Monday, September 16, 2019

Making America Great Again

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The honorable Willie Brown and Democratic Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris


It's good to get the expert tutelage from a crafty pol like Mayor Brown who I'm sure provided excellent advice --in all aspects of life to Senator Harris. And then some.


  1. I wonder how His Willieness would handle the Cloak & Dagger secrecy acts by the Hairpiece-in-Chief and his minions.

    1. Hey Anony @ 1:44..... Trump is President and Camela never will be. Dwell on that.

  2. Old Willie is the mouthpiece behind Kammy.

  3. Kamala is Willie Brown's whore! She's screwed around with a married man, yeah, Willie is still married, just separated. Let's get more media coverage and research on that, what she did in her, probably, late 20's, when people typically have a slightly more comprehensive understanding about their actions, instead of an unsubstantiated freshman in college stupid action. Drunk freshman stupidity compared to intentionally pursuing favors from powerful politicians, laying back and "Laying Out" your entire future!

  4. Kammy the concubine!

  5. I wonder if Kamala's husband likes the taste of Willie Brown every time he kisses his wife. She screwed her way up the ladder. How originally feminist of her!

  6. Funny to see MAGAts comment on Harris' private life when she was single in the 90's, meanwhile Trump has cheated on every wife, including with porn stars who he paid off, raped one of his wives, and married a nude model from Slovenia...but keep judging Harris, you just look like hypocritical a-holes, just like your leader.

  7. With all due respect for the ignorati, Kamala Harris and Willie Brown had their fling many decades ago. Willie Brown is still "married", but not in the sense you assume. He has had several high profile, long term relationships since Ms. Harris. He is in his eighties now and has a russkie girlfriend. Ms. Harris is now married, in the traditional sense. The interesting part of their relationship is not that they had sex(people have sex, most married couples have sex outside marriage..see Donnie ), it's the fact that he saw a bright young star and gave her commission and board seats, which helped her get her political start. Most politicians have mentors, someonewho gives them that first opportunity. Having sex does not make you a whore. Did you think Kamala Harris should not be allowed to enjoy her sex life? What dos that make you, a prude?

  8. But no nudes in her portfolio like the First Lady.

  9. Please google Trump's Vatican Ambassador. Kamala will never be as big of a whore as Calista Gingrich is.

  10. Interesting discussion as to who the biggest whore is.... really.... friggin ignorant .....a whore is a would hope we could have better quality people representing us in government....

  11. love the Calista reference..Newtie boinked her(Helmet hair,not even moving) on top of his congressional desk, while he was acting all outraged about Monica's west wing dalliances...For the record, women like good sex. This is not evil...per se. If you are looking for an occupation without "whores", you won't find one, and certainly not in politics. That means both sexes.
