Wednesday, December 4, 2019

49ers' Tim Ryan Radio Analyst: Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, and Dumber

49ers radio color analyst Tim Ryan: what the hell were you thinking?

Image result for Tim Ryan SF 49ers
Suspended indefinitely: Tim Ryan


  1. Oh No . . . . . . . . .
    This spells the end for Tim Ryan.
    Oh well the pairing with Greg Pappa was good while it lasted.
    Maybe he should speak a little more candid.
    Is John Lund available ?

  2. Did Jed York make this decision ?

  3. Ryan wasn't insulting Jackson - he was pointing out something that the Niner defense might have been struggling with. Personally, I appreciated the insight - it's not something I would have thought of.

  4. Even Jim Carrey & Jeff Daniels wouldn't be that dumb! Talk about 360 turn from respect to no respect! Tim Ryan turns into a bonehead!

  5. That's contemporary Amerikka for ya - so racist that white people aren't even permitted to discuss how a black person's skin color might be advantageous in a highly specific context.

    1. Yeah that is right when one considers the history of America's views on dark skin.

  6. He was thinking like a former Defensive Lineman, or a Coach. Many of whom realize the validity of Ryan's original comments. The dark skin, combined with the dark uni, a dark football, on a dark day, made it more difficult for the defenders to see that particular (highly skilled) QB's ball handling/faking during that particular game. Similar to what Madden used to say, with regard to uniforms. Dark gloves combined with dark unis, and white gloves combined with white unis, will make it more difficult for officials to see holding infractions! The contexts are "technical" in nature; all about visual perception and recognition of football moves and plays. And in Ryan's case, not race!

    I'm not aware of Ryan making any directly disparaging comments about Jackson's leadership and quarterbacking abilities, character, or intelligence.

    1. Watching the game I was thinking how the hell can you see the football. I was having a problem seeing the football on TV so I'm sure the players were having the same problem.

    2. >made it more difficult for the defenders to see that
      >particular (highly skilled) QB's ball handling/faking during >that particular game.

      lol@the fact that you had to put "highly skilled" in there to save face. That is the ridiculousness that is the United States in 2019. The rest of the world is laughing at us on a daily basis.

      We've coddled these dumbasses long enough with their race baiting. It will end soon enough, people are tiring of it.

    3. Saving what face, 10:26? Stating that Jackson is highly skilled is a fact, as are my other comments. It's a point that IS complimentary toward Jackson. How do you manage to distort that into something that is derogatory?

      BTW: To what extent is the "rest of the world" really laughing at us? And how do you make this determination? Are these places really that much better than this country? If they are, why are so many people wanting entry into this land that warrants so much derision?

  7. Rule no. 1 in sports broadcasting, don't ever mention race or skin color.

    -Jimmy the Greek

    1. Snyder's habit of getting inebriated and shooting off at the mouth, and also harassing female coworkers, caught up with him.

  8. "The dark skin, combined with the dark uni, a dark football, on a dark day"

    Wow, lots of "darkness" there...

    1. Something not valid about that point?

  9. It's a sign of the times. Like it or not. The reaction was a little much? It's a sign of the times. Was what he said bad? These days, it's interpreted that way. It's amazing how the social climate has changed over just the last few years. Really amazing. It's good and it's bad. The phrase "know the room" has a greater meaning now.

  10. Rich writes and allows commenters to post racist comments regularly on this blog. Surprised he has a problem with this (btw-I don't consider the remark racist)

  11. Let me guess.
    The Chronicle writer who broke this story is both liberal and white?
    What is more amazing is that the Chronicle as well as the San Jose Mercury News, practice racial discrimination in their own work place.
    All minority new hires are relegated to the crime beat.
    They will never reach plumb assignments.
    East San Jose, Bay View Hunters Point and the Mission district will be their domain.

  12. I think Tim was making an observation and it sounded worst than he thought it would be. He needs to own it!!! Say he's sorry and let's all move on.

  13. For some of the Knucklehead Apologists posting their drivel to this thread, Tim Ryan is a lot of things. But stupid isn't stupid one of them. He should have known better than to have said that nonsense in the first place. "I think Tim was making an Observation" my ass. Get a clue, will you?

  14. Good to know the SF social justice warriors (idiots) are still as dumb as ever... much Ado about worst a poor choice of words... everyone today is VERY BUSY looking to be offended...grow up

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. Much ado about nothing. PC hysteria.

  15. 2:26 PM - Please explain exactly what are "social justice warriors", a term Trump supporters love to throw out there BTW.

  16. His head is shaped like a cylinder.... Creepy.

  17. KNBR is doing damage control. This morning Joe, Lo, and Dibs on 95.7 the Game were having a field day ripping on Brian Murphy for not calling Ryan out and KNBR for erasing any trace of the podcast from its website.

  18. I for one am amazed at the "politically correct" kerfluff over these comments: it isn't actually racist to observe that the man does have dark skin that is a similar color to the ball, and that makes the ball harder to track when he carries it against his body. These are facts and do not belittle or demean anyone, or in and of themselves imply any bias on the part of anyone. Evidently, we've gotten so PC that we cannot make factual statements about color? We have to pretend that it doesn't exist?? That's just silly. But in this environment, I cannot even make this comment about it unless I hide behind anonymity, or I would get flamed or worse: somebody might try to get me fired for simply pointing out that the facts in the comment at hand are actually true.
