Sunday, September 29, 2019

De Niro on Trump on CNN



  1. Yes, Robert, Yes! Tell it like it is!! For as Jerry Jensen once said “Go get me a Fucken Hot Link!!”

    1. Whoever told this guy he was funny....lied.

  2. It's all this political crap that keeps me from paying you a penny.

    1. 5"39 PM. Haven't you heard?
      Rich doesn't have any respect for anyone who likes Trump.
      That includes you, me and a lot of other very discreet Californians. He has become more strident in his loathing of us. This is his blog, Rich can make whatever rules he wants to. When this became clear to me a few weeks ago, it kind of hurt. But I'm over it. I just don't expect anything else now.
      What you read, is what you get.

  3. F him. He's a Hollywood B actor now. No credibility as all entertainment people. What makes them more informed than us? NOTHING in fact less. They live in a dream world.

    1. "B" actor or not, I'll bet he makes a ton more dough than you, and income notwithstanding, his opinion is every bit as valid as yours.

    2. Money makes him and his opinion relative/relevent? Bet he spends more time worrying his balance sheet and his next job more than politics.

      His opinion is as valued as mine but probably shaded by the uber Hollywood, liberal crowd he runs in. In other words, he probably does not have an open mind nor thinks for himself. Follows the crowd. I like De Nero the actor but the screed he throws out I cant take seriously. sounds very spoiled/entitled and his word to God.

    3. 6:20 PM - Robert De Niro a "B" actor? Give me a freaking break, you MAGAts are not only liars, you're also delusional. But keep on supporting Trump, a traitorous lying moron at best. I can't wait until he's gone, one way or another...

  4. De Niro is a's fitting to see him rant on CNN.

  5. De Niro was GREAT. I saw the original broadcast and his comments were not censored...much to the surprise of CNN and Brian Stelter..wonderful television.

  6. Here's the fact. Robert DeNiro is one of the premier actors of our era.period. ..full stop. HE knows that, under our Constitutional system, no American owes a scintilla of love, loyalty,obedience or deference to the orange vulgarian. You can say "fuck" on cable, especially when you are talking about the creature trying to destroy democracy by extorting a foreign government to do his political dirty work, using US tax dollars as bait.....immoral, impeachable, treasonous(read Constitution for the first time, don't be like Donnie)

  7. It's just DeNiro being his DeNiro self. And for those who pout about Rich being anti-Hairpiece, well, it goes like this.

    No matter what party affiliation exists, let alone respective God worshipped or not, anybody who supports an admitted white supremacist who brags about rape automatically has his or her values greatly diminish. Every human being is human, regardless of gender, race, religion, lifestyle, or even politics. The guy on top doesn't believe that, and those who support him have to live with their own conscience, knowing it makes no sense to save babies when they don't want to save the mothers forever connected to them and give moms more freedom. Can't save wombs when the mom can't control her body like we can control our remote control or radio knob in the car. And how much worse would sanitation be for legal citizens if a wall was built against illegal immigrants? Those who continue to support such evil may end up with less freedom to choose whatever TV or radio station they want to listen to, let alone air to breathe and water to drink when they are unwilling to set up a long sanitized line to apply for a green card.

    Our 415 Media blogger and the multi-Oscar winner have one thing in common - a deep disdain for bonehead words, acts, and views. And both DeNiro and Lieberman have seen too much of that the last 3 years. Their views are shared by more people than one thinks.
