THEY'VE BEEN DOWN THIS ROAD BEFORE ..but now, the proof is in the pudding; KRON's parent is in the chopping mode and their Bay Area child is on the lean list, as are others, yeah, happy holidays, right...
Which is one of the reasons why I write and I write and I write and I write (sip some more coffee) all THIS. The corporate bastards make it easy for me. They have no timing methods; either that or they take pride in their Christmas presents to slave labor which is why nobody owes them a damn thing. Yeah, I'm sure it'll be a fun morning on Monday in the asshole's office.
*I'm told through the grapevine that KCBS simply has no one available to do fill-in on an early Saturday morning which is why it's possible to keep the truly god-awful, Jeffrey Schaub on the anchor desk and the otherwise capable reporter in the field sounds terrible broadcasting the news.
Schaub doesn't know how to run a board; doesn't know how to toss to the traffic guy; has moments of complete chaos and paper shuffling when he can't perform if his life depended on it that MAKES THE AIR! Holy cow, haven't they learned from past deeds? Apparently not.
Like I said, Schaub is more than fine in the street doing field reporting but terrible at the anchor desk.
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Jess Aguirre |
*You think I'm constantly fucking with KRON you should hear what their rank and file think of them, and yes, the asshole that is allegedly in charge.
*IT ISN'T AGAINST THE LAW to see that your 415 MEDIA is here for you, 24/7 which I am for the most part--then PLEASE, make a contribution to this site to keep this, (me) going if you enjoy the content and want to keep it sustainable.
SIMPLY go to the "Pay Pal" "DONATE" Button on the right side of the blog, (underneath the "Marina Times" ad, and DONATE NOW. It's 100% fast, easy and confidential. You don't have to have a Pay Pal account to donate and I'll personally call and/or email THANKING YOU for your donation.
There is no requirement that a media company offer contracts to on-air talent.If management offers contracts only to similarly aged men, but not women, there may be a discrimination issue. I don't know the specifics here, but it can also be a good thing not to have a contract. You can leave for a better situation without having to deal with a contractual "no compete" clause.By surviving this long in a business which rates women on their cellular elasticity, Jessica is no wimp.
ReplyDelete"Non-competes" are illegal in California.
DeleteYou are in error. Non-compete clauses are not "illegal" in California. True, that they are limited unlike other states, but they are not illegal.
DeleteWrong again, Christine. Non-competes are unenforceable in Calif, and certainly as it applies to broadcast contracts which is the subject at hand.
DeleteCalifornia's Ban on Non-Compete Agreements
The state will not enforce them against former employees, either. The state has gone so far as to wholly reject the “inevitable disclosure doctrine,” which means that non-compete agreements cannot be enforced, even to prevent someone from taking a position based on the grounds of a former employee's reasonable belief that a former employee will use one or more prior confidences (or trade secrets learned), as a means of securing new employment. In other words, if an employee takes a position with employer A, and learns their secrets that employee can then take a position with employer B, taking with them any knowledge they learned with employer A along the way. This is typical and true of normal skills, but in the realm of intellectual property, it can cause worry for business owners.
Non-compete clauses, despite your insistence otherwise, are not "illegal" in California.They are, as I said before,limited in California. Non-compete clauses aren't just about what happens when you leave, for example, a television station.They are about what you can do and where you can appear while employed and under contract. If you have a broadcast contract with a non-compete clause, it means typically ,for example that you cannot work at one station during the week , and pick up some extra work at another station(in or out of the market) on the weekend. Where exactly did you go to law school, McDonald's university?"non-compete clauses include what you can and can't do while employed, specifically in California. A California contract can contain an actionable "non-compete" clause today, despite your insistence otherwise. In other states, those clauses can ALSO include non-compete language which affect your ability to work elsewhere for a proscribed period of time AFTER your employment connected to that contract..See Shep Smith. In case you hadn't noticed, the broadcast workplace is without borders. Most tv and radio peeps work in several different states during a career.
DeleteThere's probably a long list of part-time, freelance and unemployed broadcast people in the Bay Area who would be quite wiling to get up early to anchor for KCBS.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the day when the asshole gets his..
ReplyDelete11:15 AM Which a*shole are you speaking about?
DeleteThere is a virtual plethora to chose from.
While appreciative of Ms. Craft's specifics, it wouldn't surprise me if the station's bean counter attorneys had a slight or more say about keeping everything uncertain.
ReplyDeleteAnd 11:15, spot on about KRON, but one could say that about anyone in a management position or higher. Or even the highest.
Friday wasn't a good night for John Rothmann. He was losing his composure with callers, shouting at them and eventually turning down their sound and dumping them. Then there was this unintentionally funny call from a guy who wanted to know if Rothmann knew who James Donovan was. Rothmann had been going on and on about how inappropriate it was for Trump to send a private citizen, Rudy Giuliani, to represent him in the Ukraine. Rothmann insisted that presidents always send people from the State Department to do errands in foreign countries.
ReplyDeleteSo the caller simply asked Rothmann if he knew who Donovan was. That was it. Rothmann exploded in anger.
Yes, he insisted that he knew who Donovan was. Absolutely he knew! Any expert on the presidency like himself would know who Donovan was!
Rothmann went on and on saying he knew who Donovan was. But he didn't say who Donovan was. He just filibustered for two minutes.
As he spoke, you could hear the clatter of computer keys. Then he finally said that Donovan was a private attorney who John F. Kennedy had sent to East Berlin and later to Cuba to negotiate on behalf of the United States.
It seemed obvious Rothmann didn't know who Donovan was for about two minutes, until he looked him up in Wikipedia.
Donovan was a private citizen doing an errand for the president just like Giuliani, so it blew Rothmann's point out of the water.
It took a minute or two for Rothmann to realize that a caller had forced him to admit his whole argument about Giuliani was wrong. His anger only grew. He cut off the caller and did a speech about how much more intelligent he was than his callers.
A classic moment in unintentional KGO 810 humor.
Ranks right up there with the day Pat Thurston was telling callers that Russia was in NATO.
10PM, Your account of that "James Donovan" episode was hilarious. At least I now know Johnny Rothman is not Dr. Spock after all, and he has a fuse that can be lit.
Delete"Of course I 'know who James Donovan' is, why the hell would I not know, a man of my means and experience?"
Wonder what Mr.Pero and Nexstar think about that little 24 hour news channel quietly moving into the BA.
A bunch of fresh faces running a news channel on 1/50th the budget.
Funny thing is they both get the content from CNN.
Rhe might only be OTA in Santa Cruz and S.Santa Clara for now....but you wait.
Any broadcaster in California who does not have a non-compete clause in their contract, or broadcaster without a contract can work at more than one place at a time, perhaps several days at one outlet, and weekends at another,even in the same market. IF they are fired for doing that, they can sue successfully for wrongful termination Yes, there are "non-compete clauses " in modern psc's in California. That's how broadcast bosses keep their talent only working in one place.
ReplyDeleteKRON is completely unwatchable in the mornings, and it's 100% because of Darya and the free reign the asshole in charge gives her.