Friday, November 22, 2019

My Two Cents

Image result for my two cents


*Double Jeopardy: I don't know what's more annoying: KCBS' Melissa Culross' pretentious and hideous one-second pause when broadcasting her name at the end of a report, to wit: "Melissa Culross, PAUSE, KCBS." --or overnight anchor Peter Finch saying "degrees" after each city during a weather report.

*Then we have on the same station, Doug Sovern's preposterous Impeachment hearings wrap-up where Sovern' professorial and painfully boring analysis makes him sound like the cranky teacher from Berkeley. Sovern needs to take a few doses of Zoloft to lighten up, holy Jim Jordan.

*Speaking of Impeachment, the Democrats might be right on motive but they have to have a better playbook thanks to the state of the times and asshole millennials.

*Jordan reminds me of a Toledo AOR program director who thinks the chicks thinks he's sexy. By the way, Jimmy boy, quit SHOUTING!

*Devin Nunes just looks like a prick.

*Much as all of you think I'm a partisan hack, I'm not. CNN is repetitious -central. MSNBC and their pack of retro retreads is predictable, including overrated Rachel Maddow. You know who has the most objective, watchable, believable take on the whole hearings? Chris Wallace. He's superb and infinitely credible in the oasis of polluted Fox News. Wallace needs a better venue.

*KGO Radio, to their credit, has carried the entire hearings --now if they can just dump the "Ronn Owens Report." Or in layman's terms, the way-I-can-get free cruises and hotel rooms-gig.

*Ronnnnnn did a few minutes with his wine boyfriend, Evan Goldstein --it was about as exciting as a meth hooker on heroin in the Tenderloin. Pompous Ronn and his band of idiots.

*Kudo, again, to Pat Thurston, who has essentially nailed PG&E time and time again. They deserve every piece of her wrath --and ours as well. Pat has a backbone. Ronn has a widget.

*That fucking horrible jewelry commercial on radio should be impeached.

*AM newstalk-radio is the last refuge of the squandered intellect.

*Notice when Greg Papa gets excited on his KNBR talk-show, he goes to gargle voice? Between him and asshole, John Lund's ass-licking, painful.

*Heather Holmes: Sandra Locke in Salinas. (Sorry Clint)

*Wonder what the late Bill Wattenburg would have said about all the fires in wine country and Paradise. It was Wattenburg's KGO Radio shows on the weekend nights that warned all of us that the forest fires and lack of clearing brush would spell our doom and dammit, he was right.

*Damon Bruce: goyim gone bad.

*November Sweeps: KRON still KRON.

*I'm sorry but KRON's jingles are so yesterday, they're not at 1001 Van Ness anymore.

*Look up the word, "pretentious" and you'll see a picture of Susan Leigh Taylor.

*Dueling yentas: Jan Wahl and Culross.

See ya later.


  1. GR8 morning on KTVU. No Burt and Ernie just the lovely Rosemary. Too bad we also had long of tooth throw back to EOE Dave Clark. His Zoot suits and sharecropper diction and horrible speech pattern make him impossible to watch.

    1. I don't watch KTVU until after 8:00 when DC is gone!

    2. Absolutely Spot on regarding Dave Clark. In addition CANNOT Ad-lib worth a Horse's Patootie!! OH YEAH-Back to You Pam/Gasia is the extent of Dave Clark's Ad-Lib skills. Clark is So Bad he makes Channel 5's Ken Bastida sound like Edward R. Murrow. Besides Clark is still good pals with Double Murderer Orenthal J. Simpson.

    3. Remember the good ol days, when we used to rub oil on each other’s Asses?

  2. Excellent critique Rich, but could you tell us how you really feel, please? Keep it up, you're entirely correct and to the point.

  3. Megan Goldsby on KCBS needs to slow down her speech. A little less coffee or whatever shes on. Sometimes she sounds like the end of commercial when they speed read all the disclaimers. I have no clue what she is saying.

  4. "CNN is repetitious -central"

    Just a month ago a few current and former employees of CNN came forward as whistleblowers. You call yourself a "Biased hack", that's nothing compared to what CNN has been doing according to the whistleblowers. I'm really surprised it hasn't received more media coverage. Apparently there's more to come so we'll see.

    "asshole millennials"

    I'm sure their response will be "ok boomer". Lol.

    Keep up the good work, Rich!

  5. Talking about boring, constantly mentioning Ronn and how boring his report is, we get it, no need to rub it in. On the positive side your comments about Pat Thurston and her show.

  6. Adam Schiff is a reptile. A lizard with dead eyes and no soul. Love to see the people of Burbank send him packing.

    1. Were you born like that, 11:22, or do you get into that state after taking hallucinogenic drugs?

    2. I kept waiting for his head to fall off!

  7. Shreve jewelers and john hanery knbr package both need to be caned so we can hear more commericals from assholes greg papa and larry baer's son Brian murphy

  8. How about the Traffic Prick on KCBS Using Big Words then Instantly having too Clarify the meaning of said word! Bay Area traffic minus any big wrecks is not that interesting or unpredictable.

  9. Thursten is OK until she gets hysterical about any subject re trump. Then I have to turn her off. Too shrill for radio or my ears. She needs to tone it down to a more professional radio opinion host.

  10. Re: "Pat Thurston, who has essentially nailed PG&E time and time again. They deserve every piece of her wrath --and ours as well."

    And thanks to Pat for asking her listeners to make sure that any ill-feelings toward the PGE Corporate folks aren't also sent to the PGE road crew workers. Those guys are hard working middle class heroes trying their best to make sure the system delivers the power reliably and safely, and have nothing to do with the shutoffs. PGE Corporate are getting a little too much heat IMO also. The Calif Public Utility Commission approved everything PGE did for years and years. A little more focus on the PUC's role, and a little less on PGE Corporate would better serve the public interest. One final point on this topic, any related rebate given by PGE should be exactly the same for both residential accounts and business accounts.

  11. Papa is garbage. Not a soul loves his voice more

  12. Rich, First time I have seen your blog. Surprisingly I like it and will be looking again and recommending it to people who want to feel the pulse of the 415 area. Sad to hear what they are doing to Rothman. I like the guy and think he has a great mind, but he has to toe the corporate line I guess. Now I know why he hangs upon me so fast. Rich, You need to get this blog more recognition. You have a unique view of the 415.
    Don in Salinas
