Sunday, March 1, 2020

Phil Matier/Chronicle Cozy Relationship with Willie Brown Disturbing

Image result for Rich Lieberman 415 Media

WHY DOES PHIL MATIER not have anything bad, good, for that matter to say about Willie Brown?

Because Willie Brown, the columnist, and ex-pol, is immune from criticism at the Chronicle and that's bad.

Bad because Brown may or may not be under investigation but if he were, would the Chronicle be able to investigate fairly and not be subject to a legitimate conflict of interest?

Matier is cozy with Brown to a point where it's pretty disgusting if you hear the two chuckle on their Friday radio bit on KCBS.

Granted, it's a entertaining few minutes but Brown's continued involvement in city/state and national politics --and it ain't slowing down--subjects him to daily oversight. At least it should but you'll never see him investigated by the Chronicle and Phil Matier.

Bet you.

Image result for Willie Brown
And that's a problem.


  1. Phil Matier bought the last Hot Link at the 7-Eleven in Rohnert Park today. I was so mad. Phil, you’re an Asshole.

  2. I dun trust none of dem fellas outta Frisco.

  3. In that picture is Willie reaching out with his hand to clutch the balls of Phil Matier?

    Because that's where said balls reside.

  4. The Chronicle is a bastion of conflict of interest. Look at how Audrey fawns over the Giants. Don't think for a minute her feelings don't affect the coverage. After reading Hank Schulman, you'd think he was the team's chief flack. Thank goodness there's the NY Times. If there's anything significant that happens locally, they'll cover it and keep me from reading the local bird cage lining.

    1. > Thank goodness there's the NY Times.

      That one made me pass coffee out of my nose.

      Talk about a bastion of conflict of interests...

    2. Excuse me!!! the NY Times has no credibility!!

    3. Next to Larry Krueger, Henry Schulman is the biggest defender of all things Giants.
      These two character are the Giants 24 hour public relations team.
      Marty Laurie comes in at a close third.

    4. Name one news rag that is not only relevant but credible?

  5. Hey people, Maybe Willie is just an old man with nothing much to do. The real question is why there aren't any upstart youngsters taking over from him. Perhaps Willie World is an alternate world that exists solely for his base, Phil Matier and the oldsters that still read the Chronicle and watch KPIX. For many of us Willie is out of mind and out of sight and we are fine with that.

    1. The good news is that the readership and those listening to KCBS is so low on the meter, nobody cares.

  6. Willie has his hand out for your wallet.

    Hank, Once told me, When I asked him about not taking the Giants behind the woodshed. I can't.

  7. Matier's a clown who thinks he's an old-school "bulldog" reporter. The sad thing is he really really doesn't understand that he's not. His delusion is epic.

    He's in bed with Willie so much I'm surprised they don't have a room at the sinking Millennial Towers.

  8. Willie Brown is the definition of "dirty politician". He's also like the teflon don - nothing sticks to him. And that's why he's untouchable and no news organizations dare try to investigate him. But we all know he's dirty.

    1. And London Breed is "Teflon Donna."

    2. Get real, there have been so many investigations into Willie Brown, there's a chapter on his Wikipedia page devoted to them. They got nothing, stop whining and let him enjoy his retirement.

  9. The problem is with Audrey Cooper who is a wannbe power broker.
    She will do anything in her power to curry favor with your favorite Sports Team. Gee who could that be ?
