within 6 feet of them-smells of political correctness to me
