Sunday, December 8, 2019

39 Years Ago Tonight


{John Lennon and Yoko Ono)


  1. The United States declaring war on Japan on this date is a bigger moment bro.

  2. I saw that dude eating Thanksgiving dinner at Cityteam in San Jose on Thanksgiving night.

  3. When Lennon was killed, that sort of put an official end to my early adulthood. One thing I learned since then, was a person can be a superb songwriter, a nuanced performer and still be a total wreck as a family man or faithful husband.

    His oldest son, Julian looks like a mirror twin. Ironic, since John was not that involved in his life for very long. I learned that sometimes, justice is not at all poetic. Yoko Ono bulldozed her way into John's life and became his Svenagali when he was in a broken down, vulnerable state.
    Yoko's net worth now; over $500 Million.
    Sometimes All you need is Love, and a few million.

  4. I remember when I heard the news. I was on the phone talking with a friend and both of us had our TVs on in the background. We both saw the evening newsflash on TV at the same time. I wasn't a big fan but I'll always remember the event.

  5. Monday Night Football.... Chicago at Miami. It was announced during the game that he was shoot dead. John was before my time, but even my generation knew who he was and what he meant to music. A very sad evening.

  6. Pat Thurston just did an hour of the murder and life of John Lennon. I am a Beatles fan, although I was not when the first appeared on the music scene. I was living in my native Denmark and my teen age friends and I was mostly into Jazz. By 1967 I was living on the East Coast as an au pair, and the Sgt. Pepper's lonely heart band came out I liked it right away, since then I have been a huge Beatles fan also love Abby Road, and the White albun fan, and even now like some of their earlier songs, which I didn't when they came out. Could be because the remind me of my youth. I didn't care that much for John's solo number, but liked Paul McCartney first solo album a lot.

  7. December 6th was Altamont, December 7th was Pearl Harbor, and December 8th USA-December 9th UK was The Dakota.

    It was New England at Miami in an overtime thriller that Monday Night in 1980. 6 years before, at a Washington-Los Angeles game, LA Coliseum, while Frank Gifford was interviewing then-Governor Ronald Reagan, Howard Cosell preferred John Lennon's company. Cosell delivered the news about Lennon's murder during the MNF broadcast. Even Republican-friendly Gifford had a slight gulp before resuming the game broadcast. It was still Dandy Don's second stint, and Meredith was glad he was away from the mike as he choked up.

    John Lennon would have done a number on all of these trolls. He didn't get along with Nixon, but did get along with Reagan. Today's minions wouldn't have stood a chance. The Front Beatle is just as missed as MLK, the Kennedys, and Gandhi. His impact in and out of music is unmatched.
